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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. It might look dated (hell yeah it does) but the free kit (specially the KICK) sounds amazing! I loved it as soon as it went live (I downloaded it immediately). Expansions for me are not worth it though (maybe just the main upgrade).
  2. You're awesome Zo, wish you the best. (Where's that KVR forum hug emoticon when you really need it? ? )
  3. Um, it's not free : Here is how to get your copy. 1.) Follow me @reflektaudio on instagram 2.) Tag 3 producer friends 3.) Send me a dm so I can send you the link path to the download
  4. Can't believe it's so simple yet sounds very very good too: https://lesstudiospalace.com/the-only-spring-drum/
  5. Happy New Year 2020 to you guys too! I never introduced myself I just started posting and you took me like a new family member right away. So hugs to all too ? ? (<--- in an amicable way ).
  6. That ***** "WOW" feature, omg, thanks for sharing, reminds me of Legend of Zelda 2 (Adventure of Link) (best Zelda for me, or on par with Link to the Past). Some music has this WOW thingy going on, awesome.
  7. Was trying to make you laugh mate, I understand you. I see no reason for you to not getting what you feel you are entitled to.
  8. Maybe they will tell Waves they were selling like hot cakes and that's the price they should be aiming from now on?
  9. They won't let me pay, lol (There was an error with your Paypal payment). I didn't want them that much anyway, lol.
  10. Does this mean I can get SD7 Pro Show for just 3000?!?!?! Wowowow I am so gonna get it!!!! In all seriousness, even then this sale works great for single plugins, right? Not so much for bundles? JJ Analog Series (Puig Eq's and Compressor) is $54.5 on Waves, but 99 on MF, which would be 49.5, not that great of a super better deal, right? If I get them separately each of them is 29, half 15, so for 30 I get both, right?
  11. Glad you posted a reply, lol, I would've missed it (the KING posts so many things ) haha.
  12. They are on sale right now, are you rich?!?!?! ??
  13. Carlos

    ProjectSAM - TFO11

    Let's see if I remember my password this time... 3 tries... nope... password reset... again... EDIT: Weak - Please enter a stronger password. (I fcking hate this... almost no one has this kind of login type)... EDIT 2: ok, a Freebie is a freebie ? (Kvr has better emoticons )
  14. Thx so much, Those Studio passes and masterclasses seem very attractive (I'm into the mixing part, specially vocals)
  15. Offline access means you can download stuff and get to keep it for eternity?
  16. holly fkcing sht! If only I didnt have it! This guy must be desperate for beans and rice... or he wants to get desperately to buy xmas presents... too late pal! lol
  17. Well, yeah, usually here is hot, and these DAYS have been cold, I never wear a sweater, I had to use one 2 days in a row, so, yeah, I hope the sun borns again in the sunset stronger than ever, lol.
  18. ?? Thanks mate, you 2! ?? (although just getting the freebies of today is gonna be bothersome already, lol). Cheers.
  19. (I thought the King posted this, made a search, nothing). https://wilkinsonaudio.com/collections/free To make 2019 the merriest Christmas in history, Wilkinson Audio has made the following products available for free for the duration of the Christmas season: Kontakt Bass instruments: Zombass 1 Zombass 2 Zombass 3 Zombass 4 Zombass is a classic, high quality virtual bass guitar instruments used on thousands of records/albums across the world. Kontakt drum instrument: Naked Drums Naked drums are some extremely well tuned and recorded drum samples that are completely unprocessed. That means they'll fit into your mix in a realistic way, every time. Great for beefing up drum kits without giving them an overly processed sound. Guitar cab IRs: Simpulse Freddy Simpulse Jimmy Simpulse Dave Our Simpulse IRs are simply some of the best guitar cab impulses that exist on the planet. 'Nuff said.
  20. I finally tested this... on vocals... just amazing... this should cost 200 bucks or something
  21. 504 Gateway Time-out (again and again) Love it
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