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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Inevitable with mergers, innit? Many functions are duplicated across the companies. Unfortunately, in my experience, it's the ones who do the actual work who tend to get cut rather than the (now redundant) middle and lower managers.
  2. Look for the AC Dark Aqua theme, should be a ou-le of pages down in this sub forum. It uses a glow effect, as I understand glow effects. ‘I would say that a glow effect is a gradient from a dark color to a lighter one.
  3. I think that may be one of the canonical locations, but I don't see it often either. The usual one, which the PA stuff uses, is Documents\VST3 Presets\<Company Name>\<Product Name> In that location on my system there are 6 manufacturers who have created folders, but not all of them have used them for presets. They probably created the folders to store user presets. One of the things I dislike about the forcing-on-everyone of VST3 is that it seemed to coincide with developers dropping support for the query-the-plug-in method I described earlier. The ones that bothered to started making their own preset managers, some of which are crap. Things like presets work better for me when I know where to find them. It took embarrassingly long for me to figure out that Plugin Alliance products actually do come with presets. I thought for years that I was on my own, which naturally didn't endear their products to me. I mean, I like their stuff okay, I just thought "no presets, ever" was something I just had to live with, kind of like "no mix control, ever" is a thing with Freakshow Industries.
  4. What is missing is scanning the folders where the .vstpresets reside and using them to populate the native Cakewalk preset list. When VST3 presets are present, they are present in locations specified in Steinberg's VST3 spec. Cakewalk should be able to check those locations and populate the menu if possible (which is surely what Reaper, Studio One, et al are doing). If Cakewalk is able to display a list of valid presets in the VST3 menu, it should be able to populate the other menu with them. As it stands, I believe there is a way for hosts to query a plug-in itself to get a list of factory presets and that is what Cakewalk does. Unfortunately, that mechanism seems to have fallen out of use by plug-in developers. When it's present, it works in both the VST2 and VST3 versions. It works in the Lindell T-100, for instance, and I think maybe the Millenium NSEQ.
  5. I find it very handy in Cakewalk to map my tilde (~) key to Edit/Select None. When I need to deselect things, it's much easier than doing it with the mouse.
  6. Bitflipper is right about using a limiter. The free Kilohearts Essentials collection includes a very easy to use limiter. Also, any compressor that allows for setting a hard knee and infinite ratio basically acts as a limiter. This includes the Sonitus compressor that comes with Cakewalk, and especially the PC76 ProChannel module.
  7. Buy it for the stand, shockmount, pop filter, give the mic to a friend who's into mic modding. Looks like a nice enough shell.
  8. So if you bounce the track, you get 2 octaves, then apply the effect again....
  9. https://www.meldaproduction.com/MTurboReverbLE Wait for one of Meldaproduction's 50% off everything sales, then buy the MEssentialFX bundle using the newsletter signup credit and my 20% off referral code (MELDA1923165). That will get you a nice pile of FX, including MTurboReverbLE and MTurboDelay, for about the standard price of MTurboReverbLE.
  10. The free Kilohearts Essentials collection includes a very good pitch shifter. I'm not sure about the range, but hey, it's free.
  11. This. After using and making custom themes for so long, I feel uncomfortable with Mercury and Tungsten. Since I overhauled the Tools module in my new themes to take up as much real estate as possible and represent the tool cursors you actually get when you invoke them, the stock Tools buttons look spindly and odd. Like, what's up with the wrench? And no more 3-D tape recorder buttons on the Transport, I've gone to the flat Studio One/Ableton style. I like this theme; the flat Transport and the Gain and Pan knobs especially. It's all business. And....MModernCompressor and VC-670 4 lyfe!
  12. @Light Grenade has 6 tutorials and likely more on the way.
  13. Not in my experience, and I've moved many machine-registered iLok licenses around. And since a big part of PACE/iLok's whole schtick is how it helps handle the issue of using one license on multiple systems, I'd be very surprised if they ever put a limit on numbers of activations/installations. As I understand it, back when iLok was physical-only, a selling point was that you could travel to different studios with your iLok and be able to access your favorite plug-ins. And a selling point for developers was that there was no longer a need for them to maintain a licensing server, the mechanics of end-user licensing was all handled by PACE. Sell the user an iLok license then you're out of the support loop. They have tried to make it easier on the user with the Cloud approach, but not enough developers have bought into that.
  14. Hmm, that sound like an illness to me. "The girl with Sonitus goes by." ? I pronounce the name as SAW-nih-tus. Sorta Latin. I guess it could also be SO-nih-tus. Or SON-it-us, as in "we have met the enemy, and son, it us." Mutual, John. Means a lot. Your hiatus was a blip. I noticed that you'd been quiet, but figured that you'd be back. My hope is that even with the ebb of participation in online forums, the information that we provide will be of use to people doing Google searches. I know that the old, archived forum is still helpful to me at times in this way.
  15. Working like that on 2 systems here. Open PRV, try turning Show Velocity and Show Notes on and off. It will appear below the View menu and above the piano keyboard. To the left of the ruler. I found the element in the weirdest place: Loop Construction view/Resolution Menu.
  16. It appeared after I fiddled with the Show Velocity options in the Notes menu.
  17. Thanks to TYLIP these requests are now nearly extinct, but I'm trying to figure out where to find the image used for this element (also the text color, but I have a feeling that's a lost cause): In Mercury: In Tungsten: As you can see, the button is flatter and darker in Tungsten than in Mercury, which tells me that it's themeable. Any idea? Of course, with darker themes, the black text will be a limiting factor, but the current stock buttons stand out like the proverbial sore thumb. Many extra points for knowing (or finding) where the text color comes from.
  18. Very interesting and cool hack. Great way to get text to match the Cakewalk built-in text. Although I have had pretty good luck using Arial with anti-aliasing turned off (in Paint.NET). I must try this....
  19. If I have to get on Faecebook to get the content, I'll pass. The only time I do anything Cakewalk-y on there is when I have a new custom theme to *****. As far as crossposting, any information I post is property of ME and I will post it anywhere I please. Approaching BandLab for any kind of promo money is a good way to be disappointed. It's just not how they roll. As far as why YouTubers not being around the forum, well, unfortunately, it's apparently not even worth it for them to announce new content here, as so few hits come from this forum (or any, for that matter). That's according to @John Vere of Cactus Studios fame, who remains a stalwart forum participant. @AdK Studios is the only YouTuber who still bothers to announce new videos in the Tutorials section. It's sad. Not even XelOhh posts announcements here any more. One reason I can think of is that we of the forum tend to be veterans who feel less in need of tutorials. Which always turns out not to be true, at least in my 5-years-of-using-Cakewalk case. My eternal inability to figure out VocalSync was solved in a Lorene "The Produce Aisle" Anderson video. She only started using the program last year, and sometimes does videos she calls "Cakestumbles" where she just flounders around discovering things. Sounds useless, maybe, but is not at all. In those videos, due to her naivete, she stumbles across features and workflows that I've missed or forgotten about. She's one creator of Cakewalk videos that I've practically begged to check the place out, if only just to lurk and glean some good tips to share with her viewers, and AFAIK, she's had none of it. Of course, being female is unfortunately sometimes a gateway for poor treatment in forums (this one not included, our sistas in the pit are invariably warmly welcomed). I guess people would rather have valuable information scroll away into oblivion and answer the same basic questions over and over again. Faecebook. Reddit, YouTube comments....bleah. Although I do sometimes drop in and help on the Cakewalk Reddit. Anyway, we've all come through with the Plugin Alliance (and other) .spp's. Just about every PA effect has been covered in the past 48 hours. All hail the helpful Cakewalk forumites!
  20. Whoa. Nastiness indeed. Good heavens. Doesn't get much worse than that. I had no idea about this. They came with the first version of Mixcraft I got and I didn't care for them (I'm a "mix with your ears and eyes" person and their GUI's were too rudimentary). Also my foray into the use of Mixcraft coincided with a wave of excellent loss-leader and other freeware plug-ins (MEqualizer, MCompressor, MPhaser, MFlanger, MComb, and OrilRiver beat the utter kiddy-fiddling snot out of that collection), which I migrated to. What Acoustica/Mixcraft are now doing with their installer is allowing optional installation of "legacy" bundled plug-ins so that longtime users can still open old projects without getting "missing plug-in" errors. The default is to not install them. They're listed on the website as "Classic," not by the developer name. Seems like they had to compromise between completely distancing themselves and making things difficult for their user base. It's not as if the "fiddler in the clink" makes any money from it. Acoustica are unfortunately not shy about still bundling 32-bit plug-ins (despite my bug reports informing them when 64-bit versions became available ?), so they probably didn't drop them for their 32-bithood. Maybe they dropped them because they're simply not as good as later freeware products (and their current bundle, which is a nice collection by ToneBoosters). Anyway, this is the DAW Users Hall of Shame rather than the DAW Manufacturers Hall of Shame. Still, thanks for pointing me in the direction of the dirt. Icky as it is, it's good to be informed. On the topic of DAW Users Hall of Shame, I probably qualify for my follies with REAPER. I first tried it about a decade ago and have every so often since and always come to the same conclusion: too much technology standing between me and the creation of music. The first few tries, it took me the better part of 2 hours just to get a track armed for recording (compared to a minute or two with Mixcraft and Cakewalk). This was back when the manual was user-written LINUX-style, with the basics (like, uh, how to start the damn thing recording audio or MIDI) being left out. Before the REAPER brigade chimes in, yes, this has been well-remedied in the intervening years, but the menus have gotten even bigger and more daunting. REAPER is just too powerful for little ol' me, I guess. So I'm either a dunderhead for having such a hard time with it or a dunderhead for continuing to try it even after my initial unfortunate experiences (trying the same thing expecting different results, etc.). It sounds like something I'd like, endlessly customizable, light on resources, stable....but it just reminds me of trying to use GIMP after learning on Photoshop. Also, despite my hunger for a platform for live improvisation of electronic music, I repeatedly come up blank when trying to use Ableton Live. Magazine tutorials, etc. No dice. I guess I still think of songs too much in linear form. It looks like so much fun, and so many people I admire get killer results with it. Not me, at least so far. WAAAHHH, I wanna use Ableton!
  21. It's interesting to note the name of the musical it's from, and how if someone said "Gay Divorce" today, it would sound like the topic for a daytime talk show. "Today we're going to be talking about gay divorce and how it affects the lives...." I do sometimes trip about these cultural timeline things. Yup, the far off year that Prince sang about 40 years ago was 1999. The year The Matrix was released, which was 22 years ago. In 1972, when DSotM was released, Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band had only been out for 5 years, yet it seemed like the equivalent of "classic rock" at the time. They made it in the hallowed halls of EMI Abbey Road with some of the same engineers that worked with The Beatles! I bought This is the Moody Blues in 1975 and to me (at the ripe old age of 13), that was "old" music. "Nights in White Satin" had been a hit a few years earlier as an "oldie," all of 5 years after its initial release. A greatest hits package where the earliest tracks were from 5 years previous was a career retrospective. Those guys had thrashed out 7 classic albums in 6 years, which is what you did back then, because you knew the ride would soon be over. Wait more than a year and the kids will have moved on to something else.
  22. Ooh, do dish the dirt. I'm trying to figure out who that might be. Mixcraft have more to answer for from still be bundling 32-bit VST's in 2023, IMO.
  23. Following @MimoJP's lead, I posted some .SPP files for Plugin Alliance (and others) FX that his list didn't cover. Elysia, SPL, etc. Here's the thread Mimo created (maybe Mimo can change the thread title to Preset Menu Dropdown Fix?):
  24. Following the example set by @MimoJP, I've whipped up a few. elysia.spp contains the factory presets for: alpha master compressor alpha mix compressor mpressor more bx.spp contains the factory presets for: refinement boom rockrack saturator Masterdesk cleansweep pro tuner meter (it's a complement to the PA file that MimoJP will be uploading) Lindell-Maag.spp contains the factory presets for: EQ2 6X-500 7X-500 PEX-500 ChannelX SPL.pp has the presets for: Attacker Plus Mo-Verb Plus De-Verb Plus Ampeg B15N.spp and McDSP EC300.spp are self-explanatory Ampeg B15N.spp elysia.spp Lindell-Maag.spp McDsp EC300.spp more bx.spp SPL.spp
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