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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. Thanks Noel. It does work from the plugin browser. I don't normally use the plugin browser, and when I first tried your suggestion I was uncertain what you were talking about because I could not immediately see the folder for FX Chain. I have a fair amount of menus and the FX Chains is down at the bottom, so I had to scroll to even see that it was there. This seems to be a bit inconsistent of functionality to me that drag and drop is not supported from the media browser. The media browser supports drag and drop of audio clips, midi clips, and track templates, why not FX Chain Presets?
  2. I am trying to drag from the skylight browser onto a track. It doesn't work for me.
  3. I just tested drag and drop of FX chains in 2018.11. When I try to drag onto the track the cursor changes into a slash through a circle. It does this whether I am going onto instrument tracks or pure audio or even buses. It doesn't matter whether these are Cakewalk chains or ones I just created. Drag and drop of FX chains does not work for me.
  4. I seem to recall that I used to be able to drag an FX Chain preset from the browser onto the FX bin on a track. If I am misremembering this, I would like to have this functionality. Even better, I would like there to be an option to just import the individual effects (and not the wrapper) similar to the way you can do that by shift-clicking on the open button when you do it from the menu.
  5. Magic Russ


    I don't think CA-2A was part of the X3 or Platinum install. It was originally a separate product. I remember them giving it away for a while (or was that just the Pro Channel version?) Maybe check Command Center?
  6. Don't forget that there are also free versions of Amplitube by IK Multimedia as well as Peavey's Revalver.
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