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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Now Cakewalk does not work for Scott, Beserkir! Plug-in settings are all shot, Beserkir! Now we have tempest in teapot Beserkir! (with apologies to Clerks, and to everyone else)
  2. It puzzles me when people spar on word meanings when dictionaries have existed for centuries to settle such issues. "Rant verb: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way." By that definition, I do not believe that Scott was "ranting," as his demeanor in the video, while in my opinion, "impassioned" was not "wild." Unfortunately the discussion about the video has descended to ad hominem attacks unworthy of the gentlemen involved. Scott, I would like to point out that some of the original criticisms of the gentlemen in the forum (which included the triggering term "rant") were based upon the false assumption that it was you yourself who had posted the video here. Once they realized their mistake, most of them, being gentlemen of honor in my experience, simmered down considerably and even sided with your complaints. It would be great if we could get back to the common goal of improving the program we like via feedback. A representative of BandLab is here soliciting such feedback, so let's use that opportunity. Note: to address bug squashing priority, the settings reset bug has come up because a prominent veteran user has brought it up and others on the user forum have chimed in to say that they have also experienced it and are willing to help squash it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. That's just the way it goes. If these problems were in the developers' faces all the time, they would have fixed them already. One of the tools that a QA staff have for finding tough doggies like this is interaction with and feedback from users who are seeing it, so they need to know everything about the users' projects, systems, etc. Which plug-ins they are using and how is obviously going to be of utmost importance because the bug involves plug-ins. And BTW, I, as a veteran of the software industry, can say that if anyone thinks they can tell a programmer "all my plug-in settings flat-line when I exit and restart the program" and they open the code and start looking for the bug, that is NOT how it goes. A programmer, or really, anyone else who is trying to fix something, is usually going to approach fixing it by observing the defect in action. One of the BIG reasons for this is that when they start trying to apply fixes, they need to be assured that their fix worked. With intermittent problems, that is really difficult. Scott has something valuable to the QA process, a system/project that exhibits the defect regularly. If they could send him an instrumented build or something that would probably really help, but at this point I think he'd not be up for it.
  3. Hmm, I might start doing this. A better solution might be to just go into the Plug-In Manager and exclude the VST2's that have corresponding VST3's. More tedious, but perhaps more bulletproof. I have to do it anyway for some plug-ins that don't follow the spec and show up twice in the Browser.
  4. That is an interesting theory. Like a "race" condition in programming? One of the things that I've run into time and again in my software QA career, both as a pro and as member of various beta programs, is that developers invariably test and repro on their own incredibly high-spec systems, whereas we mere mortals are still using Core 2 Quads, or maybe a spinny drive, or we're tracking projects with 10 drum mics or whatever. Yes, Noel is a recordist, he goes into the field and does projects, but not with clunker hardware that he's saving up to replace or upgrade a bit at a time. And is he recording metal like Scott? Does he have a friend like I do who likes to hit the vape stick, put on the cans, and literally, loop 20 takes on drums until he finds his groove? That resulted in 80 clips, all of which he kept sitting in the lanes until comping time rolled around, in case we needed something from one of them. Which was his right. On QA teams, they always put the new person in charge of "low-end testing" where they would have to maintain one computer at the lowest advertised spec and go through the agonizing process of testing the program on it. And then be present for the product manager's arguments with the programmers about whether or not we should raise the lowest advertised spec. Programmers: yes. Manager: no. But that's one cause I have observed for bugs like this happening in the field more than in the office. Diversity of hardware.
  5. Thank you for developing your opinion more and giving some background. I suspect you are correct, Scott is probably bitter. It looks like with his videos and even a demo song included with the early versions of CbB, he figuratively and literally had invested a lot in Sonar only to be faced with the Gibson announcement in November 2017. I encouraged him to give CbB another try after he ran down a list of what he considered "killer" bugs, some of which I knew to be long gone. I don't know if this fiasco happened after that, if these were new ones he found or what. If so, I suppose I'm partially responsible for this. Whatever, if Cakewalk were to work satisfactorily for him, he would probably endorse its use, no hard feelings. People who let their anger out tend not to keep it seething inside.
  6. This threw me for a moment when I was reading this thread, but then I tried what you were doing. I hadn't realized it, but in the Inspector, the Track Name does more than just display the name of the track, it is actually a button. When you click on it, it pops up a context menu that lets you select which track, bus or hardware output you want to display in the Inspector pane. This is kind of trippy to me, I thought the Inspector always showed the track you had selected in Console or Track view. You may also lock the current track, bus, or hardware output in the Inspector pane so that it can't be overridden by selecting a track elsewhere. I can see the problem, though, he doesn't label it in the illustration as the Track Name Control, so when you read it, WTF? So much to be learned by reading other people's questions and answers here on the forum.
  7. If you're worried about the lost plug-in settings issue, one bit of insurance is to save the plug-in settings for the project as Cakewalk presets, which I understand may be tedious or not even be practical. One data point here: I've been using Cakewalk for a year and have never had it fail to save my plug-in settings. This issue is apparently obscure enough that they're having a hell of a time being able to reproduce it just so they can see it in action and come up with a fix for it. I disagree. He's seeing issues with the software that are preventing him from making good use of it. He's not a whiner, his critiques are well thought-out even if there is some anger visible in his delivery. I think he's a helpful critical voice. If there aren't critical voices around, a product runs the risk of becoming moonieware, where there's never anything wrong with the product, only with the way someone's using it, or their unreasonable expectations of it. And I really, really don't want to see that happen around here. I witnessed some of that attitude at the old forum. It doesn't seem to have been transplanted, thank heaven. Workarounds are fine to a point, but are not a substitute for bug fixes. Cakewalk has bugs. Ones that have been in it for some time, ones that affect common operations that people do with the software. Fortunately, the people in charge of such things seem interested in correcting them.
  8. Not FAQ's plural, just this FAQ. And added to the top of the main Cakewalk section. We already have one about the fab new PDF Reference Guide. This matter appears to still be a point of confusion for legacy Sonar users, and stragglers still wander in here all confused. Some of them don't even know that there is no longer a Cakewalk Inc., that there is no more Sonar, that they don't have to pay for upgrades....how they make it as far as creating a BandLab account and posting on this forum without learning that must require real determination. Having a big sign in the main parlor telling them what they need to know about upgrading to Cakewalk by BandLab would be a nice courtesy to them and to those of us who like to answer questions and would rather not answer these same ones over and over again.
  9. And to keep you from being vulnerable to the latest security threats!
  10. 'preciate it. My favorite workaround right now is to duplicate the tracks en masse, archive them, and delete the currently unused clips from the "surviving" tracks. I guess that's sort of like your idea. ? But that doesn't take a load off during tracking. Or Cakewalk could just refrain from streaming through muted clips, but that might cause problems when people suddenly unmute them on the fly. The matter for me is that I and the people I collaborate with sometimes like to keep several alternate takes around well into the comping and mixing process, and certainly during the tracking process. It's not always a linear tracking-comping-mixing thing, and if you're not discarding "bad" takes as you go, they build up really quickly. Having an option to not stream through muted clips while tracking would take a big load off, I think. I calculated it out at one point and it doesn't take very long for a standard multitrack rock band recording project to accumulate over 100 audio clips if they are doing multiple takes. If the drum kit has 4 mics on it and you do 5 takes, that's 20 right there, before you even get to anything else. I mean, what do people do to prepare for the eventuality the vocalist coming back 2 weeks later and deciding they want to go with the 2nd take instead of the 4th take? Do you studio owners just leave all of the takes sitting there? Does it not cause a performance hit on your systems as it does on mine? I usually consider all takes "fair game" until the project is mastered, and even then, they'll stay part of the project. Storage media are cheap. Regrets that I didn't keep that crazy wailing guitar solo that the band decided not to use are expensive.
  11. I haven't seen the "track done gone bad" issue in a while, but I do know that I find it necessary to occasionally "sacrifice a chicken" to a MIDI track to get it to work again. I won't go into it in full detail, but it's a set of seemingly random flailing steps that I take that make the track start working again. If all else fails, I do what you do and just duplicate the data. One chicken sacrifice is to close the project and reload it, another is to exit Cakewalk, start it again, and reload the project, etc. It might be to assign a MIDI channel where none was previously necessary. Or to set it to "Omni." My only explanation/theory is that Baron Samedi demands a tribute in order to deliver my softsynths from the land of the dead back to the land of the living.
  12. Oy vey. Another "protection" (racket) from Microsoft that does more harm than the "threat" it's supposedly trying to "protect" me from, because clueless ding-dongs can't resist clicking on every "You've just hit jack pot!!!" and cute cat animation that shows up in their Inbox appearing to be from their friend at aol.com. Is this feature enabled by default? I see that it is not on any of my systems. Perhaps it will be another year or so before I will have to find a policy or registry hack to disable it. Thanks for bringing it up, synkotron. There seems to be no lengths to which Microsoft will not go to prevent people from being able to make full use of our computers. The ultimate endgame is if they prevented users from logging on entirely, so the computer could just sit there computing away, not doing anything for us, but perfectly safe from viruses, malware, and ransomware.
  13. If anyone has given it a fair shake, I'd say @ChernobylStudios/Scott has. He's having hassles that just aren't happening in the other DAW's he's started using. He didn't say flat out "avoid Cakewalk by BandLab, it's junk," he said that he had found it unsuitable, but that new users should still give it a try. That's pretty balanced at the frustration level he was expressing. He also said that he's going to continue his tips and tricks video series using CbB. I've seen lagginess too, had it with a couple of projects where I'd start the transport and it would take up to 4 seconds to start rolling. I traced it to CbB streaming a zillion muted clips from the disk, takes that were not currently in use that I now realize need to somehow be put in Archive mode when I go to mixing. I've requested that Archiving be allowed for Lanes as well, which would take care of that problem. My response to finding defects in this software that I was being allowed to use for free was to ask if I could help out by filing detailed reports and working with the developers. His response, after years of paying for the commercial version and perhaps seeing certain issues go unaddressed, is to post a public complaint and maybe hope that it stimulates the developers to fix the issues he's complaining about. I don't think either of them is invalid. One might be considered more directly constructive, but it's a matter of how we each choose to spend our time. As far as Jaime posting it, it's just food for discussion and I'm glad he did. As CWAF! as I am, I think it's still a work in progress. There's still way funky stuff that goes on in the Lanes subsystem when recording multiple audio takes in Loop mode that should not be happening, and that I have to clean up after every time I track drums in my studio. Speed Comping, as handy and slick as it is once you figure it out, I believe might make comping in CbB needlessly difficult for new users to pick up. It was to me. I got into trouble with it. I still do. I would like to have a way to switch some of the features off if the user chooses to work in a more simplified way. A great feature that could use a little tuning, maybe.
  14. Domo arigato, Native Instruments.
  15. Yes, that's the Auto version, and yes, I know he's currently got the regular non-Auto version in the Eternal Madness Sale for $33 or so, but it's for real. I already have MDynamicEQ, which I picked up in an Eternal Madness Sale, but I'm seriously considering jumping on this, as soon as I get my head around the difference between the two! ? https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/190
  16. It's not a term in common use. We made it up on NIRVANAnet, a dialup BBS network, 30 years ago, to describe software or hardware that was, um....distinguished by having a rabid following. It's a snotty term, created by people in their 20's. Here's a characteristic of Moonieware: when one tries to discuss such a product with one of its advocates, and try to get information about its strong suits and shortcomings, according to them the strong suits are everything, and the shortcomings are either none, or that the stupid idiots who run the company can't market the product properly, or that some other manufacturer(s) have a deathgrip on the marketplace. They mean well, they're trying to help spread the word about their favorite whatever, help it survive, but people eventually wind up wishing they would just STFU, and it often creates unrealistically high expectations when someone does try the product and it turns out to just be a normal product with flaws like any other, often with glaring drawbacks that the users are overcompensating for. Reaper isn't really like that anymore, as far as I know, but about 10 years ago, ugh.
  17. Yes, which is why I referred to the Commodore Amiga. Back in the dial-up BBS days, the Amiga and Linux had similarly moonie-ish followings. How this manifested in online discussions would be that if anyone mentioned any application of computers, say word processing or databases, or CAD, the BBS' resident Amiga or Linux moonie would be certain to chime in to claim that such-and-such program, which was the only application at the time that was written for that task on their platform and was , of course, only available on that platform, was considered by all, far and wide, to be far superior to any similar software that was available for the Macintosh or DOS/Windows. You know, "I'm trying to decide whether to go with WordPerfect or Microsoft Word for the Mac my parents just bought me to take to UC Berkeley. Anyone used either of them?" "Well, I know that PencilPoint PaperPress for AmigaDOS is the best word processing program there is!" This had the result of everyone else on the BBS swearing that we would never, ever touch a Commodore computer as long as we lived, not even if it were running life support at the emergency room at a hospital and we needed its help to survive. No doubt the moment that Reaper got the ability to display a staff view, no matter how rudimentary it may have been, there were Reaper advocates who would tell you that anyone who wanted to do serious work with a staff view should try REAPER. It put me off from trying the program for months longer than I would have otherwise. I just have a thing about moonieware, and Reaper is, unfortunately, moonieware. Whoa, not even Mixcraft? When I came to Cakewalk from having used Mixcraft for years, it was jarring to find out that in Cakewalkville, the "audio engine" was this separate thing that starts and stops and that you sort of treat like a lawnmower engine. "Oops, she stalled out again, lemme give 'er a pull." Things have gotten better in that department since I just went ahead and got a $30 SSD for my audio data, but still, whoo boy. Perhaps the average "lower end of beginner music maker" in your neighborhood has a bit more cash to play with than the ones in mine. As I said, my friend just bought a used Dell for $50. No beginner music maker I have ever met has been able to scrape the cash for a brand new or even recent Macintosh on their own just to do music with, no matter what a great deal it was in the long run. If we posit a scenario where someone gets the DAW bug up their ass, chances are these days they will have a computer. Chances are it will be a Windowbox, in which case they can d/l CbB, but if it's not, they can have GarageBand for free instead. I was talking about if they don't have a computer. What budget do we give them?
  18. There could be various bits installed here and there to reward the inspections of those interested in taking a look at their computers' file structure after installation of the demos. For informational purposes, of course, and surely not to step outside the licenses to which I have a right, Home Studio, CbB, and whatever the SPlat demo license grants. I did find out that it's not the best thing to let the Rapture Pro sounds and the Session sounds get too cozy. They'll get weird, and not in a good way. Rapture is much happier with the duplicates winnowed out of the Pro collection.
  19. I understand that those sounds are installed with the demo of Sonar Platinum and in some cases may even be left behind when the demo is uninstalled.
  20. The ones I have skimmed made them sound much like Cakewalk's own oft-derided Style Dials. I've thrown a Style Dial on a track here and there and had some fun. MAX is a useful one knob enloudener.
  21. That would be nice. Heck, if they want to start giving them away with Cakewalk, I won't complain either. I love my ProChannel, and the more modules the merrier. I managed to snag Rapture Session through a quirk of having obtained CA-2A years ago which somehow allowed me to get Home Studio, which comes with some jolly little DX plug-ins and also....Rapture Session, which is really, really nice. Rapture Session would be a good thing to include with CbB, as a matter of fact, if Rapture Pro turns out to be something BL wants to sell separately. It's a great teaser for the full product and useful all by itself.
  22. Shoot. Did you try Zamzar? Just curious, because when I was researching it, their file size limits indicated that our beloved Ref. Guide came in juuuust under the limit. I suspect, though, that with something like the Ref. Guide that has so many static images, it may be tough for a converter to handle. I'm curious as to whether anyone else has used ToolsEditor to put a link on the Utilities menu. I've been using it multiple times a session since I added it. I need that extra detail. For anyone having trouble figuring it out, the recipe is that you make the link to your PDF reader, in my case Sumatra.exe (but it could be acrobat.exe or whatever), then add an "argument" that points to wherever you keep your Ref. Guide, in my case Downloads\Cakewalk. So whenever Morten revises it, I can just drop the new one in there and my link will still work.
  23. What share of the "pro" market Cakewalk has is of little to no concern to me. I think it's quite beside the point and not where the exciting stuff is happening in 2019. The model of a person or group of people working up a bunch of material and then paying to go into a building where there's a few people operating magical highly expensive machinery that records them performing their material and then the building people take the recordings and edit and mix the recordings using more highly expensive machinery at the end of which a record company (or the performing people) writes a check to the building people is an all but entirely obsolete model. Studio recording today is akin to studio photography of today. Yes, they still exist, yes, they will always exist, yes, there are things they will always be able to do that nobody else can, but their hold on the market is long gone. It's as gone as that thing where a "record company" turns recordings into pieces of plastic and sells them to young people and pays the performing people 9 cents for each dollar of plastic pieces they sell and keeps the rest to pay for the recording building people and other "expenses." And sorry, but I'm fine with waving bye-bye. Neither of them ever served me or anyone I know very well, and what has replaced them offers so many more opportunities that it's mind boggling. The role of a DAW in a traditional pro studio is emulating (and extending the capabilities of) a multitrack tape machine, mixing console, effects rack, and editing block. For both audio and MIDI forms of musical data. Composing and arranging don't need to be done in big studios any more (for the few exceptions, pedant away if you feel like it) to the extent that they ever did. The artists who do those things can do them at home, in their own spaces, with the tools that suit them. Today, the computer is part of the picture starting from the "working up a bunch of material" phase. The moment I have a song idea I start demoing fragments and using the computer to rearrange them, working on different parts, etc. Many of my workflow needs during this process wouldn't mean diddly to a "pro DAW" customer. I'll be sitting watching TV with my laptop nearby and guitar plugged in in case I get an idea for the solo in one song that's been escaping me for weeks. The idea that a good program for this newer model of working is still supposed to be trying to grub for a bigger share of the "go into a building" market and it would be a point of shame if it didn't get it seems....silly to me. Cakewalk isn't going to tear any bigshots away from their beloved Pro Tools no matter how hard it tries, and Sonar's traditional small/home studio and hobbyist market is way more exciting and closer to where the future (not even, it's where we've already arrived) is anyway. I am all for Cakewalk being a great choice for musicians, composers, live recordists, and small studio owners. If the Pros want to hang on to their Tools, they should do so with enthusiasm (PT is a fine program).
  24. And we've witnessed how well that worked out for the similarly "technologically superior" Commodore Amiga.?? I don't think Reaper is headed in that direction, though! Really? No reason, not even the disparity in hardware cost for a "lower end of beginner" between a good used Windows system and a good used Mac? I'm asking because I don't know what usable used Macs go for these days. I do know that I can get Windows systems with plenty of life left in them for next to nothing. It will be a system that some gamer got tired of, or some manager in an office thinks isn't a big enough status symbol, but it will have plenty of power to run Cakewalk. Moreso with strategic upgrades like RAM and SSD. A friend of mine just picked up a retired Dell office desktop with an i5 in it that I know will run Cakewalk really well for his uses, he paid $50 for it. And he hasn't added any RAM or an SSD or a special graphics card yet. I think of Macs as fine beginner computers for when mom and dad are still paying the bills, less so when the young person themselves is paying for the computer, the rent, the food, the utilities, etc. Never had the silver spoon, so it was always homebuilt computers and Microsoft (and Digital Research!) operating systems. Now I also have a Mac, which is very nice. I agree with you that people get too feisty and tribal about their consumer preferences, but I think that is hard-coded into us as humans. For some reason, we feel better when people agree with us about how things should be done. But there's more (or less) to it than that. It used to be a vital argument whether Motorola microprocessors or Intel ones were "better," as if it somehow mattered which one was buried deep within the computer, running the OS. Now Motorola is out of the microprocessor game and the argument is forgotten. If you were to ask me what DAW software to buy anyone under the age of 30 these days, I would have to go with Ableton Live. At least the ones I see and talk to, that's kinda all they want to know about. Discussions such as this one usually ignore the most critical question, which is "for what kind of music production?" And then everyone jumps in assuming it's the kind of music they mostly do. For MIDI? Audio? Loop construction? Live performance? Hardware control? Live mixing? Until you know the answers to those questions, it's like discussing "what's the best saw?" without knowing what is to be cut with it. Yet on we go. "I'd like to see you connect 12 vintage synthesizers to GarageBand and send them all sysx commands on different channels. Now observe as SonarLab and my mighty CAL script forces them into submission!" "Reaper is too difficult to use, therefore discouraging young people from wanting to produce music!" "FL Studio is too easy to use, therefore discouraging young people from producing music that I recognize as music!" "Pro Tools is still the only DAW to bother with if you're opening a serious professional studio." "Who the HELL is opening 'serious professional studios' these days? Is Avid selling like 10 licenses per year, then? People use the programs to make music."
  25. Jim, I've never compared the two formats, but I know that there are various free services and converters like Zamzar.com that claim to convert .PDF to EPub. I don't know how good a job they do.
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