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Everything posted by Paul Bush
Well Ive opened a can of worms there then.... I do have a small library of riff`s for the times when my creativity is wanening I pop back and give them another go sometimes something pops out mostly not , I have a riff thats over twenty years old and I still hit a brick wall and cant get further but I´m not man enough to delete it I´ll still have another go at in a couple of months y´never know ?????
O.k.thats fine then........I´m not alone , that makes me feel much better cheers paul Db
Hi guys, Do you ever suffer from ``motivation slump´´ after investing severl hour`s brain banging and head scratching, of trying this trying that on a song when what at first seemed to be a a corker of a hum-dinger ended up as a stinker and then put to one side for later in the ``try again later tray ´´ ..So day`s pass by a or week maybe and then one thinks `I dunno I´ll give that another try it wasnt that bad ´.....And its sill not hitting the spot after once again hours of trying this and that ....problem is , you have now invested even more time and enegy in this Turkey ..and it`s still not cooking . At what point do you give up ? ..I have such a song where is built up solely on stop and go recording weeks months have gone by but I still just cant give up on it although in my heart of heart I know it is still a half backed and bad basted turkey ..then the worst g happens when someone say`s `` what are you crazy ? that`s a great song ´´ the fact that it`s opinion of your half deaf eighty year old gandma who is an expert on nothing less Des O´Connor is neither here nor there , Once again and with a gusto we spring into action with a new found wave of high motivation and self belief stuffing in hand ready to fill out those empty cavities and so we start from the beginning once again .... I have such a song and will post it somewhere in the future not for praise or adulation No ! I just want confirmation that the bloody thing was a Turkey from the beginning ...pass the stuffing ...regards to all Paul DB
Well Well , now you come to mention it Traffic`s ``low spark ´´ Christopher Cross , Dire Straits , etc were all huge influences , not to mention Van morrison, Bonnie Raith, Robert Cray , Robben Ford , Joni Mitcell, Rickie Lee Jones, and so many others and at the end of the day they all influence ``my style´´ (if I have one ) thanks for all the really nice well informed comments ``low spark`´ have nt heard that album for many a year ..I´ll pop dwom stairs a give it a spin for old times sake .I really appeciate t all of your input .cheers Paul DB
Cheer`s Andrew , Its a simple song and It s really one of my personal favorites .. I dont have many of them , in fact its the only one all the influences are there to hear . wear it on my sleeve thanks for the comments paul DB
Hi , I wrote this one a while back and for some reason I really like it , it has a lot of space /depth by chance rather than design its not everyones cup of tea but there you have it cheers Paul DB
Thanks guys , to perfectly honest I´m not much of a Bassist, or come to that a good guitarist ,But what I `ve learned over the years, less is more and play within ones reach and play a melodic solo rather than a fast one , when I started out to write songs I´d play everything myself as I`m too empatient to wait for someone else to help me out , and yes it lacks ``funk´´ i think because I use EZ drums I´m slighty constrained to the patterns and I never seem find the perfect fills , and yes son a preacher thing definitely there I knew it and well....... ignored it .so much stuff sounds like so and so, so i take it in my stride otherwise i´d never finnish a song .. as a foot note all my songs were as `demos´intended and one day to be freshly recorded with proper musicans in a studio ( when I win the lottery) dont hold yer breath as the say. regards Paul DB
Yep Tom see what you mean with the kick ,Ive now listened to it again and now i´m not too happy with the whole thing , really needs tightening up , I think what is in my opinon basicaly a good song is sadly let down by the bad mix . regards Pau DB.......Ohhum back to the drawing board
``Yoodoo the Voodoo ´´ I met Ermin Wärnä from Sweden on a fb music group, he had the riff and I was inspired and did the rest, this is the first colaboration Ive ever been involved with ....... such a great riff , soo easy to write over the lyrics and melody were finnished in twenty minutes , the recording however took ages (too many knobs, switches and faders) this was my real first bandlab effort, I´m slowy getting my head around the workings of this fanatsic music tool , Overwhelmed at times I have a lot to learn but still lots of fun any tips would be welcome regards Paul DB
Yeah I liked this one , I think I would have added a vocal harmony somewhere after the second verse . even so still a good song .
Hi Dan, So much in there but never too much and over busy, everything so well ballanced, production perfect, so much depth , just really great cheers PB
Yeah I liked the song , with a super production and the video quality was super .
Hi Dan , Thanks for the encouraging comments , I try to keep things as basic as possible there`s always something that niggles after the mix down ( I´m useles at the mixdown stage), funny thing is one can never tell which song is the strongest, the one`s I like are usually the ones no-one else does .. cheers PB
Everything in there really good ,exciting , I wish In had hair . to go with the Prog rock hippy feel
Well thanks for all the tips and the really nice comments guys , Ive since downloaded some better piano tones ,I really do stuggle with the drum side of things (EZdrums) i should take more time with the mixdown though I´m slowly getting grips with bandlab hopefully my next effort will be a tad better cheers to all
Just another eighties type song also on soundcloud
One of the best I `ve heard so far, excelent recording , conjures up black and white pictures of Trilby hat wearing private detectives standing in the rain looking moody etc etc Really is my cup of tea. thanks PB
Sinister and dark with a really good orignal story line ,really good, after listening I wouldnt walk home alone . not even Kevin
I love the production, the drum breaks, a really wide sound , yep it`s all there , cheers PB
Yeah i like the whole thing the sound mix is good ; i cant any of my recordings to sound like this , I like writing and recording , i dont like mixing cheers PB
Hi Bjorn, all the photo`s i used were from the net (maybe I´ll get sued)I just love black and white photography , thanks for the comments cheers PB
Yeah I used to try and be more edgy and Hyp and try and write stuff that wasnt in my blood and I couldnt pull it off untill slowly I realised ``hey´´ this is what I do, a riff ,three chords and a bridge, take it or leave it , its great if one person likes it for what it is , If I get a nice comment occasionaly that really puts a smile on my old face ......cheers for the nice comments Pb
Thanks Tom Ive been quite productive over the last two years , I´m really a product of the sixties seventies and th eighties so i live in a time warp ,its nice and cosy there ..fond memories cheers PB
From the first note I heard I knew it would be good .really liked it
Really interesting theme really like it , the vocal phasing just a tad to much but still a good listen .cheer´s