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Matthew Simon Fletcher

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About Matthew Simon Fletcher

  • Birthday 03/15/1991

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  1. I can confirm this and haven't had those issues previously. Have reported and provided a few crash dumps.
  2. I have recently had a crash whilst working on automation with Serum - but it's not been reproducible to the point that I've raised a case with Sonar/Xfer yet. I also can't recall it generating a plugin crash, so something else might have been going on in Sonar at the time. If you have a project that you believe has had the issue I'll happily try and test further.
  3. I've used divisimate in the past, yes. I don't remember getting a huge amount of hanging notes - or at least not any more than usual!
  4. @David Baay/ @Glenn Stanton/ anyone else - would you mind if I sent you a test file to see if you can replicate my findings?
  5. Hi Glenn, I think the problem for me is that it's not always obvious in larger projects where things should/shouldn't be, so there have been times I've removed stuff I didn't mean to due to this. I've verified in other software that there definitely isn't any noise at all - as that was my theory it was simply amplifying something tiny.
  6. Hi @David Baay- agree with you! Unfortunately @Noel Borthwick/ @Jonathan Sasordidn't seem able to reproduce the issue.
  7. I believe I can confirm this bug. I bounced the top file yesterday and assumed I'd just made a mistake and didn't think too much more about it, but given my fingers whilst typing "New" wouldn't have been near that key, I think it's a reproduction. Will see if I can do it again.
  8. Not sure why you're being personal or how that remark relates to my comment. Mark and Noel have explained the position - new features won't work but it's not going to stop you being able to load Sonar projects in Cakewalk.
  9. There shouldn't be anything that will break - my understanding is backwards compatibility is something being considered. There might just be certain functions that aren't as easy to do (i.e. controlling performance of soft synths) or are slower (midi editing)
  10. Sonar is stable enough to be considered live. Your projects aren't trapped to Sonar and will still be openable in Cakewalk. There have been a few threads about the licensing model and at the moment I'm not aware of any non-subscription purchase plans. In general I'm in agreement about rental, but the volume of stuff you get access to, and the significant Sonar improvements in my view makes this worth it.
  11. Yes - i'm very surprised by this finding, as I wouldn't have thought it was connected. Hence not trying it until now!
  12. Okay so it appears that swapping from ASIO to WDM/KS is a workaround for this. Can people confirm which driver they are using and whether also applies in their cases?
  13. I was playing around a bit with the GPU Audio stuff and I think if more companies adopt it it'll be great! The company who make Vienna Ensemble (linked above) have another product who make use of that capability to improve processing performance on reverb for orchestral instruments and it has some big performance benefits. It sounds like you're having a similar thought pattern as I did "wait a minute, look at all this spare processing power going to waste!). There should be a free demo of Ensemble for 30 days (if not I think if you email them they'll sort it out). So currently you just assign the instrument to an instance/channel on the host machine and there isn't any loadbalancing other than you manually doing. It is a feature request that comes up quite often to have VEP be intelligent enough to move workloads between devices, but there is some complexity here, especially as you'd need to ensure all machines had equivalent licensing for any plugins.
  14. Hadn't thought of it like that, but yes absolutely also a nice benefit!
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