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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I think they changed the question …
  2. And both smoke the laptops they’re in
  3. Mine’s almost $6000. Luckily not paying myself. Crazy.
  4. And this still is a great library!
  5. BassDaddy, wake up, this one’s for real.
  6. Thanks to Eusebio I now have every AAS sound bank known to man.
  7. My favorite tutorials, even more so than Groove3 (except for Eli Krantzberg).
  8. Two words and a character: Logic Pro X Yeehaw ?
  9. I’m switching towards a laptop setting. Not as much for portability than eyesight. These old eyes seem to adapt better to a laptop screen than a separate monitor. And the M1 Max 16” MacBook Pro is a beast.
  10. Naturaliser looking good indeed.
  11. Maybe get Post Rock and Pop Rocks, if you like the Strum engine.
  12. Luminar AI should also run Apple native, I believe.
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