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Everything posted by Paul Bush
This really isnt my type of song , but I gave it a go anyway , and you bloody well nailed it and got me convinced that his could be ``my sort of song´´ , those backing vocals sold it to me and the intro with the doubled acoustic guitares just lovely ..lots of space and really good lyrics this was one of the best yet thanks for inspiring me
So this could be my problem after every recording /deleting /and playing along with session I always do a ``save as ´´ is this not nessersary ? should i just click on `´X´´ and not save .
Hi guy s After recording a song with all the tracks within being deleted and re-recorded I went on to audio libraries only to find so many takes and retakes ,is this ok ? or is there a way of reducing or deleting the unwanted `´takes ´´ so as to free up my PC or is this just not worthwhile ,any easy answers would be welcome (I´n not too pc savy) cheers now
cheers Paulo , sounds easy even I can manage that ...thats going to save me some headaches hanks
The strings i played seperately , i wanted them in the more background I did use the bandlab reverb but I may have used the ezdrums reverb as well now I come to think of it whoops yes I played the bass (badly ) Ive only ever written one song where I was proud of the (walking) bass line this wasnt one of my shinning moments thanks Tom. Im really overwhelmed with encouragemnt from this forum . cheers Paul
Hi Wookie , I took my time and still managed to rush it , i just wanted to try out all those knobs and buttons the song itself was just a vehicle really , Ive now had a listen im my car and the main vocal is too loud . There´s nothing worse than working on a song that you heart really isnt in it, that said Ive heard worse .... thanks for the candid and honest comments cheers paulDB
Thanks David , Ive been messing around with this song for so long now (maybe three months) and the more time I invested the less I liked the song I thinks that what you call overkill , I´ll give the K-stereo a try .. Im going back to basics now and write with the guitare instead of piano ( I`m not a pianist) thanks for the tip cheers paul
Thanks Tom , Im in awe of so many other musicians on the forum that get such a clean cut, and seperate mix , The really sruggle with the reverb on bandlab its just either right in yer face or in St Pauls Cathederal and the more I use it on the seperate the more it seems to get muddled/ muddy I should take some time an play around with it more , There were some timming issuse either with the vocal or drums I thought . I use EZ drums direct in stereo .thanks for your time cheers paul
Hi Chaps, Here is my first proper attempt at a mixdown ..Its the best I can do as i have rerally no idea on production , I just cant get that wide effect- sound , I need all the advice i can get so take off the kid gloves and give it to me between the eyes I ve got thick skin so no need to hold back thanks very much for listening cheers Paul DB postscript . Ive read all the tips and Ive remixed so maybe its a bit better ,
Hi guys i´m just doing the mixdown (,my first) and Ive gone and deletd my piano saved it and then the next day it was gone , is there any failsafe switch when recording a track that makes it impossible to delete. ? with samplitude there was an lock sign that one could add to the track and could only be deleted if one unlocks said track .cheers
Liked it the vocals were really good everything well ballanced
Great track liked the double guitare work takes some practice that but great when one pulls it off really lifted the track to yet another level
Hi Larry, Breathtaking as always , I bow to your nimbble fingers and breadth of your musical knowledge .. and full facial hair ..
Yeah it really draws one in , very good
Hi J, just loved that strat riff weaving back and forth and the groove was top , I was waiting for the vocals to pop in and I just wanted to sing along , i love a good ol`sing-a-long but thats just me , Im not al technical minded so i cant say anything on that front (i am learning though) but yeah liked it a lot cheers paul DB
Yeah me too all of the above ; I really like your laid back voice its so refreshing to hear an an orignal voice and not a take off` `as the kids do´´ good song
hi thanks douglas ,.........radio ready! wow now the would be something cheers Paul
Thanks david ........I have no idea what an ;D;D is but cheers anyway , DD thats got me thinking
Thanks for the nice comments , John Hughes really put the hour`s in on this one , makes all the difference cheers
Key - 3 (A) Fake Paul D Bush Intro (1-2) Riff x 2 (3-10) (F#m) (11-18) (Bm7) (Cm#7) Hey Hey Hey, better watch what you. say say say. (F#m) (Bm7) (Cm#7) No,NoNo, Better watch where you go go go (Bm7) (19-24 ) (Cm#7) Dont believe all they, try to tell you (Bm7) (Cm#7) It´s propogander that they`ll try and sell you (Bm7) (Cm#7) Read all about it.. they will try to blind you (25-32) (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm (Dbm7) Read between those scribbled lines (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm)(Dbm7) Look behind their twisted smiles (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm)(Dbm7) Theyre Sugar coated so you´ll be fine (G) (A) (Db7) (F#m) Do dod do Do dodo do do dooo (F#m) (Bm7) (Cm#7) Fake Fake Fake,dont you what`s at stake stake stake (F#m) (Bm7) (Cm#7) No,NoNo,better watch who you phone phone phone (Bm7) (Cm#7) There´s no use in blindly believing (Bm7) (Cm#7) Every line they write is clearly deceiving (Bm7) (Cm#7) Read all about it the lying and scheaming (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm (Dbm7) Read between those seductive lines (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm (Dbm7) Close your eyes open your mind (F#m) (Dbm) (Bm ) (F#m)(Bm (Dbm7) Theyre Sugar coated so you´ll be fine (G) (A) (Db7) (F#m) Do dod do Do dodo do do dooo Bridge (Db7) (Bm) They just push their own agenda (Db7) (F#m) The spying, Stasi tactics, digging the dirt (Dm) (A) They say Its all in the name of freedom (Bm7) While they`re hacking and tapping the lines (E) (F) If you complain their lawyer will bleed you dry …....solo....... Shake,shake,shake, watch out they gonna shake shake shake you down …....Fade...... This song was inspired by the Milly dowler story and many other s who were hacked by the media and destroyed by headline grabing lies another story was of christopherJefferies destroyed but the gutter press and many others ..dont believe a word of it
Hi Guy s ``Fake´´ has been mixed down by a fab chap called John Hughes from Doncaster he also played Bass, brass, and incidental piano he really did a top job on this and we have collaberated on a couple of other things .... I think this the only song I have thats been mixed down properly . cheer`s now
Hi Larry , you are such a clever fella, I like all of your stuff ...... its just so good , I wrote a song with just piano , drums , bass, orchestra and a vocal , as I´m in no way a pianist it was O.K but didnt fullfill its potential , the strings were just the same chords as the piano and didnt weave in and out of the melody as they should .so listening to you gives lots of ideas on how I can improve .cheers paul DB
Yes , loved this one, right up my street, it had a joe jackson , squeeze sort od feel to it .production was gtreat
Its aleady been said above , and I concure . but i still have to say I loved the whole thing , production was superb
Nice one guys , just cant beat a couple of stops to give a song that extra kick works perfectly . cheers paul DB