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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. And those SPL De-essers next.
  2. Got fiedler audio stage for a tenner.
  3. Yeah. Let’s wait for the Return of the King. He’ll take care of things.
  4. Only second to Adaptiverb. https://www.zynaptiq.com/wormhole/
  5. I’m in! I’m in! I’m in! UNIFY here I come!
  6. Yeah, Hypernode is nice. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. Westwood is gewd stouph!
  8. Scottish developer. The original was quite good. Edith: so, number 2?
  9. Yep, that’s a very nice one. Good developer too.
  10. I really have to get to know Unify. I have John’s Omnisphere libraries, but are they compatible with Unify? Does one have to buy Unify and then repurchase those libs already owned? Or would buying Unify suffice to use them the Unified way?
  11. Yep. In da house. And love it. Great 80s synth, JMJ-style. Edith: wow, it even has a a plucked-string model, physical modeling flute, and sample-playback with looping, and that wavesequencer, pretty good:
  12. Looooooooooove Bolder Sounds. Absolutely wonderful libraries.
  13. No offense, but ... I gladly second that!
  14. You never thought of when you’re 64? We’re almost there!
  15. The early bird ... Edith: but who got it?
  16. Got a single use code lying around: MXwvY05f6GOz
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