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Everything posted by TracingArcs

  1. Thanks Starise. And much appreciate your thoughts.
  2. Yeah ! would love to work on some film/tv. Have done some very minor stuff in media. But would like to be tested. Thanks for the comment.
  3. Thanks Dan. Very kind of you.
  4. That's cool ! Many thanks.
  5. https://soundcloud.com/bemused-2/after-the-flood In the vain hope of preventing our Prime Minister from visiting the victims of the flooding here in the UK? Using the free instruments only from the Pianobook community set up by Christian Henson of Spitfire Audio
  6. Hi. If you have Kontakt. This is a freebie I have used CONCERT VIBRAPHONE / library for Kontakt
  7. For anyone with the full version of Kontakt (V5 upwards). 8DIO have a new free selection called on the house .8Dio The post-apocalyptic guitar is great. I have them all now. And no issues in Cakewalk.
  8. Apologies. posted in wrong thread (check the free instruments)
  9. Hi Been a enthusiastic user of the free LABS from Spitfire Audio. And have been able to use multiple instances live for recording etc. in the past But since the 2019/09 update. Loading the player takes a long time with intermittent crashes, excessive (100%) CPU, and wildly fluctuating RAM usage. Requiring me to only use one instance and freeze the track. Which solves the problem. I suspect it is not an Cakewalk issue. As the recent BBCSO windows version has had many issues when reading other forums such as VI Control (this forum is a haven of civility compared to there!). I really wanted to get the new Epic Strings (only £29). But again it's with their player and it seems there may be issues again. Anyone one else use these and noticed the hike in CPU/RAM ? Any solutions? I'm going to hold off until things hopefully become more manageable. Using a SCAN built music PC, Intel 3.07 GHz, 4 g ram, 3 disk raid system. Interestingly the player is lighter on my old Sonar Producer 8.5. Thanks TA
  10. TracingArcs


    Many thanks ChernobylStudios much appreciated !
  11. TracingArcs


    Thank you Steve C :)
  12. TracingArcs


    Damn ! no royalties for us then......
  13. TracingArcs


    Thanks DeeringAmps for listening. And you should copyright "Moodscape" The ambiance will be a mixture of both the vsti's, Breverb and Lexicon (from my old Sonar 8.5 Producer). And increasingly using IR (impulse responses) how else would I get my hands on Eventide sounds ! The LABS from Spitfire Audio a re all free (though you have to use their app to d/load ind install). But so is Bandlab Assistant.
  14. TracingArcs


    Thanks bjornpdx. Appreciate your listening. I would recommend trying the free Spitfire LABS if you have not done so.
  15. TracingArcs


    https://soundcloud.com/bemused-2/betrayal A little something by my alter-ego of "Bemused". Using only free instruments from the pianobook community run by Christian Henson of Spitfire Audio. Someday I'll save up enough to actually buy some of there stuff ! It is now part of the official Pianobook demos
  16. Hi. I updated at the weekend to the latest version of Cakewalk. And also updated the Bandlab Assistant without any issues. I went this morning to update to the hotfix. And Bandlab Assist is not recognising my log in. In fact Windows flags it as an unsafe site. Yesterday (9/10) there was a windows update (1903. 18362.418). Which claimed to have fixed security issues. I have downloaded Bandlab Assistant again. And still have the problem (either running within Cakewalk or the app standalone). Is any one else having this issue : B EDIT - seems the solution was to completely uninstall BA and re-install (though still had warnings popup).
  17. An interesting source of Pianos (if you use Kontakt) is Pianobook. Set up by Christian Henson of Spitfire Audio. pianobook The community submits its own instruments. Some are a bit meeh. But many have real character and are worth exploring. All are free to download. There are other instruments other than pianos (some great pads). Some will be in EXS format. But you can use the free TX16W sampler to open and use these within CW.
  18. I have Reaktor sitting as an effect bus or insert on almost all my projects. There are some great reverbs, delays , and manglers. Check out the filters and delays from Dieter Zobel. Other recommendations are Boscomac http://boscomac.free.fr/ You do have to go through a lot of lightweight stuff on the user library. But it's worth trying. And the mastering effects in the standard library are good. With some users providing improved versions as well.
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