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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. THE TON (https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/the-ton/) $100 ORCHESTRAL SWARM, RICOTTI MALLETS, and SPITFIRE HARP
  2. Not seeing this one, King L.
  3. Thanks, Simeon. So, this year the Ton (https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/the-ton/) for $100 includes ORCHESTRAL SWARM, RICOTTI MALLETS, and SPITFIRE HARP
  4. So this is a former Waves guy. Interesting.
  5. Quoting myself, you guys should hear Simeon sing “It’s gonna be alright”, starting around the 50 minutes mark. Pretty, pretty good.
  6. Got these freebies the same way last December.
  7. That upright is pretty good. I’ll get the Americana EZKeys MIDI pack as I haven’t got it yet. T+S Loyalty Points, here I come.
  8. Good price. Another way to get it cheap (if you use Reason) is by getting the Synapse for Reason bundle and then asking Synapse for the vst.
  9. Strange thing. Kontakt Player compatible it seems.
  10. And here it is: https://www.spitfireaudio.com/aperture-orchestra/
  11. I hate plugins. But I love WUP.
  12. Or. This may be this year’s Ton for $99.
  13. Yup, shame there's no standalone version included ...
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