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Paul Bush

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Everything posted by Paul Bush

  1. Paul Bush


    Thanks Nigel, I´m constantly surprised with the bandlab vitual amp set-ups I usually delete the reverb and add it on later during mixdown to have more contol over the sound cheers
  2. Great track , Keys were really nice and warm, I though the guitar was a great except the chorus / flanger effect was abit too much
  3. Paul Bush


    Hi guys , thankyou all so much for taking the time to reply and comment , this was one of those songs I wasnt really sure about, its so hard keep everything in perspective when one writes so getting such a positive response spurs me on no end , I try and write intresting melodies without them sounding too complicated and over clever , which I´m not cheers
  4. ``shot in the back´´ is a like kick in the ***** for me I´ll have to up my game 1,000 fold to come anywhere near to that track , loved it, well done, I`m going back to listen to the rest cheers
  5. Paul Bush


    Hallo Chaps , I really am on a roll as they say , since I`ve had the pleasure to be on this bandlab forum Ive writen and recorded a so many songs , heres another ``blue for you ´´ written and recorded in about three weeks , I wasnt sure if this one was a keeper untill I added the short chorus harmonies and it then fell into place ,
  6. Beautifully sung , meanders through the song nicely
  7. Hi Barry, your recordings are all so polished ,clear, great lyrics vocals another great song....... cheers
  8. Paul Bush


    Great recording nothing wrong with it my end , Listened to it on two paris of headphones amd monitors , maybe the bass a tick louder other than that great song
  9. Because I have the attention span of a bar fly i almost thought ´ ah! techno turn it off `´( really not my thing)and then the surprise , well worth waiting for bloody great track with some beautiful riffs Ive played it already three times wow!
  10. Vocals just so clear and great , I even hear a bit of zappa in there , or maybe thats just me
  11. Hi guys , Ive had a lot of response to this song and is well appreciated I´m going to re-master just to bost up the bass and have a second sitting with a fresh pair of ears and i´ll post it again next week , once again thanks for taking the time to comment and respond ( i dont seem to get much response on FC groups , soundcloud, ytube etc) cheers Pb
  12. That was a great mix, really crisp clear and transparent very good well done , mine never sound like that
  13. Paul Bush

    Ocean View

    I liked this , i thought the drums/ percussion were nice , although I found the guitar a tick too loud, all the same great track
  14. I really like your vocal timing relaxed , guitar sounds great .
  15. Yep , Great feel of a song , revereb and echo just really does the trick , not over complicated you kept it simple , its so easy to over import other intruments so goes the old blues saying `` less is more´´ you nailed it great song cheers
  16. Not sure if you had a listen to my last song ``Joyriding,´´ also with quite good vocals
  17. Hi Kevin thanks for your comments , to be honest I was a bit worried that the bass was going to be a bit boring after a while , I should have changed It during chorus, I was thinking of adding a bit more synth but the the song would have been even longer due to the intro being so long ( I liked it that way though) in hinsight I didnt have an overall concept and didnt map out the song , cheers Pb
  18. Great song I liked the live feel I´must concure with the rest on the vocals maybe a tick too much reverb , although that adds to the live feel of the song , nice one
  19. Its just got bigger and bigger , and then........ made so many images , and story lines to fill in ones self, just lovely , cheers
  20. Just excelent , I didnt want it to stop, fantastic recording and the visuals were just great cant say much more than that cheers Pb
  21. Hi t, yeah well put that man , I didnt hold myself to a 3,30 deadline on this one, what with the intro being so long it felt just right do that way cheers Pb
  22. Hi Daryl, you are speaking to the man of short intro`s and a man of dam short trousers , I hate long intro`s myself but in this case I just thought it worked with this type of ..dare I say it alan parsons type insipired song albeit with not so many electric keys etc although i take your point one could nod off before the song gets going ..haha cheers Pb
  23. Hi well thanks chaps , all your comments mean a great deal t to me as Ive been using Bandlab for just over a year and I feel with every recording I´m making slight improvemants .You`re not going to blieve this but I mastered from wave onto mp3 and boosted the bottom end so that i could to post onto soundcloud and on uplouding to SC all the cymballs developed a chorus effect and were distorted so I deleted and posted just the wave file I´m not sure why this happened ? cheers P
  24. thanks Erik I do tend to struggle with the drums so thanks for the tips
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