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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    Thanks! Also thinking of those SPL De-Essers. Gotta choose between those three …
  2. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    Nah. Wouldn’t work. Minimum spend $32 to use your $25 voucher. So I got the SPL Vitalizer for now at $9.99 which is, well, pretty, pretty good. Until that $20 voucher gets reset in a few hours.
  3. But first that free bonus library.
  4. Fleer

    Out again!

    Beats swallowing swallows
  5. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    I’m gonna sit this one out. Until $29.99 minus $25. After all it’s PA Poker.
  6. I don’t think so. That being said, this deal is mighty fine. If you didn’t get MSoundFactory yet, get that M(S)F!
  7. Good point. I checked. Since I only used the 20 credits I got from my newsletter sub and didn’t actually purchase, the 20% code still works, though this also means I still don’t have my own referral code
  8. I didn’t use a referral code as I had exactly 20 credits to cover the upgrade. So next time I’m go for that 20% referral credit. By the way, Starship Krupa’s code is MELDA1923165
  9. Fleer

    Out again!

    Keep Kentucky Safe, Larry!
  10. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    Make Edith Go Away
  11. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

    I won’t run anything under Rosetta on my M1 as it uses memory swaps more often.
  12. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    I’m thinking SPL Vitalizer for a tenner. Or the ACME optical comp, but I already have bx_opto. Or that Lindell TE-100. Or the SPL De-Essers. Voucher will probably reload in a day or two.
  13. Fleer

    MacBookAir M1 $849

    Quite remarkable indeed as Kontakt isn’t Silicon native but using Rosetta 2.
  14. And then they all turn up in KU14CE …
  15. Fleer

    PA Mega Sale

    No voucher no sale.
  16. Love all things Kilohearts.
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