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Everything posted by synthmeister

  1. What don't you like about the model?
  2. Can we get the free Cubase Elements from #StayHome Elements Collection. https://new.steinberg.net/promotion/ Then upgrade there to Cubase Pro @ $267 (excluding hardare dongle)?
  3. If my froggy maths are correct 65 + 35 = 100!
  4. "Early and often" was a phrase popular a century ago. I think corrupt politicians were encouraging citizens to vote several times. The phrase might have originated out of corrupt Chicago per a quick search on the internet. I don't think the phrase was taken too seriously and probably moved into more mainstream use. Today, you might hear it from grandparents more often than students. I haven't heard the phrase outside the US. I don't think anyone will be buying the Sonuscore 96% off bundle "often" but the phrase sounds nice and reminds Cakewalkers not to wait until the last minute.
  5. I thought about the onslaught of downloads. Order early and often.
  6. Trying to figure out what programs there are on CuriosityStream. This list seems to be a start, although it is not particularly well organised https://www.justwatch.com/us/provider/curiosity-stream
  7. I like the offers and temp demos. They help keep me distracted. And I see a bit more than I would otherwise. Music software companies are probably thinly capitalised so it would be better if we can keep these firms can keep afloat until society can reboot from the human malware. @Reid Rosefelt is a guru on offers so we should also respect his views here.
  8. https://mikeverta.com/product-category/masterclasses/ Coupon code - coronahysteria These are excellent classes from a leading Hollywood composer. And great activities for these trying times NO COMMENTS ON THIS POST PERMITTED or it is coming down. I mean it.
  9. There are some other Berklee classes for free: https://www.edx.org/school/berkleex
  10. Those Waveform magazines are brilliant. 3 Free PDF issues. Lots of interviews, gear reviews, music reviews. The adverts are fun to read through. Get this now.
  11. To: Larry S******** From: synthmeister cc: cclarry ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks Larry!
  12. Hahaha. I asked the same question on the big thread and received some long answer to a different question!
  13. BabyFace Pro has an external power input, so you could use an external linear power supply or battery pack for higher quality power. Also has low and high impedance headphone outs, so they may perform slightly differently.
  14. What happened to CC Larry?!?!
  15. Refurbished with the help of the NSA. There are some good articles a few years ago documenting the GeekSquad's true customer. I would not trust these TBH.
  16. You can read about the differences between the headphone outs and line outs on the RME PDF users' manual.
  17. Thanks @cclarry for taking the time to post here. I get a good view on new software & gizmos. As well as latest offers. This is the best deal thread in the industry thanks to your time and effort.
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