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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. For me to no, for you to find ow
  2. Dealio on a pretty great thingio
  3. Some thoughts on the future here: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=534020&start=150
  4. Still one of the best synths I have.
  5. Wow, got this one a few years ago for way more. Hidden Path Audio is a great dev.
  6. So I’ll get me some Shreddage 3 Legacy Edit: banzai! Thanks @laglag
  7. Tried the coupon on the Water Piano but no luck.
  8. Creative bundle is my favorite if you’re not going for the Total bundle.
  9. I only download the ones from ReasonStudios except Electric Bass. That one’s almost 5GB on its own.
  10. Same here. And when Algoritm & Friktion were on half off sale last August (each $49 instead of $99) I got them both free with my Rewards. Not bad. Added that pretty sweet Objekt.
  11. They do this regularly (every 6 months or so).
  12. And last August had a pretty amazing “5 for $249 bundle” offer I took advantage of.
  13. Their latest, the Twin 3 synth, is pretty remarkable. Sounds almost as good as my hardware Sequential.
  14. Strange offerings, apparently mostly limited to KU14CE owners.
  15. Yeah, PA too, but they actually joined under the SoundWise umbrella. This apparently didn’t work out, so now iZotope and PA receive the NI moniker.
  16. Yep, they sound great. Already have more than 10. Completing my collection
  17. But I can’t push myself to get anything from Rob Papen. Is it the GUI? Is it the guy? Donno.
  18. Something’s happening in Hornetland. These sales are far and few between ?
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