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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. I'm more of a Down By The River kinda guy. More heartfelt. Less commercial.
  2. MS really needs to simplify their offerings. I've never heard of or seen their Enterprise services advertised anywhere. I just looked it up and I could have gotten exactly what I have now for a few dollars more a month plus the added security. I was reading about OneDrive. If I'm understanding what I read correctly, they hold the encryption key on their end, you don't control it. If someone hacks them and gets the key, they can access everything with or without 2FA. Everything I've read recommends not storing personal information of any kind on OneDrive. The Personal (home user) version has added security so that can't happen, but not the Business version which is what I have. Or maybe it's there running in the background and I'm not aware of it? I have no idea. It's all frustrating and confusing. As I've said before, I personally don't mind being asked 10 ways from Sunday to verify that I'm logging in to my accounts. It's better than the alternative. It's looking like VPN's are a waste of time these days as well. And none of this is so you can remain anonymous and go do nefarious things on the internet, it's simply to stop others from doing them to you.
  3. That's a very old account. My first MS account iirc. What gets me is, I'm always very careful. Never have been in to dark areas of the web. I dont understand how they get your login info, especially old info that has been changed God knows how many years ago. There should be an option to enable notifications when someone tries to login. That list went on for 15 pages. I stopped at that point. And changing the password in MS accounts is an absolute nightmare. I have to use onedrive now for work. It works on my cell, through the admin site I have to use to activate 365, but it will not recognize my credentials on my desktop. I got till Friday to do my taxes and it's maddening trying to jump through the hoops to make everything see each other in all the places I need it. That's why I said before that I'm going to build a dedicated DAW, wipe my old one and just use it for 365 and that's it.
  4. Zoinks ... whatever ya do ... don't check your MS security area. This is just the first page. It goes on and on ... Here's the thing, I don't have 2FA set up for this account because I don't really care about it. I wonder if my cell would be exploding with confirmation texts if I did?
  5. One of these days I'm going to get a real piano. There is always a lot of them for free online. I recently saw one for free that was sad. It was in a 200 plus year old mansion. They had turned the mansion in to a museum and they were closing their doors. The ad read something to the effect of they were sadly closing and nobody would take the piano and it was going to the dump by the end of the week. It was a large piano so I can understand why nobody could take it.
  6. Korg X5 here. It started displaying funky characters on the screen and wouldnt work about 10 years ago, maybe more. I ripped it apart and found the memory backup battery died. It was a round surface mount 2023 battery. I removed it and soldered in a battery holder so the next time I can just pop a new one in.
  7. I'll have to log out on my PC tonight and try to get back in and see what happens. I have been asked to verify here in the past and it went smooth. I'm glad they do that because as far as I can remember here and Soundcloud are the only 2 accounts my password has ever stolene from. I tried to set up a 3rd email and verify across devices on my PC. MS sent the code via email. It never came. Tried twice. And they logged me out of my spoof email I use for stuff like this so I couldn't send it to that alternate email because ..... I recently sub'd to MS Office and MS couldn't see my MS account for Windows so I created a new account. Now I have 2 MS accounts on my PC and it's royally messing things up. It's maddening. It's to the point that they take over so much of your PC I'm going to have to build a dedicated DAW for the first time ever just so I can install Office on its own PC and let it go full alien rear end probe just to appease it.
  8. It really looks too Windows 3.11-ish for me and is hard to see. I'm not sure if they have support for 4K monitors or not. I haven't used it in a while, but I do recall it being hard for me to see. And by 4K I mean have the GUI scalable so it's not blurry on a 4K native monitor or if you choose a lower resolution, not necessarily "pretty" if that makes sense.
  9. After swearing to all that's Holy I would never subscribe to anything, ever, I had to subscribe to MS 365 recently. It came with 1T cloud storage. The mininal cost was worth that alone. And it's a write-off. So that's how I justified it. I had to use MS's 2fa app.. I did have a lot of trouble getting it set up and accepting my logins, but it had nothing to do with the 2fa. It had to do with the fact that when I signed up for it through MS, for some reason they couldn't find my Windows account/email and I had to create a new one. So I now have 2 official MS accounts on the same PC which is making life very difficult. But the 2fa part was quick and easy.
  10. I couldn't really add to that conversation over there but it's great that they are asking for end user input and I'm looking forward to some gui improvements. 👍 I used to have biab but not anymore and haven't used it in years. Honestly I've been wanting to get it again but the gui really needs a face-lift. Glad to hear they are working on it and asking for input.
  11. So sorry Wookie. I won't say I know how you feel. I always disliked hearing and saying that. I will say the worse day of my life was when my mother passed away. My dogs passing away over the years was equal and almost worse in some ways. The worse part for me is the silence at home when they're not there and reality sets in. It was maddening. My last two were sisters that someone dumped in the woods as pups and we brought them home. They suffered with cancer and I kept them around too long. I should have let them go sooner but I couldn't. When my last one died 5 years ago I swore I would never get another one. I still feel that way. It hurts too much. For me, the joy does not outweigh the hurt this late in my life. It's ok to feel that way. A lot of people do.
  12. I'm not sure. I'm going to have to go to house and help him when I have some time. I did some reading about it and it seems to be a pretty common problem, so I'll have to try to figure it out for him. Thanks!
  13. Account creation doesn't seem to be working for him so he's stuck at the moment. I'll have him try a different browser maybe.
  14. Some of those old fx that came with Cakewalk and Sonar sounded really good. I always liked Sonitus. There was a bunch of fx that were just controls, no graphics at all iirc. One was a clean amp sim. It was great. I remember that one from Cakewalk 9 I think. Heck, I was really happy with V-Vocal. I wish they would have improved on it. I'm getting a but nostalgic now that I'm thinking about the old days and my friend forcing me to open up CBB and his version of Sonar again. I really wish I had time to get back in to music. He's pushing me to do a duo with him and hit a bunch of places we played as a group and winery's and places like that. We were in a band together for over 10 years. It really all started when one of the guys passed away a few weeks ago. The 3 of us left all went to his funeral together. They're retired and have time, but I have a 24/7 job now and I could and do get called in after hours and weekends a lot so I really cant get back into it like I used to. Anyhoo, I think I have to upgrade the ram in his PC. It only has 4gb. That's probably why he's having trouble installing CBB. It says 8 minimum.
  15. Thanks! I fired up CBB and it had me do an update. Some release notes popped up and they said they updated Sonitus to support 96kHz in the last update from Dec. 2024 iirc. I still have X1 installed. I also have CBB installed. CBB only shows the DX version of Sonitus though. It's been so long since I used Sonitus I can't remember if there ever was a VST version. His system will be a clean install. He has nothing DAW related on it at all so I'm thinking things will go smoothly for him if he can actually get it downloaded and activated. He's can't seem to install and activate it for some reason. I'm assuming it's still available because it's still there on their website.
  16. Is Sonitus still included with CBB? If so, is it the VST or DX version and is a bridge still needed for DX or is it embedded in CBB? Does CBB export to MP3 natively or do you need to install a 3rd party add-on? I tried to look at the download page for CBB but I can't find any info on what exactly is included. A friend of mine wants to try CBB on his new Windows 10 64bit PC if it still comes with Sonitus and can export to MP3. He's currently using an ancient version of Sonar on a his old 32bit PC and it's dying. He's a very basic user and wants to keep using Sonitus and only exports to MP3 so I'm hoping I can just point him to CBB for his new PC and except for the layout look it will essentially be the same for him. Thanks
  17. I started my own LLC and took over maintenance and property management at an apartment complex. It consumes my life, that's why I'm not around here much anymore. Anyway, the pm I replaced refused to give access to the official email address or give the official phone number back which is actually a cell phone. After 2 months she finally became more cooperative with some firm persuasion and I got the cell back and the password to the email account. But trying to get the email account back was a nightmare. I had an IT guy helping me change the password and even after we changed where the 2fa codes went to, they still kept going to the original cell number, which fortunately I was able to get and reactivate after a few months. I've tried multiple times to change where the 2fa codes go to since I've gotten full access back to the email account, but nothing works. It won't change. It let me change the 2fa alternate email address it goes to, and I can select it, but it still goes to the cell no matter what and never goes to the alternate email. If I wouldn't have gotten the cell phone back I would never have been able to get access to the email account. A guy I know has facial recognition set up to unlock his cell. He was driving one night a few weeks ago and got a call and tried to unlock his phone. He dropped it, reached down to get it, drifted off the road, hit a pole and snapped it clean off.
  18. Sure, I get what you are saying. In my mind there is a difference between someone verifying the info you already gave them and someone new trying to get your info. But yeah you're right, they're both forms of an ID check. They can't get anymore info than you've already given them using 2fa, other than the same user using their software or services on more than one device. Then yep, they will have that new devices info. I can't see a downside to it though.
  19. Partially correct. It is not an ID check as in they want your name and address. It is a verification check that the person who created an account is the one trying to sign in from a different device, or change the password, etc. etc.. You have the option to send a verification code to any email account you choose, say for example the one you used to sign up with initially, or a different one, or have it texted to your cell. My bank has a 3rd option to call your cell using an automated system. I can see people not wanting it texted. I can understand people not wanting to be forced to use 2fa. But it's not putting your privacy at risk at all. Make a specific email account for 2fa and use that. I did. Been using 3 accounts for years solely for verification and software registration. That said, I've never been forced to verify an account except for Google and Facebook. I'm surprised Soundcloud does, but it doesn't bother me in the least. Personally I think it's a great idea, but to each his own.
  20. 2fa is used so if your password is stolen your account can't be accessed by the person who stole it. It's not used for data mining. You can have the 2fa code sent to your email account or texted to you. A few places also use an authenticator app/program. 2fa isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing.
  21. I don't know of it's due to everything being set to private and I have almost no views or something I've been screwing up, but everything I upload to youtube is converted from the original uncompressed 1080p to compressed 720p and saved that way in my account. When I download my "original" video from my account, it's the 720p file. That said, if you have a YouTube Premium account, you can upload all of your music to YouTube Music using FLAC or MP3 and a few other types, but only you can see it and listen to it. You can't share it. I never got into FLAC so I have no idea how it compares to a 44.1/24bit or 16bit wav, but I seem to remeber reading that its lossless as if listening to the original wav master.
  22. It's just a one time charge for the stick. All the major apps are on it like YouTube, Twitch, Rumble, and most of the subscription based ones. You can get most of the paid subs monthly through your Prime account if there's a show or series you want to watch, then cancel it. I've done that a few times and aroind Halloween I sub to one or two of the horror movie channels for a month then cancel it. No contracts. Just pay for 30 days and that's it. The really nice thing is if your TV dies, you just plug it in to a new TV and you don't lose your passwords. You can upload photos to your Prime account and view them through the stick on your TV. I use the photo app a lot. I never had one until my first smart TV died and I had to redo all my passwords on the new TV. It's a royal pain. Firestick solves all that. I didn't even have the internet set up on my current TV until I was curious if there was a firmware update. I shut it back off after that. One less thing phoning home on my network.
  23. I mainly watch YouTube on my TV through a Firestick. The live chat window stays on once I check the box. Even when I close the livestream and go to a different one. I subscribe to YouTube Premium and maybe thats why? It's the only service I subscribe to. I like the way they handle the music side of the service. I download everything in HQ and it sounds really good to my ears. I have terrible cell service so I download everything and it let's me listen offline. As for the volume leveling, I swear when I turn it on, the louder I turn my TV the more it kicks in and the lower the overall volume gets. So I just leave it off. I have all of that stuff turned off for the TV, Firestick, and YouTube app. They'll fight each other if I have them all turned on and the sound starts to distort. I also noticed when watching movies, you can select surround or stereo sometimes, not always. If watching on a 2 speaker TV I always turn the surround off.
  24. That did not come out at all like I intended. And I was not making any references to myself, although reading it now I can totally see how it would come across that way. Lol Hey, I'm still recovering from 2 weeks of the c-virus. Cut me a smidge of slack. Sheesh. 😁 Isn't that an old Rodney Dangerfeild joke? His Mrs. asked for something hurtful so he abliged twice and slapped. Or something like that. 😁
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