Still, only 10 cpu cores, eight performance and two efficiency, BUT 32 gpu cores, which is why I’m hoping these thirty-two will deal with that hungry GUI.
And the 10% ‘soundwide2020’ code doesn’t work on the Soundwide bundle anymore, which took $60 off and allowed for the addition of free plugins. Opportunity gone I’m afraid.
Vertical? Nevvah!
Easy peasy, in fact. Transferring a PA plug between accounts normally costs $20 but when there’s a so-called PA Mega sale you get three consecutive coupon codes worth $20 each and those are of the “no-minimum-spend” kind, hence you can use them to activate the plugins you wish to transfer.
Same here. I just used the code someone posted at Gearslutz. Didn’t even have HG-2 myself but the upgrade code worked and I got HG2-MS for $0.09 with the Soundwide codes. Now I know why my spelling checker made me soundwise
By the way, thanks Craig for pushing me into checking this out. Opened two more accounts to get the HG2-MS and Purple MC77 for free. Well, for 9 cents. Now I’ll have to wait for the next PA Mega sale and their no-minimum $20 vouchers to bring them all home.
HG-2MS for $0.09
Just use the upgrade code.
You don’t even need to own the original.
Same goes for Mono Upmix and for Keemun.
And you can get that new Lindell 902 De-Esser for free too, just like Purple MC77 or Lion.