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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. https://www.gingeraudio.com
  2. Jam Points? Nah, got some 400 of those. I need Gear Credits. Gimme some.
  3. Thanks for chiming in, Steve, and for the freebie of course.
  4. Already have That Thing soundscape fx from Beatskillz and like it.
  5. A dupe’s a dupe. But it’s a lesser dupe when HE’s not here.
  6. Quite amazing that they already support Apple Silicon. AAS and FabFilter are leading the pack.
  7. That's five Larryless pages. I'm showing all sorts of body tremors, leg shaking and the like. Edith: yeah, yeah
  8. I’m willing to trade my code for something I haven’t got yet. But I’ve already got all the usual suspects.
  9. Yeah, Koby is the way to go Waves. Best prices. Shame about WUP though.
  10. Just a bit sad about JRR. Used to get my fix there. That said, also still like Time+Space.
  11. Looooove me some Luftrum. One of my preferred Omnisphere patch devs, with PlugInGuru and The Unfinished.
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