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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. That castle isn’t too shabby either.
  2. Peter, I believe his wife participates in the Deals forum once in a while.
  3. Nice. Becoming an avid Ueberschall collector. The only loops that work (because of their Elastik engine).
  4. I’m always leaning towards WD and G-Drive instead of Seagate and LaCie for reliability reasons. https://www.backblaze.com/blog/what-hard-drive-should-i-buy/
  5. Love this synth. Can’t wait for his next one.
  6. And there’s a huge number of extra presents if you own both Omni and Keyscape.
  7. True. For Keyscape (as for Omnisphere) the best way is to wait for 15% off at Musician’s Friend. Still pricey even then though.
  8. Or ... Ozone Pro is just Ozone 9 Advanced plus instant upgrades while O9A users will just have to wait for Ozone 10. I hope.
  9. Been eyeing this bundle for some time now but with Keyscape under my belt I’m not sure if I’ll jump any time soon. But I do like the UVI engine so ...
  10. I’m using Phase Plant for bass. Collective is great for S&S and FM as well as subtractive. Some fine bass guitar presets in there too though.
  11. Been enjoying Collective for quite some time now. Half off is a sweet deal for those add-ons.
  12. Peter Sellars. Now that one I liked.
  13. Not bad. I’ve been using those WD drives since a few years and they are sturdy.
  14. Sweet. Xperimenta does nice stuff.
  15. WUP-a-dee-doo-dah, WUP-a-dee-day!
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