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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. Fender Mustang modelling amp. I ordered a 2x12 one to try it out because at the time nobody had them in stock. I got suckered in by all the awesome sounding vids and reviews on YouTube. The reason the demos and vids sound so good is there was a LOT of extra processing going on there. Through the 2x12's it sounded like you plugged your guitar in to a dry input on you DAW and were listening through your mixing monitors. It was even worse without any amp modelling activated in the amp and you were trying to just use it as a basic standalone clean amp. I dont know if they have updated them since but my God the first run of those amps was horrible. They bragged up its ability to create your own patches via an app on your cell and control it. That didn't work either. It was a magnificent cluster. All these problems were more than likely the reason nobody had them on the floor, but there were plenty around to order and have there in a day. I have zero regrets returning that and ultimately not buying it.
  2. That doesn't mean I haven't changed my mind about certain people and the topics at hand, for the better. Nothing really gets under my skin anymore and 99.9% of everything "bad" I see here and in life just rolls off my back now. I was thinking of starting a thread like this a while ago but always backed out. Glad you did. And now back to my Blueberry Vodka and some John Barleycorn Must Die.
  3. Well, sort of. 1. I made a comment one time that was taken out of context. A couple of you guys here scolded me about it and as a result the other person involved and I were banned for a week. Both of us were left scratching our heads over it because we both understood, but nobody else did. We talked and joked about it via email. Without mentioning names this person posted a picture of their significant other that was very provocative. I made a comment something along the lines that someone else's pics that were nowhere near as provocative gets it deleted, but this persons pic was ok. It wasn't worded that way, but that was the intent. Literally like 5 minutes later we were both banned for a week with no explanation. I can only guess someone reported the thread and immediate action was taken. 2. Back in the beginning I misunderstood Ed's humor and actually thought he was messing with me. I was completely wrong about that and always felt bad about it. I guess this is my apology to him for thinking that. Other than that, I have zero regrets about anything I've said on these forums since the beginning.
  4. All I keep hearing in my head is since seeing this is, "We have assumed control. We have assumed control."
  5. Ok. I have to correct myself here regarding this. This was a free update to version 6. When I clicked for details in the email my browser said it was unsecure so I never read the full details. I just manually went to the site and checked it out. This was actually a huge update in some regards. They now have native Dolby Atmos support. You don't have to pay extra for a Dolby Atmos license/plug-in. You can mix and export. This is something I would actually use. I always liked mixing instrumentals I recorded in surround but never had a way to export to a file that was playable on a surround system.
  6. Yep, it's in Project Mode. I just import all my master wav files and name them on each track then you choose what gets written as CD Text. They show up as tracks like in Song mode but it only accepts 1 wav per track. You can edit each track with VSTs,, adjust volume, wverything like in Song mode except tou can only work with a single wav file per track. If you have a powerful enough PC you can open all the original Song projects and Export a master to Project mode. That way if you have an edit to make to an instrument or vocal you can. As soon as you save the Song file it auto updates the Project file.
  7. Man. Just when I thought I had your post figured out as Novenber 25th 6002, I see I'm wrong ... again! ?
  8. The more I think about this topic, the more I realize that the visual appearance is just as important, maybe more, than what features the DAW has. I guess that's why I've always preferred Sonar. It's still to this day my favorite visually. And it does everything I need. That has always been one big hangup I've had with Studio One. It's just not visually appealing, to me, although it is the better choice for now on a 4K monitor. I just got an email for an upgrade to the new 6.5 version of Studio One. I just don't see anything there that I need or want.
  9. A scary avatar?! Gasp! Who would ever do such a thing ...
  10. I still do but I'm not sure this is what you are looking for. It may lead you on the right path though. I export an ISO image with Studio One which includes CD Text and all that good stuff, then use IMG Burn to make the disc. I always do it at the slowest speed possible even though with technology now I can do it fast as lightning. IMGburn is rife with viruses if you get it from anywhere but the official IMG site. Be careful.
  11. Is this some kind of Beatles song thing? 8 days a week to 25 months a year? ?
  12. All amps are gone here in favor of my ART hardware as a compressor/preamp combo into VST's. I do have an amp just in case I want to play live, but I never record with it. It's a Fender Champion 100, 212 combo. It's a very basic modeling amp with 2 channels. It has a knob with only a few built in modeling presets, but I'm more than happy with it. I wish someone still made a 1 x 15 combo. Those were my favorites to play clean through. I saw an old Kustom cream colored one in a used guitar shop years ago. It had a bad buzzing sound so I passed on it.
  13. I could part with all of my guitars except for one. My customized and truely road worn 1985 (84?) Made In Japan left handed black strat. I joined my first band when I had just turned 13. My brother bought me a used red Montaya which was pretty much only good for kindling. The neck looked like one of those plastic pieces of flexible Hot Wheels track. And no amount of trying or switch position would stop the terrible buzzing. It was horrible. Ronnie the drummer in the band took me to the local music store and bought me the MIJ strat. I still have it and it still plays like a dream. I customized it with EMG's and a volume mute switch shortly after I got it. I had to replace the bridge due to rust from sweating on it over the years and I had to have the frets raised once about 15 years ago. They were flattened but not worn away so they were able to raise them rather than replace them. After all these years the intonation is still dead on and it still plays like a dream. I played that guitar every weekend for 16 years straight and use it to record and practice to this day. Ronnie died a few years ago. This guitar has so much sentimental value to me beside the fact that it plays like nothing I've ever tried. I bought a used left handed Gibson Black Beauty Custom one time. I could never warm up to it and eventually sold it. It was weird, I sold it through a music store in Kansas when I lived near Kansas City years ago. Someone on this forum, back before we moved over to Bandlab, saw it on the music stores website and bought it. Now that I'm getting older I worry about who will get my strat and make sure it's taken care of when I'm gone.
  14. FWIW, this works really well in Studio 1 too. But I don't think it works that way by default and it sounds like Ableton is set up to do this more easily. Iirc you can do it after the fact in clip properties or set the entire project up to be able to do that. I've used it a few times but not a lot. What I have done a lot is transfer 8 track tapes from a machine with only 4 outputs. The timing floats because it's a cassette based machine. I transfer the first batch of 4 tracks including drums and group them. Do the second batch and include the drums again and group that batch of tracks. Grouping makes it so if you edit timing on a single track in the group, all the other tracks in that group follow the edit. Detect transients on the drums in both groups, quantize to transients, and done. All tracks line up in both groups to the detected drum transients. Sometimes I'll have to do a 3rd group for the 8th track and again include the drums due to the distinct transients. It would have been so much easier if my machine had 8 outs instead of 4. Hah. I mention that process because it uses the same algorithm to do that as it does per clip and it's flawless.
  15. Huh. I didn't know shareholding was a requirement of capitalism. ?
  16. I agree. A lot of things are going subscription-based now. For example, my older truck has the GMC version of Google maps built in. All newer GMC's require you to subscribe to OnStar to get access. You can plug your cell in and use Google maps, but if you want to use the built in navigation you have to subscribe to OnStar. I'm in the Point Of Sales business. You have to subscribe to get the latest software version to keep some systems running. If you ignore the reminder and don't do it, your entire system goes down. A lot of POS systems now are free to the business IF they use their credit card services and pay them 3.5% per transaction, which gets passed along to the customer of course. But IRT software subscriptions, I like the option, but also want to be able to buy it outright if I choose to. Studio One offers both options for now, but the second that changes I will no longer use their software. I tried their all inclusive option one time. I forget what it's called, but you get access to all their VSTs and samples. I ended up using exactly 0% of it. I already had everything I use, a lot of it I got for free, and most of it was unusable unless you are a BIAB type user. Edit: You also get the latest full version of Studio One Producer that subscription, which is huge. I'm not knocking BIAB, I really like it. They got a bug fixed that crippled the way I tried to use it and fortunatley Sweets let me return it. I will jump back in again when the dust settles here and I get a studio set up again.
  17. Studio One, depending on how deep in to Midi you are. I've never not been able to do anything in Studio One that I could do in Sonar. That said, I used to read all the time about people complaining of the lack of Midi in Studio One compared to Sonar. And that said, I've skipped the last 2 upgrades to Studio One so that situation may have changed as well. I actually found Midi and Midi editing a lot better in Studio One than Sonar but I'm a basic user. If you are a long time Sonar user, Studio One is the logical choice and is closest to what Sonar is. Plus Studio One supports 4K monitors. It was great on my 40" TV. Edited to add: Macros are great in Studio One. Very easy to make your own and there are more than you could ever ask for to download on their Exchange server, which is accessed directly from the main screen when start Studio One. Editing of Midi and audio in Studio One was significantly better for me. It was more fluid for lack of a better term? Smoother editing. Easier to see, zoom, and maneuver around especially when zoomed in.
  18. I prefer listening to vinyl from back in the day when it was a room full of musicians being recorded live and recordings were made to sound good on LP. I never liked listening to rock on LP. It always sounded thin to me. I remember when Mobile Fidelity used to boast about their half speed master recordings. I read an article about Decca one time and they did it that way back in the day because it sounded better. IOW, those old LP's sound really good because they recorded and mastered the audio for that medium. At some point that started to change and it became more about getting LPs out as fast as they could and sound quality became secondary. My collection is mostly stuff from the 50s and 60s just because of the sound quality. I've picked up LPs I've never heard of just because they were original Decca, and other labels, from that era. Old LPs really need to be deep cleaned to truly hear them. You have to get the 50+ years of gunk and dust out of the grooves to get full needle depth and the full sound 'data' from the grooves so to speak. You really don't need high end equipment. Does it help, yeah, but Im more than happy with the current setup I have. I have a Technics turntable I got at a yardsale when I was a kid. Its still chugging along. I've taken it apart a few times and cleaned it. I did replace the head. Its so old now that the needles are discontinued. This was the only place I could find them. https://needlefinder.net/
  19. I had the opportunity to move to Hawaii a couple years ago. I've never been there but my wife at the time spent a lot of time there for work. She was working in a military base. Stayed there for 2 weeks at a time then the last trip she stayed there an entire month. They liked her so much down there that her company asked us to relocate to their office there. Wages aren't the same there as everywhere else and she would have taken a massive pay cut so we declined. We used to travel all over the country. I'd take work vacations with her where she was traveling. I've been to 20 states that I can recall off the top of my head, probably more, all at no travel cost other than food. I was very lucky to have that opportunity. By far Utah was my favorite. If I win the $700 million Power Ball drawing tonight that's where I'm going. Buy a 10,000 acre ranch. Build a modest little log cabin right in the middle. And nobody would ever see me again.
  20. I'm so lost with some of the replies here. Lol. I don't know who is mad at who or what in blazes is going on. I think someone requested rear end ointment for some odd reason, but I'm not sure. I like toasted Rhye breed. It's good. Anyone else like it? I just watched 2 good movies from my personal movie collection collection. Night of the Creeps and The Toolbox Murders. Fell asleep during toolbox..woke up and now I can't get back to sleep. Arf. I mean, argh! "OH look, frost!" (From Dumb & Dumber) I learned a lot from that documentary.
  21. There really wasn't any room treatment. Just a bunch of amps and speakers in a big open room so you could compare them. Thats some serious money your talking about with those items I linked to. That's beyond the grasp of most people. Although Magnapan is making affordable speaker versions now. I think, not sure, the ones I linked to are $1,000 a pair. The two things I noticed were the imaging which was more the speakers probably and the lack of distortion from the amp. I can only guess that designing a very low distortion amp is a lot harder and more costly than building a high wattage amp. I A/B'd it with other amps and the clarity was night and day. I never really understood what they meant by "distortion" in the amp specs until I could actually hear the difference.
  22. Could be dust inside the contacts of the speed control knob. Spin it all the way back and forth a bunch of times really fast to see if the speed variation changes or it may fix it. Sometimes if it's old it can be a bad capacitor in the speed control circuit. They go bad over time. Motor going bad. There really isn't much to them.
  23. I was at a high end audio shop in KC one time a few years ago. I heard one of these ... https://www.mcintoshlabs.com/products/turntables/MT10 Through one of these ... https://hifiplus.com/articles/mcintosh-ma5200-integrated-amplifier/ Over a pair of these (with a sub but I dont remember what it was) ... https://magnepan.com/collections/floor-standing/products/magnepan-lrs-1 Nothing I've ever heard before or since even comes close. You could actually hear where everyone was standing/mixed in the sound stage. It was as if you could get up and walk around and go to where everyone was at. It was astounding. BTW I looked online to see if Ritchie is still there. He is, but I see he hasn't changed based on his reviews. Expect to bring a wallet with 6 credit cards. Hah. I've been hitting the local thrift stores. I've got my collection up over 300 LPs. I lost my 700+ collection whne my basement flooded many years ago. I refuse to pay any more than a $1 per LP. I also made my own LP cleaning system. If I can find the pics I'll post them some time.
  24. @Rain Have you stopped in to see Ritchie at Wax Tracks lately? Hah. I don't know if you remember our conversation quite a few years back about him. I knew him when he was in PA but he moved out there by you. He has to be up there in years now. He may not even be around anymore.
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