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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Thanks! Those are nice freebies.
  2. Got this one free from PluginBoutique last year, non-purchase linked. Maybe still available there too.
  3. Sounds pretty good. Got their music box last year.
  4. So it’s $149 to upgrade. I guess I’ll wait for the inclusion of OpSix and Wavestate ?
  5. Cheers, Craig. I did just that. Didn’t work, code was not valid for the $49 upgrade. I guess there’s a difference between (my) Korg Collection version 2 and the so-called Special Version 2 you need for the $49 upgrade.
  6. Actually, this is what I did two years ago: “Users who already have the plugins from the KORG Collection can update to version 2 for free. To get KORG Collection 2 series, login to KORG ID and download them or install KORG Software Pass and activate your account in the app.”
  7. Then upgrading from the original Legacy Collection shouldn’t be more than $75. Just sayin’.
  8. Still got V1. Can I join in?
  9. Fun to be had. Never used Syntronik Deluxe. Now I understand I don’t have to.
  10. Still have the original Collection. Would that also run AS native now?
  11. “Free” and “Reverb” Two of the nicest words combined.
  12. Maybe try again. I just enlisted and got the plug-in straightaway.
  13. You mean getting them all over again ?
  14. Thanks Peter, but when we get all new synths in the Group Buy and max out, what happens with our original Syntronik synths? Do they get the V2 treatment?
  15. Not yet, but the blurb says I should have gotten a serial ?‍♂️
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