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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Yeah, that’s the one I have. Pretty unique as a Nord Lead library.
  2. Fleer

    OTS Bluegrass Banjo

    OTS quality. Pretty, pretty good.
  3. Retromod is a fine series of synth libraries.
  4. He’s a nice guy and he’s okay He works al night and he sleeps all day
  5. https://riotaudio.com/product/tremolo-clouds/
  6. Very nice. Got their Retromod Nord so this is very welcome.
  7. But it ain’t no Mac system
  8. I like it. Does what it says and does it good.
  9. Pretty good. Loooove SoundYeti.
  10. So how fast did they go from 12 to 12.7 and what did they do in between? Are they adding a point release per updated plugin? Now I see how they launch upgrades every year while they used to wait several years back in the day. And I thoroughly hate WUP.
  11. True. In fact, each time I see a Total Studio sale, I wish I hadn’t got any IK stuff yet. Or maybe only one “$99 product” as that would let me crossgrade to Total Studio in one cheap go. But I’ve already got lots of IK stuff, which makes me feel stupid each time they do these “crossgrade from any $99 product” offers.
  12. Saw lots of those at Harvard and MIT. Then again, some of the smartest people on the planet are those who know they’re dumb.
  13. Sure. 12.7? 13 around the corner. WUP your *****!
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