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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Ha! We'd need Steel, too. I wonder how many other Yanks got the reference. This thanks to Amazon Prime Video. It was so great to see the two of them, and they're still in major roles in television. I was 15 when The New Avengers was syndicated in the US, and Purdey definitely made an impression.?
  2. "How to Become a Lord of the STH"
  3. I know you meant this as a joke, but as a salve to buyer's remorse, I pointed something out on the old forum to the SPlat people who were, not surprisingly, aghast at "It's SONAR Platinum, but free!" We now understand that that pitch was hyperbole and it was really more SONAR Professional, and I definitely have add-on envy (and undying gratitude) for anyone who owns a SPlat license. Even if BandLab would just put in the stuff they own! Sure, I got Cakewalk by BandLab for free, but I only got to use it for a month or two at that point. They got to use SONAR for years, sometimes decades. Do we get bent out of shape when the toll bridge becomes a free bridge, even though we paid $5 a day for 10 years to cross it? (Well, maybe if we bought a non-refundable $300 pass 6 months before it turned free.? Still, 6 months I didn't have) That's the thing I always remind myself in such situations: for the $29 I dropped on Ozone Elements, I had over a year of using the software before iZotope started giving it away at Pluginboutique. These are tools, and yeah, I'm a plug-in 'ho, but unless you're in it for "he who dies with the most plug-ins wins," we pay to have the tools when we need them. Getting Ozone Elements at that phase of my development was HUGE. When I could finally set up my master bus so that it sounded better than the presets and wizard in Ozone was when I knew that I was getting somewhere.? If you're doing the kind of work that requires RX, especially if you're getting paid for it, $20 a month for 6 months to have the new features NOW is totally worth it. RX is amazing, incredible, a time-saver, and I haven't watched the video, but it's been a long time since 7 and they tend not to mess around. Recently, I got Phoenix Reverb for $10. If I could go back in time 5 years and pay $100 for that license, knowing how much it would do for my mixes....
  4. I don't think that's necessary. From my reading of it, the OP was asking about the etiquette of using affiliate links, and then offering their opinion that they preferred the idea of disclosing them, and why. That's just their opinion, and it opened the topic for discussion. Other opinions, some contrary, followed. My opinion: who cares, unless they're junk posts, which would be against the spirit of the forum. I suspect the forum would police itself in brutal fashion if someone started spewing junk posts. It's a savvy bunch, and as the OP noted, the quality level in this forum is so high that it's intimidating. Even with a real gem, like the W.A, Production one I just posted, I'm careful to check back a couple of pages to make sure it's not a duplicate that someone (invariably you-know-who) has already posted. I'd say that as far as etiquette goes, trying to avoid dupes is the biggie. There's so much stuff here that bandwidth is limited and every duplicate is another deal that gets scrolled to page 2. If I were to post anything where I got a perk if someone clicked on the link, I'd put a friendly "if you use this link, I get X benefit." But that's just me, and I have no problem with anyone who does otherwise (w/junk post caveat).
  5. This for sure. The threads where Adam is finding his way around this stuff make for fascinating reading. He goes from "where do I find the Theme Editor" to 4 variations on an old theme that go way beyond "update" and land in "inspired by." 4 variations is @Matthew White territory! And in the space of weeks (is this a lockdown benefit?). I've always loved the look of the Green Glow/Dark Aqua themes, but couldn't use them because of lack of contrast between OFF and ON states on the toggle buttons. He's a fast learner, to say the least, and ego-free when it comes to accepting help and suggestions. Not surprising that the end product is so good. I was musing that excerpts might make a good addition to the appendices in @Colin Nicholls The Young Lady's Guide. Not just for how to update a SONAR theme, but how to get started.
  6. https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/kshmr-essentials-kick I just got it and they tossed in a license for Sphere Delay, which I already have, was just using on a drum loop yesterday. Sphere Delay is a wicked creative effect, so act now while that giveaway is part of the package. I think the SphereDelay add-on may go away at the end of August, so JUMP.
  7. I've started seeing a trickle of freeware 64-bit VSTi's showing up at KVR that bear the "Made with SynthEdit" logo. I don't know anything about SynthEdit except that it was a popular development tool for small shops for a while, and at one point, seemed like an abandoned project. That break in its development happened right when it was time for 64-bit plug-ins to become essential, and SynthEdit couldn't build them. Now it would appear that there's a version of SynthEdit that can make 64-bit plug-ins and I wonder if that old code can now be used to build 64-bit versions.
  8. Been using 5.21.5 and loving the pan readout with the "C" for center. Looking forward to 5.22 with that option!
  9. You helped bring down a 15-year old bug that a lot of heavy hitters had given up on. The Force is strong with this one.?
  10. What I suspected. My headache was that it let me type all that stuff in, then ignored it. The reason I thought it was "as designed" was that I brought this up a while back and Jon (I think) told me that it was set up that way so that users wouldn't lose track of their audio files. I think he misunderstood what I was saying and I misunderstood what he was saying so I didn't file a formal report. I do appreciate how you guys are willing to wade into the ancient code and pull these weeds. Props due.
  11. True, that is the best solution. There are of course those one-of-a-kinds, like HG Fortune's stuff, (built in SynthEdit, the blessing and later curse of independent synth developers), and since Mr. Fortune passed in 2014, they are unlikely never be available in 64-bit. There are some developers that I wish would stop shipping 32-bit versions, if only because their installers spew them all over the place on my system.
  12. Are you running the 64-bit or 32-bit version of SONAR 7? Cakewalk is said to coexist well with previous versions of SONAR, but I don't know that I've seen anyone with a 32-bit version doing it, so there may be more of a chance for a configuration problem. I would think that a 32-bit version would completely ignore 64-bit Cakewalk, and vice-versa, but who knows. Your SI plug-ins appear in your list of available plug-ins, but when you try to use any of them, either in a new or an existing project, you get error messages. Is that correct? I've never used SONAR 7, so I don't know what the interface looks like. My guess is that Plug-In Manager is still the same. Do you know how to run the Plug-In Manager? In my version of Cakewalk, I can run it from the Utilities menu. You need to run it in SONAR 7. Once you have opened Plug-In Manager, you'll see a list of all the plug-ins SONAR knows about over on the left. You can click on VST Instruments and see if the SI ones are on the list. If they are, you can click on one and see information such as the path where it's installed. Down at center bottom, there's a section called VST Configuration. If you click the button there that says Options, you can do things like check what folders SONAR is scanning for plug-ins, re-scan the folders, and reset your plug-in system's folder configuration. Doing a re-scan is the first thing, then if that doesn't work, try the reset button. These will force SONAR to rebuild your plug-ins list. Also, when you check to see what folders its scanning, make sure that it's set to scan the correct one(s) as Scook outlined. There may also be paths to other locations, but you can leave them alone as you choose, if they look okay.
  13. Thanks, Jim, I know about those, and I can assign them using Notes, and they will show up as icons in the Recent Projects area of the Start Screen, but not in New Project (where the Templates are). Is the Start Screen not such popular a feature? It's how I navigate into Cakewalk. Those thumbnails of my projects and all kind of spark interest that just clicking on a file name doesn't as much, which is why I'd like to get some nice looking icons on my custom templates.
  14. While I definitely agree with this practice for use in new projects, there's the common scenario of wanting to mix or augment a project that was started years ago. The person may have used a unique, no longer produced instrument only available in 32-bit form, and/or may even have been running SONAR on an older 32-bit version of Windows. In some genres, it's impossible to migrate or start over with another instrument. because improvisation with the instrument is the composition. Ambient and drone, for instance. So I have sympathy for those dealing with 32-bit VSTi's, especially in those scenarios. Using them in new projects....not the best idea.
  15. Perhaps, in light of the confusion we've had, it could be removed from the Properties page for VSTi's?
  16. If you already have SONAR Platinum, Cakewalk by BandLab is a great way to get a free upgrade to it, so check it out. Cakewalk by BandLab came from the same code as SONAR, but has 2 1/2 years of bug fixes and feature additions. It will install and coexist with SONAR Platinum and use all of its extra features as well.
  17. I really like Mixcraft's implementation. Typical for them, it doesn't over-complicate the instrument itself. Part of what I mean by well-integrated is that it offloads a lot of the stuff you're talking about to other areas of the DAW that are already in place and that we already know how to use. So, some of what you describe is already in place inasmuch as Cakewalk detects pitch and timing whenever you drag audio in anyway, Loop Construction is comprehensive in other ways, so for instance you'd fine tune your sample using that tool, then right click or hit a button and select "Send to Phrase Sampler." A dialog pops up, asks you which cell/note you want to map it to, done. Then the sample player only needs to handle basic things like reverse, envelope, retriggering behavior. Speed and pitch variation as well, as those are already built into CbB. If you want filtering, that's what that FX rack is for. Mixcraft split their samplers into two different instruments. The first is the phrase sampler, which is what @Xel Ohh is talking about (I think). It lets you bring in audio phrases and trigger them with MIDI notes. The integration comes in where the phrases can be brought in from. You can right click on a clip in an audio track, bring it in from their version of the loop construction tool, the sound library, it's hooked in to all these other places where you're creating chunks of audio. Same with their Performance Panel, which is their implementation of a Matrix type view. Very well-integrated with every area of the program, in both directions. Then they have a Sampletank-like sampler that lets you bring in sounds and spread them across a range of pitches. I haven't worked with it, so can't say as much about it. It's not a separate instrument, it's an integrated feature, like a View. Call it the Phrase Clip Player View.
  18. Ay-yi-yi. Worse than you thought, John. Have you just been assuming that Cakewalk was accepting the setting? If so, try making the setting, closing the plug-in UI (or Plug-in Manager, whichever you're using to make the setting), and then reopening the Properties page for that plug-in. On my system at least, when I do that, the box is unchecked. I didn't test anything to see if there was weirdness with delay, but, definite bug here. What I would call it is "Cakewalk is not accepting the plug-in delay compensation setting for 32-bit plug-ins."
  19. Okay, probably why I might have missed it, I've finally gotten to the point where I can pretty much go all-64 bit for my VSTi's in new projects. I keep some 32's around so I can reinstall them if older projects need them. I'll give it a look. So I need to: 1. put a 32-bit VSTi in a project 2. check its properties to see if delay compensation is enabled, and if not, enable it 3. Save and exit the project 4. reload the project 5. check its properties again to see if delay compensation is still enabled That should do it? To do a mention, just type an "@" sign and then start typing the username you want to mention. The board will present you with a list of names that match your entry, and it will come out like so: @Kurre.
  20. I heartily endorse both of these suggestions, and would like to also be able to add tagging to FLAC and other format exports.
  21. Remind me John, I know you talked about this at length in the Free Instruments thread: is this for all of your VSTi's? Was it only 64-bit or only VST2's? I can't remember. This isn't happening on my systems, so something probably somehow got ganked on your installation. Cakewalk stores most of its settings like this in AUD,INI, which is in your C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData/Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core folder. Try renaming this file and restarting Cakewalk and see if the issue persists.
  22. Mr. Ohh is doing some good work, I've liked his tutorials on electronic music/beatmaking workflows and meat-and-potatoes operations like final mixdown. He covers all the steps, which is great for people new to the program, which is a lot of people these days. I hope that he can add some advocacy in making an integrated sampler happen. I'm getting into genres now like chillout that use breathy vocal samples, and I find myself talking myself out of using them because I'll have to load an external sampler and all that.
  23. Y'know, it's funny, I checked into this thread out of curiosity and to see if I could help with a temporary solution and then with the advocacy, but reading how enthusiastic you all are, makes me wanna patch in some of my old outboards. I have a patchbay, a nice one, Behringer, built like a kettenkrad, that can be configured in all different flavors of normaling. I hadn't incorporated it into my current setup because of all of the great plug-ins that are out there. In addition to the spring reverb I have some stuff like a Valley Arts compressor and an Alesis Nanocompressor and various Alesis MIDI/Micro/Nano verbs. Also a Zoom rack thing that can turn itself into different things, like a vocoder for instance. It can even connect via S/PDIF. Hmm. Also, bump.?
  24. I think it's been said before in this thread: these are great ideas. However, posting them all in one big thread both lessens the impact that they might have on the people who need to see them most (the developers) and makes it difficult for other people to comment on and maybe expand or refine your ideas. This entire subforum was created for posting these, so there's no reason to out them in one huge hard to follow thread. The developers read the forum and gauge the popularity of new features by the enthusiasm shown. That's harder to do in a 10-page thread. Some the best ones in here aren't even getting single Likes. Great idea=new thread! Please!?
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