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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    Ez keys

    Best alternative may be Time+Space, ZT. That’s where I got mine.
  2. Let’s get on that Horse with no Name and ride.
  3. Someone make us an age tree. See where the babies are.
  4. If colonoscopy, I’m getting a concrete coat.
  5. Lest I forget. Just turned 60. I’m in limbo.
  6. Just sent Edith on her way. Duck.
  7. My survey voucher came with the $32 limit.
  8. Larsy, even though we share the same age, I’ll be on the chain gang for another eight to ten years. But then! Yeah, then!
  9. I just did. Worked fine. Brought the transfer fee to zero.
  10. Fleer

    Ez keys

    Yeah, they come with MIDI stuff. Actually, if you already own an EZ Keys library, adding another instrument now only costs $40 or so. But I get your thoughts on those Spectrasonics FX. Don’t know if I’d buy an expansion for that reason only, though. And I guess they’ll get added in with Omni 3.
  11. Twice as much as I used to pay. Still not jumping
  12. Yeah, me too. They weren’t very clear on that one.
  13. Fleer

    Ez keys

    Got both, Zo. Wouldn’t say there’s a lot of tweakability (though there surely is some) but the recorded and curated sounds are really worthwhile. Still, these are quite different from “standard” EZKeys piano sounds, which means not all MIDI packs will be perfectly compatible. But the same could be said of their pipe organ and their string machine. And some MIDI packs are actually dedicated to sustained sounds.
  14. And don’t forget EastWest Opus. To put it neutrally: a dream come true. But we had been dreaming for quite a long time
  15. But the $25 survey voucher is still limited by the $32 purchase threshold, isn’t it?
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