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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Actually they seem to be generic. Here they go: NOVATION25 for 25% off OB-E NOVATION50 for 50% off the other ones
  2. If anyone wants my discount codes, shoot.
  3. Fleer

    Tone2 Nemesis

    And free update to Nemesis 2 https://www.tone2.com/nemesis.html
  4. This month’s exclusive Sound Collective community giveaway is GForce’s impressive emulation of the original Mini, for Mac and Windows (Minimonsta IS NOT compatible with the latest version of macOS, Big Sur). Minimonsta is free to download for Sound Collective members from 3rd June 2021 to 5th August 2021 (4pm GMT), and comes with a 25% discount code for their newly released OB-E — a unique take on the legendary 8-Voice, offering complete per-voice control. There is also a 50% discount code to redeem against other instrument in the GForce range.
  5. But there will be a special voucher this month !
  6. Yeah, could have made the demo more musical. But hey, maybe I’m the only one liking Lion As for F.’em, well, 11 operator-FM !
  7. Okay you suckers, I’m in. Sounded too bloody good when I listened to this presets demo vid
  8. Yeah, I’m not counting those Massive packs, only regular sample libraries and effects.
  9. Interesting. Wonder how this one compares to VirtualCZ from PluginBoutique.
  10. Okay. I’m in as well I guess. Paying $250 for the KU13CE upgrade with at least 25 new toys should be pretty, pretty good.
  11. This is actually a pretty amazing deal, come to think of it.
  12. In the meantime, you can already use Unify on Core.
  13. You’ll like BBC Core, but you’ll love BBC Pro.
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