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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Your thinking is a little backward. Strummy knows censors often lack leadership over banning.
  2. You're welcome to collect it in person. But pop round before 19.00 GMT this evening or I'll be out ?
  3. D'oh, massive brainfart there - - - 'my bad' as you American's say. I meant "Woman" (at around 2:23)
  4. I've watched those videos Jim (and a load more!). I 've had a Kemper for years and have been mostly very happy with it. I had been looking at getting an AXE-FX III, but having done a bit of YouTube research (and having read the manual cover to cover) it seems the QC seems to offer just about everything the Axe does, but for half the price. I noticed mention from a Neural spokesman that a QC app for PC/Mac was in the pipeline, and that to me would be the icing on the cake.
  5. Are there any 'rules' or guidelines to changing key in a song? Why does it always seem to sound so good? For example, in John Lennon's Woman - the key change is perfect.
  6. This is not going to end well. What are you trying to prove? As many of you know, I'm no fan of the concept of 'forum hosts'/'customer moderators', but continually poking the bear to see what you can get away with is pointless. And boring. I should know.
  7. Thinking about it. Shouldn't the CH really have a set of Amojis? Yuk yuk I crack me up ?
  8. How may I acquire such emojis for my own. Thanks for any help on this matter in advance THANKS! Hit the Windows key and the colon/semicolon key together Bill.
  9. You sound just like Mr Scott. Did you get a kilt, sporran and a bagpipes VSTi fer yer birfdee?
  10. Many happy returns me old mucker!!
  11. I simply have to have it ? Anyone here got their hands on one yet?
  12. There you go Wibbs, I do have my uses ?
  13. I've never trusted the owls at Machu Picchu … … I reckon they're all Inca hoots.
  14. I didn't get me ban for the Adrian Chiles pic. In fact Andrew apologised in a PM for him having to remove it! I actually got me ticket for (over)use of the correct anatomical/biological term for a certain part of the male body. Punishment expected. Nothing is surprising. ?
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