Nah. Wouldn’t work. Minimum spend $32 to use your $25 voucher. So I got the SPL Vitalizer for now at $9.99 which is, well, pretty, pretty good. Until that $20 voucher gets reset in a few hours.
Good point. I checked. Since I only used the 20 credits I got from my newsletter sub and didn’t actually purchase, the 20% code still works, though this also means I still don’t have my own referral code
I didn’t use a referral code as I had exactly 20 credits to cover the upgrade. So next time I’m go for that 20% referral credit. By the way, Starship Krupa’s code is MELDA1923165
I’m thinking SPL Vitalizer for a tenner. Or the ACME optical comp, but I already have bx_opto. Or that Lindell TE-100. Or the SPL De-Essers. Voucher will probably reload in a day or two.