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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. I'd say he's in pretty good shape. 10-15 minutes to download, install, and authorize CbB, then he just has to get the system back on again before August to renew the lease. Either that or set the date on his system clock back.
  2. I got Kinetic Treats when it was a holiday giveaway and it is delightfully unsettling, both the UI and the sounds.
  3. Is glad that he grabbed the Sampletank 3 free edition before they pulled it ?
  4. Oh brill. This is a good excuse for me to cozy up to the Matrix View. I like to record my own loops and then jam over them, and hadn't considered the Matrix View as a tool to facilitate that, even though my other DAW, Mixcraft, implements a similar Ableton Livesque triggered cell thing.
  5. Oh good lord this is another one of those topics I knew was going to be embarrassing, because other people's answers only serve to illustrate for me how much I have yet to learn about this very deep program. I use them because as far as I know, that's how you get the names of the drums to show up in the Piano Roll.?‍♂️ I also get that you can use them for some kind of rejiggering in case the note mapping doesn't conform to the usual GM Ch. 10-ish kick-click-snare-etc. At least I hope that they're good for more than just getting the names of the drums to show up because it's sure a lot of trouble to go through just for that. It made me feel as if the software were making me do something that it should have already had ready to go. ? (which it now does, in the form of templates that I put together to save myself the flailing)
  6. This. With me, it's usually "turn off the iZotopes." If I'm using Neutron or Ozone anywhere, they induce hecka delay. There are others as well, but in my plug-in collection, it seems that the iZotope suites are the biggest offenders. If you want to narrow it down, you can go through and disable them one by one until you find the culprit. You can make educated guesses; the heavier the processing, usually the more likely it is that the plug-in is going to induce some extra latency. The iZotope suites are 4 processors in one wrapper, so no surprise there.
  7. Only if a person thinks that when a product is renamed it becomes abandoned. It also depends on what one wishes to connote by the term "abandonware." It's a flexible term. No, it is no longer supported by the company that originally sold licenses for it. Neither is Windows XP. There are newer products with different names that are successors to Windows XP. Is the company that is distributing licenses for its successor devoting resources to pursuing licensing violations of Sonar? Doubtful, especially in light of how licenses for the current product are free. If anyone out there is pirating copies of Sonar when Cakewalk is being distributed for free, they need help, not legal censure. In my opinion, the most accurate term for what Sonar's status is is "discontinued."
  8. From almost the day I downloaded and installed CbB I have had a fierce jones for L-Phase Multiband (and L-Phase Equalizer). Wondering when and if BandLab were going to make them available for sale or as a promo or whatever. I just happened to have an old Gibson/Cakewalk account left over from the CA-2A giveaway. Today is my birthday. You have made me a very happy man. Anyone who has a Gibcake logon and for whatever reason doesn't have these or Rapture, run, don't walk.
  9. Oh, I see, those clip colors will only change to grey if I haven't set my own colors. I presume then that they will also take on whatever default clip colors other themes apply.
  10. Let's see. Similar questions, your a) and 2). In case a) you are saving a scene, and you want to know if you've saved the project. No, you have not. And yes, a good indicator that you haven't is if there is an asterisk next to the project name in Cakewalk's title bar. Now in case 2) you want to know whether when you save a scene you have also saved the project. Nope. And if you see an asterisk next to the project's filename up in the title bar, that means that there has been some change made and the project file not saved since that change. In short, no to both.
  11. Interesting, Larry, mine is still there, but then I was already on 1809 when I enabled it. Perhaps major updates are when the Microsoft Safety Police check to make sure we haven't done anything that might get us into trouble and nudge us back onto the right path. And if you pay extra for the Pro version, they ease up on the nudges, because they know you're a Pro, see? Well, the thing is, I may not be a "Pro" in Microsoft's eyes, but I'm a punk and a hacker. Characteristic of both of those cultures is a love of getting things to do what they're not supposed to do, and a distaste for being kept away from things. Big props and good on ya for running your 8-track studio in Hollywood. I bet you got to work with cooler clients, too, rather than babysitting coked-out has-beens. I never went all-in with punk musically, but I embraced the anti-elitism and DIY ethics part of it (and still do). If the mainstream scene won't let you in, start your own scene. Everybody gets to record, everybody gets to play. All-ages, everybody gets to come to the show. Learn as you go. When I was 21, I was a broke dude in the early '80's working full-time at low-paying jobs and living in tiny apartments, scraping to keep my car running to get to work. I wanted more than anything to work at a recording studio, learn how to be a recording and mix engineer. I had some background installing and repairing audio installations from working summer jobs at a couple of theme parks so I knew how to solder, understood impedance, etc. I went to a couple of studios in the town where I lived, Santa Barbara, which had a few studios that were solidly booked, being near LA. Just to talk to someone about whether they needed anyone to work on their gear or what have you, see if anyone had any advice about entry level jobs in the recording industry. The sheer friggin' arrogance and dismissiveness I encountered from these bearded fscks was amazing. It boiled down to if they liked me I could come in and make coffee and sweep up for no pay, but they already had a kid who was doing that, so maybe check back later. And they didn't say this nicely, either. So you basically had to be someone who was living off daddy's money and could afford to work for free for a year or two on the chance that these hippie dickheads might start paying you. Yeah, no. Even if I could, I wouldn't want to be part of that culture. I said screw all of that and bought Craig's first book and never looked back.? Started recording to my home stereo cassette deck, then a cassette 4-track. Now I can track 16 channels of 96/24 at once in my dining room on hardware and software that cost me, in toto, about $300.
  12. Wouldn't BandLab itself be pretty fab for this? I haven't tried it yet for moving stems around, but isn't it already set up for this kind of thing? I collaborate with a PT user and so far we've used Google Drive and MEGA, but I was hoping to try BL at some point. Does BandLab allow WAV or at least FLAC?
  13. Good advice to keep those notebook air vents clean. I forget to do it. I don't know what the Twelve Tone era Cakewalk looked like, but as far as "light" themes go, head down to the Coffee House subforum and check out the "Boston Flowers" theme that Mariano just dropped. It's my new favorite light theme.
  14. I found that my Windows 10 systems were better behaved after I permanently turned off realtime Windows Defender scanning, but Microsoft definitely do not make it easy for users of Home versions to do that. If I tell you that it requires enabling a tool that Microsoft ships as hidden by default and then using that tool to turn off a "safety feature" that Microsoft won't otherwise allow you to turn off and you've already started Googling how to do it before finishing this sentence, then you're a good candidate. ? You have to enable Group Policy Editor, which ships hidden on Home versions of Windows 10, and then use it to turn off realtime scanning, which Windows rather arrogantly informs the user that it will only allow the user to do temporarily before turning it back on. When confronted with this message I took it upon myself to restore the natural order of User and Tool in my home and did a spot o'Googlin'. There's also a registry hack that will do it without all the Group Policy Editor business, but it's nice to have Group Policy Editor available. Do this at your own risk; so far the only annoyance I encountered was a user on this forum who implied that it was somehow unethical to configure OS features from a command line or using regedit. Or something. It wasn't entirely clear what he was on about. Anyway, if you believe that it's unethical or against the terms of your license agreement to use anything but a GUI to configure your OS, then you should pass.
  15. Bummer when an old favorite becomes abandonware. My favorite audio file format converter is Mediahuman, which is freeware, cross-platform, and can handle just about any format, bitrate, bit depth, etc. MP3, AAC, OGG, FLAC, in both directions. When I finish a mix, I render once to WAV with the DAW and then use Mediahuman to generate the different formats for distribution. https://www.mediahuman.com/audio-converter/ If you need disc burning, InfraRecorder still works great and requires no serial numbers: http://infrarecorder.org/
  16. Which leads me to an annoyance, which is that by default, the installer associates .mid files with Cakewalk. I doubt that everyone who installs Cakewalk wants to edit a MIDI file with it every time they double-click on one. Do they? I usually just want to listen to it.
  17. Hey, The Chandler is here. Good to see you. (Euthymia at the old forum and KVR)
  18. I ran into that problem myself, and it turned out that I had the wrong option set somewhere. For some reason it was set to snap to a grid, so I'd try to move a blob and it would keep snapping back to its original location. I figured "this just can't be happening, it can't be the way this works," so I dug into the help file and figured it out. I unchecked the option and voila, Melodyne started letting me move the blobs and they stayed where I moved them and the pitch changed. Wish I could remember it offhand so I could share it with you, but it was months ago and I haven't used it since. Try looking for a way to turn off snapping to grid, or switching it to snap to scale or something. You might ask about this in the Q&A or main forum before you give up on Melodyne. When I got it working properly, it worked a treat and was easy to use and very natural sounding. Good luck!
  19. Fab Filter is like a Ferrari of EQ 's. I usually like to mess about with some more economy versions before shelling out for a top-of-the-line item like that. That way I can learn what features are important to me. It has a great-looking UI, I can see, but then so does the great-sounding EQ in iZotope Ozone Elements, which I got a license for when I bought a license for Hybrid for $1. I will echo what others have said here: the Quad Curve is a very fine EQ indeed, and Meldaproduction's free MEQualizer will take care of most of your other needs. Nova 67P is a good freeware dynamic EQ if you wish to experiment with one of those. Nobody has mentioned a "color" EQ, so I'll mention one of my favorites, freeware, natch. Lkjb Luftikus. Standard 6 rotary knob analog-style EQ, great for touch-ups.
  20. It's my current favorite "light" theme, Mariano. One thing I found odd, though: when I applied it, I had a project open using Mattthew White's M-Spec, my current favorite "dark" theme. The project has 4 tracks, and the tracks have pink, blue, green, and orange colors set. When I applied Boston Flowers, all of the tracks lost their colors, turned to your default grey.
  21. Thanks Dave. I was afraid of that. Not my first one.
  22. You are busted as a total John Lennon clone, then. ? But yes, cool indeed. The shades and the expression are very much my "1985 face." The ladies loved it. I looked more like the guy in The Jam, though. The '80's were my least favorite decade so far, but the silver lining was that as a 20-something, I had plenty to be disaffected about. ?
  23. I find the Project/Record Preferences page to be perhaps one of the most confusing things about Cakewalk, and one area where the documentation is not much help to me. For instance, this choice, when I call up Help, it says "If you have the Expand/collapse Take Lanes button on a track enabled, and you record one clip so that it overlaps another clip, the clips appear in different Take lanes when this option is enabled." First, it implies that it only works if you have your Take Lanes expanded, which....that would be kinda odd. Is this its true behavior? Second, okay, fine, I record mostly in Loop mode, so with every iteration, my clips are going to overlap, and I'll want a new take lane. But what if I didn't have this checked? What would happen? Would my clips just pile up on top of each other? If so, it would be nuts not to have this enabled, the result would be disastrous. What actually happens?
  24. Indeed. Another reason I bailed on the commercial software biz. Every company wanted to "go public." When I left, I swore that I never wanted to work for another publicly traded company again. As soon as the company became publicly traded, it stopped being about selling our product and started being about putting on a shadow play for analysts. You and I agree on many points about economics, Notes. (I want to call myself "Rests") Anyway, I'm enthusiastic and optimistic about Bandlab's experiment. I can envision their collaboration platform becoming popular on a certain scale, and I can see many ways that Cakewalk will fit into it. It's no mystery to me how it could all work, and it'll be pretty neat if it does. If it fizzles, and development stops, I'll be left with this great DAW software and will have to rely the people who own it to continue the free subscription or be kind enough to release a version with a perpetual key. For the value I'm getting now, it all seems quite worth the risk.
  25. Someone once affectionately (I hope) described me as "one of those annoying 'glass half-full' people." Like that guy in your avatar pic, it's hard-won. And I can usually back it up with examples and facts. Just stating what is possible if it goes right. Anything can go wrong. Put a bad manager in the mix, an untalented programmer or two, I've seen plenty of promising products die sad deaths. I was at Macromedia when they killed Deck. ? Yes, one of the early, very promising DAW's, I was firsthand witness to its downfall. Freeware is fun, but requires sifting through, vetting. Bedroom Producers Blog is great at that. That's where I learned that Cakewalk had gone freebie. Maybe I'll start a thread in the Coffee House for "other happening freeware." It's so easy to wind up with 30 compressors and 25 EQ's when one should really focus on getting to know maybe 5 of each, if that many. If somebody said to me "you can't get a top-quality mix using all freeware plug-ins" I'd say, "perhaps that's true in your case." OrilRiver reverb, Unlimited limiter, Reaplugs collection, Dead Duck FX, there are some fine things out there.
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