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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. That was from last June and doesn't include the VST3 build and Apple fixes.
  2. Native Access appeared to have been hung when I installed today's batch. However when I loaded all these plugins in CWBL they all showed latest version and VST3.
  3. So far, since yesterday I see: Transient Master Driver Solid Bus Comp FX Solid Dynamics FX Solid EQ FX Supercharger I'm guessing Raum and Replika next, followed by crush and mod packs, then Guitar Rig, then the instruments.
  4. Magic Russ

    Windows 11?

    I'd love it if they would fix the columns on the explorer window. There's no reason I should have to expand a column to see the complete file name when the columns don't take the full width of the pane.
  5. NI has updated Transient Master to 1.4 Add VST3 and Apple Silicon Remove 32 bit target Not a particularly exciting update, but at least it looks like they are starting progress on getting past the Apple and VST3 issues.
  6. A while back, Computer Music used to include user produced tracks that they would comment on. Someone submitted a track made with only CM-101 which actually sounded pretty good. For those who don't remember, CM-101 was a very simple software synth which they gave away with the magazine about 20 years ago. It sounded very basic, even by the standards of the first few years of the millenium, when some people thought Pentagon was the greatest synth of all time. You may be wondering how this guy managed to come up with a cool track with such a limited synth? Clever use of effects. Now I'm inspired to create the most amazing tracks with TTS-1 and every effect in my catalog.
  7. For me, part of the joy of Rapture was the multiple step generators and such. I think the easiest way to create a lot of those sounds might be to set up a multi-output Kontakt instrument and put an instance of Guitar Rig on whichever outputs you want those kinds of step modulators. I know this might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but Absynth actually has a few things in common with Rapture. It does allow you to add your own waveforms, and has multiple multi-stage envelopes that can be tempo synced and set to modulate any parameter. Granted, the filters don't sound like any analog filters but that's not always necessary.
  8. Wusikstation is capable of doing a lot of things ordinary samplers can't. There are two wavesequenced channels which can allow you to come up with some interesting patterns. The quality of the sound engine is fine. The included content skews heavily towards either cheesy 80s sounds or new age soundscapes. There are plenty of really good sounds (such as the Art Vera collections) but a lot of chaff as well. However, there are a few things I don't like about this program. First, recent releases have not been that stable for me. Second, the GUI can be awkward to navigate. In terms of presets, there's a big quantity over quality issue. An NI style tagged browsing system would definitely help. However, one of the big problems is that it is not easy creating new patches with the given content. You can do a lot by combining the elements, but trying to find the elements you want can be really difficult. Some of the elements have names like "Moog 1", "Moog 2", etc. which is not the most descriptive. "Moog Saw" and "Moog Pulse 25" would be more helpful. I can't say I have used WS in that many projects in a long time, but someone on a budget might get a lot of use out of it.
  9. It's a great synth, but the preset system is unfinished.
  10. This sounds a bit beyond what I normally would have expected out of Lounge Lizard. Tempting.
  11. It was track spark or something like that. They started strong but couldn't keep up the quality.
  12. I wonder if I can still get that anechoic room simulator someone put out a while ago.
  13. Didn't Hideaway Studio do a sample set based on that one?
  14. They did have the Egnater Goldsmith OD/Boost pedal for half off but I saw it 5 seconds before it changed.
  15. See top of thread for newest updates. Corrected Phasis and screen display issues.
  16. Hence the "Precision" bass.
  17. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=10781 As always these are available to download through product manager. Edit: Also includes update to 5.0.3 which adds filters forA5/A5Max users. Also added Soldano and a couple of cabinets to CS version, so if you missed the Soldano giveaway, the amp is now free for everyone.
  18. I know, maybe seeing that they have Taylor Swift will make my daughter want to practice piano more. Their playalongs are probably my favorite part of the subscription, though.
  19. Now with your all access pass you can access songbooks from Groove3. https://www.groove3.com/browse-books/by-category/collections/songbooks It's somewhat of a limited collection for now, but it's a start. On a related note, I learned that "Bad Moon Rising" is one of the first 50 popular songs you should learn on piano.
  20. I prefer the way Studio One handles midi import better. It loads up an instance of its sampler for each track. That way you simply replace the instruments on the tracks as desired. With TTS1 loaded, you have the extra steps of redirecting your midi tracks or moving them from one track to another.
  21. This week, they are offering new presets from Ace of Skunk Anansi. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?item_id=10741 Warning to those who don't have the Joe Satriani pack, of the 21 presets contained here, all but 2 use either Satch Overdrive or Satch Tube.
  22. Last year it was Tracks and Amplitube. I got 3 of the 4 tapes through that GB. I think they are too subtle to justify picking up the 4th.
  23. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/multiphonics-cv-1/ Regularly $99, intro $79. Apparently no discount for existing users of Tassman or Modeling Collection.
  24. Although I would be more likely to choose Guitar Rig for non-guitar stuff, I would be interested in seeing what your A5 presets look like and how you use them.
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