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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. and now for the the disappoinment.......... Even though they just released two new packs...........here's what happens It looks like you are the best customer ever—you already own everything this bonus offers. Thank you and we’ll try to make it up to you in the future. I guess the new ones don't count. ?
  2. Mine is more of too many plugins. They make great stuff and it's stable.
  3. Odd mine was already disabled. My fastest startup machine is also the oldest running an AMD FX6300.
  4. I think just about every developer has their own ASIO driver,
  5. Their top DAW is already a sub and that option existed before the sub pandemic. There is also Acid 365. They have a lot of software that isn't a DAW. Lackluster upgrades from former Sony software doesn't help. There are people still using Acid Pro 7. It's rare that when software divisions are sold things get better. I guess that's what happens if you don't have the complete development team. You can be sure some enshitification will happen. Image Line's CEO is a former Magix guy. Maybe Image Line will buy them -doubtful. I think there is more doom when companies try the sub model. Those prices go up as well. Adobe subs have doubled since they first came out.
  6. Live is an EDM first DAW. I always think of deleting more factory packs. Their orchestra ones remind me of soundfonts. I'd bet anything in Kontakt that translated into the sampler would not sound the same. Project Sam and Spitfire have made packs but I wouldn't buy them.
  7. So this product got it right and everyone else got it wrong? Sometimes good ole sheet music is handy. Even online resources get keys wrong.
  8. It's not that as I have so much stuff that it can be overwhelming. I think it's time to try Live in it's proprietary state.
  9. Live's browser went downhill after Live 8. If you have other folders added to the browser it scans them with that little circle spinning. It reminds me of Gigastudio. The more folders you add the larger you Live app data gets because of it's db file. I'm gonna try making something using only their synths. I went thru a few presets of Analog that I liked. I always buy the Udemy tutorials by Jason Allen and he goes through the Suite with enough info on each instrument to get you started without boring you to death. I think the intro to Live 12 is free on Udemy
  10. They use to do group buys. It was on KVR that I first heard of D16 and asked why people were so into that group buy. Oddly enough without resizable GUIs we look at bigger screens but the software looks small. We get hi res screens only to sit closer.
  11. I have no idea how you got that from my statement, Lush 2 - I don't need another synth,
  12. kitekrazy1

    Trash is back

    The $29 for me is worth every penny to avoid using Native Asshat
  13. kitekrazy1

    Trash is back

    You will eventually get an email for the $29 upgrade. Avoid what the account says,
  14. kitekrazy1

    Trash is back

    Shows full price for me. Outside of the name Izotope on it not sure it's really worth it. Will this be other other head of the 3 headed monster that I will slay,
  15. Oh that's right. Derailing a thread is mandatory. BTW I still have that offer for Lush 2 for 39. I don't need another synth,
  16. I never installed the other one. FL Studio now has their own.
  17. If you have an old Intel processor you have a better chance. I'm pretty sure my i7 4790 will work. I also have an old AMD FX series that will not work. Everything is becoming "apple" like with hardware. There's that DAW named Reaper which will work on almost anything, even Linux. I don't think the world will end if people are still stuck on Live 11. Ableton will still update it which puts them in a league by themselves.
  18. How did we go from D16 to Waves? Upgrade prices from D16 are very nice.
  19. best comment - huge fan
  20. Some had to get a refund because their processor doesn't support AVX2. everything is getting "Apple like" with hardware. Casual users are into the if it aint broke don't fix it with hardware. Those are shoes not everyone walks in to understand.
  21. It was their app and not them. Maybe thin skinned and faulty developers go hand in hand.
  22. I deleted that email thinking is was a hardware thing and not a sample library.
  23. I don't know about that. Disk manufacturers and Microsoft had different measurements of storage space.
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