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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Still, only 10 cpu cores, eight performance and two efficiency, BUT 32 gpu cores, which is why I’m hoping these thirty-two will deal with that hungry GUI.
  2. So … is it any gewd?
  3. Looking like clickbait. I even logged in, put it in cart, and …. …. $80 buckaroonies
  4. Wouldn’t a GUI stress the GPU more than the CPU?
  5. And the 10% ‘soundwide2020’ code doesn’t work on the Soundwide bundle anymore, which took $60 off and allowed for the addition of free plugins. Opportunity gone I’m afraid.
  6. You can even add another plug-in like Lion up to a maximum of $60 to still end up at zero cost.
  7. Vertical? Nevvah! Easy peasy, in fact. Transferring a PA plug between accounts normally costs $20 but when there’s a so-called PA Mega sale you get three consecutive coupon codes worth $20 each and those are of the “no-minimum-spend” kind, hence you can use them to activate the plugins you wish to transfer.
  8. Same here. I just used the code someone posted at Gearslutz. Didn’t even have HG-2 myself but the upgrade code worked and I got HG2-MS for $0.09 with the Soundwide codes. Now I know why my spelling checker made me soundwise
  9. I’ll check this one out first before eventually upgrading (or not). Wanted that famous Relab sound and presets will suffice for now.
  10. Using AU myself, so that’s OK.
  11. You can always open a new account and later transfer the plug-in for free to your mail account using a Mega sale no-minimum-spend $20 coupon.
  12. Glad it worked out. Thanks to Craig for responding whilst I was horizontal.
  13. Got to get this now. Should have gotten it way earlier.
  14. By the way, thanks Craig for pushing me into checking this out. Opened two more accounts to get the HG2-MS and Purple MC77 for free. Well, for 9 cents. Now I’ll have to wait for the next PA Mega sale and their no-minimum $20 vouchers to bring them all home.
  15. HG-2MS for $0.09 Just use the upgrade code. You don’t even need to own the original. Same goes for Mono Upmix and for Keemun. And you can get that new Lindell 902 De-Esser for free too, just like Purple MC77 or Lion.
  16. Sure wish I could hate Apple. Would have saved me lots.
  17. Arturia’s got a good one too, but I wish it was M1 native already.
  18. Same here. And those two seem to be EOL as there’s no M1 native version coming.
  19. Thanks guys, that got me off the fence.
  20. Not sure about this one though. Lots of “Coming soon” stouph.
  21. My wife just got a WUPadoodle (samoyed). Guess I’ll be looking at that mutt for quite some time.
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