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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. UVI Plate in da house. Clearly the best deal at 70% off. Still had a personal no-limit $20 voucher, so $9 well spent.
  2. Got a T-RackS 5 SE serial for $40 if anyone’s interested.
  3. Didn’t know that. Could be the definitive argument for me to get the effect that’s not included in Falcon.
  4. Got that Clarinet too, and their Cello. Killer indeed.
  5. Which ones do you guys recommend apart from Shade and Sparkverb (which I have)?
  6. Go May-25-OFF yourself, PA, with that stooped minimum order limit.
  7. Already got Sparkverb and Shade. Any recommendations?
  8. Don’t for-get their free Warmy (or maybe that’s the one you already got), as it’s pretty good: https://www.kiiveaudio.com/warmy-ep1a-eq
  9. Don’t have this one yet, but I do have their Tape Face (now with Plugin Alliance) and that’s easily one of the best tape plugins around. Great dev.
  10. Distinct! (Overstayer saturation) from Kiive is also only $10.
  11. Got it through Focusrite back in the day. Nice freebie indeed.
  12. Welk, I’ve only been hitting Toontrack’s EZKeys (almost all instruments except for the two lost dance oriented ones) and their EZMix (including some named expansions like the Supertramp-inspired Henderson one).
  13. Maybe they want to make up for waiting so long with Apple Silicon
  14. I like it. It’s a sampled Steinway D, part of their larger keyboards bundle. Not getting too much love on the forums, mind you. And regularly free with purchase.
  15. Here’s hoping that the new Objekt instrument will be free for Reason 12 owners too. Incoming next week.
  16. Cello Textures and Bass Sculptor are sweet.
  17. “For this 2.0 upgrade, we remastered the samples to give you pristine quality, and embedded them into our four-layer modular engine. Our advanced sound-design features and sound-shaping controls let you morph and stretch these vocal timbres into new dimensions of soundscapes and more.” Iron Pack 7 - Soprano upgrade is $2
  18. I wuz talkin ‘bout the Voices of Rapture version.
  19. Didn’t get any. Generic or not?
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