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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Got it with Carbon Electra (and Scaler) plus all expansions. If you can get an expansions deal, I’d say it’s pretty, pretty good.
  2. Dang. Gonna let that bird out of its cardboard coop.
  3. Mighty sweet strings from a unique dev.
  4. Still got the original iLoud somewhere. Never opened the damn thing.
  5. It’s a very nice rompler with great pads.
  6. Pretty pleased with this FM revival. Already got and love Phase Plant as well as MSoundFactory. This one looks like it’s gonna rule them all. Pricey but pretty, pretty good.
  7. Sadly those other vouchers don’t work anymore.
  8. My tower of DAW: 1. Logic 2. Bitwig 3. Waveform 4. Reason
  9. It’s my number three DAW.
  10. Those plugins were $49 in a bundle a few weeks ago. And now a free update to v2. Pretty, pretty good.
  11. Good decision, you’ll love the entire Kilohearts ecosphere.
  12. Meh, still $25 per plug-in. I’m used to $15 max with the coupon. Even used to be $5 in better days of yore.
  13. Zo’s Channel Strip vid is up as well.
  14. He would have finished his Requiem a bit sooner (and without help)
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