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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Famous E beats this one hands down. Sheer inspiration.
  2. Me, I just get their Advent freebies ?
  3. Nice one, got this last year. Welcome, T+S, to our humble abode.
  4. Here https://www.sonokinetic.net/sale/
  5. Yeah, his Inspector Canardo comic series is absolutely marvelous. He will be missed.
  6. I’d like to, Zo, but he’s not as frequent as back in the day. Here’s hoping he’ll find his way back to our neck of the woods
  7. Vastman is alive and posting at VI Control. As for Silk and RA, I opted for the former because of the articulation wealth. Didn’t get the latter. Indeed, too many instruments covered in too little space.
  8. Benoît Sokal, the game designer, died a few weeks ago. Sad loss.
  9. Soundtheory introduces Gullfoss Master to complete its EQ plugin trilogy Soundtheory has announced the launch of the third edition of the Gullfoss intelligent equalizer effect plugin. A major update, Gullfoss Master is a no-compromise edition of Gullfoss with all quality-related parameters set to maximum. It is specifically designed for mastering engineers requiring the highest precision. While sharing common feature sets, each edition is customized to perform best in each stage of the recording process: Gullfoss Live for tracking, the original Gullfoss for mixing, and now Gullfoss Master to put the final touch on your music. Gullfoss Master allows for finer parameter adjustments and optimizes the auditory model for small gain changes. It also increases the internal precision, so that the processing noise floor is reduced even further. All three editions of Gullfoss are now available to users in one easy download: Gullfoss Master: Extended auditory model tuned for mastering, 20ms latency, higher CPU consumption. Finest parameter precision. Gullfoss Standard: Suitable for most mixing and mastering applications, 20ms latency, lower CPU consumption. Standard auditory model. Gullfoss Live: Suitable for live music mixing and tracking, latency below 2ms. Minimal treatment of transients, leading to a different sound character. Gullfoss (including all three editions) for Windows and macOS (VST/VST3, AU and AAX) is priced $199 USD. Use coupon code MASTER30 at the checkout to get a 30% discount, valid through July 31st, 2021. Current owners of Gullfoss can upgrade at any time for free. New users can try Gullfoss for a two week free-trial period with full functionality. More information: https://www.soundtheory.com/home
  10. Actually, this forum is a bit stale without the man, reeking of moldy toes and stouph.
  11. Sure he was talking ‘bout Paris?
  12. I know … dang … must … resist
  13. Already got FrontDAW but wondering about those comps. Man, I’m a *****.
  14. Same here. And I’m still on v4.
  15. Fleer

    Fun free De-Esser

    Here: https://techivation.com/t-de-esser/
  16. Bitwig 4 has arrived. Ongoing sale takes $100 off. Until 20 July. https://www.bitwig.com
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