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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Forgot about the 8Dio Claire Virtuoso. Not the Soprano but the Alto. Simply sublime.
  2. Some good ones at Embertone, ImpactSoundworks and Orange Tree Samples.
  3. Yep, the Zynaptiq one is miles above. Sadly also in price.
  4. I may get those SPL De-essers. Or not.
  5. Here: https://waldorfmusic.com/en/keys-frequencies-en
  6. Rather interesting Singularis, especially when you need a mono piano in the mix.
  7. This is when you know the world’s a lesser place when Larry’s not on it.
  8. Viggo vhere vee vantogo
  9. Ordered and got it. But no way I’m gonna run it.
  10. How large is that Miroslav Philharmonik 2 All Sounds Pack for iOS, Peter?
  11. Louder Than Liftoff Chop Shop has been added today. Should be a good EQ but I haven’t got it yet. It’s $10 with the coupon. Meanwhile, I’m also thinking of getting Zip for a tenner.
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