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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Some thoughts from the old days: http://forum.cakewalk.com/m/tm.aspx?m=3778273&p=1
  2. And don’t forget that Channel Strip
  3. There’s can be only one. TTF!
  4. Best of all: if you’ve got the SSL Native Channel Strip and Bus Compressor plug-ins, there’s a free upgrade to version 2
  5. Yay! Audio comping! And M1 native!
  6. Love their violins. Great dev. Already have Angel Strings and Celestial Voices.
  7. Fleer

    Should I?

    No, you’re good.
  8. Tracktion is one of my favorite devs. Got that Delta-V Audio SpaceCraft Granular Synth lately and it’s pretty, pretty good.
  9. So I’m sitting here with those Gear Credits in my hand …
  10. Pretty, pretty good. Waiting for a sale to upgrade the free bundle to full status.
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