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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. It is. I usually get it under $10 a year when I hit the Zinio chat box.
  2. She always does And restarting her always does it too
  3. No, but I think that’s how it works when you buy Max, while most of mine were separate (Group Buy) purchases. Same with T-RackS. Still, several freebies like the Moog V or SynthWave were added into my account. Soldano and the metal cab were not. Go figure
  4. The individual ones (and freebies) I got are visible in my account, except the Soldano and the Metal cab.
  5. Finally got it through Custom Shop after upgrading to CS2. Still, the Soldano doesn’t show in my Product Manager, nor in my IK account.
  6. And guess what, one may think using the Uninstaller may help. Of course not. It says it “successfully uninstalled the IK Product Manager”. Only it didn’t. Still can’t get this rubbish off my computer. IK’s Product Manager is like Waves’ WUP Hate both with a vengeance. Edith: did a full restart. Bye bye IK PM.
  7. Really. Tried to add the freebies (Soldano and the like). Production Manager doesn't move an inch. Only queues, it says. For what? For whom? And I don't want to write support. Things like this should just work. Man, how come this company doesn't get better at this ... Edith: can't even close the Manager, getting an JavaScript Error Uncaught Exception: TypeError: item.cancel is not a function at /Applications/IK Product Manager.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/main.js:267:10 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at CancelAllDownloads (/Applications/IK Product Manager.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/main.js:263:18) at IpcMainImpl.<anonymous> (/Applications/IK Product Manager.app/Contents/Resources/app.asar/main.js:643:2) at IpcMainImpl.emit (events.js:315:20) at Object.<anonymous> (electron/js2c/browser_init.js:157:8980) at Object.emit (events.js:315:20) At times I hate IK.
  8. Kilohearts is pretty, pretty good.
  9. Extended DAW Compatibility Ableton Live 10, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Cubase, FL Studio, Studio One, Reason, Reaper, GarageBand, Bitwig, Digital Performer This may be the best way to collaborate during covid, and beyond.
  10. Dang, got to get me some EZBass. But I just got MODO Bass and still got to run it ...
  11. I prefer the more organic sound banks. Too much EDM bass is just machine gun noise to me.
  12. But where are the $4 deals of yore ...
  13. Got those last year. Particularly like the Atmospheres. Those were sold separately and apparently included now.
  14. Read about that, so Reason 12 it is
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