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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Did it. Only got: Instructions: VSL_FreeInstruments_InstallationQuickGuide_en.pdf(0.21 MB) VSL_FreeInstruments_InstallationQuickGuide_de.pdf(0.22 MB)
  2. Yeah, this draws me into Vienna for the first time.
  3. Craig, if you’re interested you can have my XI for $250 plus iLok and PayPal cost ($290 total) so you can upgrade to XII for $199 or less.
  4. I know ? It all started the day after Christmas.
  5. Same here. And if my v1 synths are not getting upgraded, I’m not getting into this GB.
  6. Komplete 14CE it is. Even better. Still have to register my 13CE.
  7. I wonder whether this will “Upgrade previously purchased synths” because Syntronik 2 CS and Syntronik 2 SE do not. So, if you already have Syntronik 1 and get the new synths through this GB, do the old ones get updated, Peter?
  8. Interesting. This means you can get them all for $50 or less with JamPoints. On the other hand, if you’ve got the original Syntronik collection, the upgrade to Syntronik 2 may end up at about the same someday over the rainbow.
  9. XperimentaProject is pretty pretty good. Already got and love their Preparato and Due pianos.
  10. Which means you can probably still get it for $15 with the generic $25 coupon. Sweet deal.
  11. Indeed. And they just started a new line of synths, iLok free.
  12. Been waiting for this Imaginando synth.
  13. So can we still use FileSilo for our old mags?
  14. A lot of drive space, but I only kind of liked the strings back in the day.
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