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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. For me it's sad that it still looks from 1850... that bad... I've been waiting for them to make an amazing GUI since version 5... now I am convinced they're beyond help (At least Reaper 6... White Tie... he tried! lol)
  2. I hate that I can't use my main yahoo mail account... I have to use my alternate one...just like in Vi control... wtf...
  3. If it's significantly lower count me in. You know I want Sculptube.
  4. Thanks mate, you proved it (no fingers applied). Cheers.
  5. I wouldn't say over the top, although complaining doesn't fix anything Except complaining to the proper channels may them know they have to fix stuff. And just because you didn't have problems doesn't mean others didn't/won't. But since I have wasted time with Continuata before and they didn't fix it, I won't take my chances again. And you can get thie free thing from various sources anyway. Cheers.
  6. Nooooo! They want me to use the pos of a program to download it? (Continuata) Sigh...
  7. I can get any GEM for 55.2 Euros now ($61.44) on Overloud.com I guess that's as low as it will get
  8. They must be doing great with the new policies since they have kept going with the same narrative. I guess Waves' 29 bucks policy is wrong ??
  9. Tone is not in the hands, never has never will. That they have influence on sound, that's different. Tone (timbre) has more to do with the speaker. Believe what you will.
  10. Doesn't display properly in Reaper... right part gets cut off (which I assume are the highs or a master volume blue knob)
  11. Carlos

    IK Black 76

    True but my main critical sites (like Pokerstars ?) dont use the same password dont worry, thanks though ?
  12. Carlos

    IK Black 76

    I mostly use the same password in all sites, but this site wants me to use idk how many chars plus weird symbols I never remember it... ???
  13. Carlos

    IK Black 76

    "Password reset email has been sent. " I hate this site so much... I've done this like 20 times this year.... Just to get a freebie...
  14. Did we get a 2nd free plug? I wrote Waves' support and they answered the next day with a link (Friday) and finally got my Scheps 73 (that's what I went for after perusing 150 plugins, lol). Then today I got a new email, and could pick another plugin (but now only from 50 plugins or so). Needless to say I got the Maserati's VX1 (Vocals plugin). I should've gone with that one from the get go Now I am hooked on free Waves plugins... (which beats PA business scheme by a mile )
  15. Aren't too bad? So I shouldn't waste 99 bucks buying them? Should I just stick with Ik's or Waves'?
  16. Does the rack version sound as the pedal? Or viceversa?
  17. I haven't received my free plugin, I mean, I haven't given the option to choose anything in my email yet... sigh Waves...
  18. Yeah, thanks, it's what I am noticing. Just a guy at KVR answered me he won't sell individual plugins, just the whole account. Lol. The thing is he's had his ad up for almost a month, and when that happens, it will likely never sell. Better to get back 5 bucks vs nothing
  19. I am looking for the API 2500 and/or the PUIG EQ's for cheap if you were to letting them go. Or Maxxbass. Thanks. (I will pick one of those as my freebie, prob. will get the API on KVR).
  20. What's the best plugin I can get for free? I have all IK Multimedia Max, Waves CLA 76, Acustica Audio stuff, had Softube Vol. 2 (which I didn't like), NI Komplete Ultimate, idk what else (lots of good freebies, like Sonic Anomaly. Right now the Abbey Saturator sounds amazing on Vocals, and before it I put Unlimited (Sonic Anomaly) to hear myself better when recording (Abbey sound so good already, around 42% of the Compander ON, TG Saturation at Noon). Vocals is my main focus, but I feel with these plugins I am done. What else could I want? The Pulteq EQ? Do I need more eq's for vocals? Maybe not, idk. EDIT: I am a WAVES noob, thanks.
  21. Do we get the free plugin with the BS purchase?
  22. Why doesn't this have more views/comments? Best DAW ever! After Cakewalk ofc (just said this to respect this forum) ? Been waiting this for so long.
  23. Sorry missed this post
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