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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Arctic Strings is sweet.
  2. I used the third voucher to pay for an SSL G transfer.
  3. These are their very best. Unique stuff.
  4. I’m still very fond of the sound of Kirk Hunter strings, especially Concert Strings version 3.
  5. I particularly love their synths. And the ones by Dawesome are pretty unique in sound (and vision).
  6. Yep, plenty more choices last time. Still, some interesting ones for $5 (with voucher).
  7. I have to say your friends are right. FabFilter reigns supreme for me.
  8. To be honest, I’m actually rather uncertain about what to do with these UAD plug-in sales. They used to be really expensive and linked to hardware, but where are they going now? $29? $19? $9? It’s pretty weird. And one of their head honchos has gone over to Apple. Strange days.
  9. Would like to know that too, but I fear it isn’t. Anyway, would be a reason to get Kontakt 7 for $49.
  10. I still like to collect them all if I can. Lots of good ‘uns, like MagicAB, the Alpha Comp, elysia nvelope and Knifonium.
  11. Same here. Got another 10 to activate. Let’s hope this code gets renewed twice like in recent olden days.
  12. Sorry, too late. Bad joke, I know, but I only have my coat.
  13. Hadn’t thought of that. Figured they would all be.
  14. For cello playability (with piano) I would definitely prefer the Bohemian Cello from Virharmonic, Emotional Cello from Harmonic Subtones, or even Tina Guo from Cinesamples, although the latter admittedly is quite creative.
  15. Yep, but the best ones from Have Audio I have are Nordic Cello and Nordisk Kontrabass.
  16. Cremona Quartet is why I got the K13U CE upgrade.
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