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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. I didn't know they were called "Frankie Lee" ? ~ CraigB ITIHRN (2021)
  2. From where the original JP got their name:
  3. Sorry to hear that mate.
  4. I always fancied the blonde one in Abba... .... I wasn't so keen on the beard though ?
  5. Many questions arise from this post ^^^^ Who is 'Bob'? Which song am I being paid to 'approve'? How much $$$ am I being paid for said approvable? Am I being paid, or have I got the wrong end of the stick? What does this all have to do with the price of fish?
  6. I wonder what it feels like to have such a lowly and pathetic percentage...... Would you care to enlighten me Strummy? ? No explanation from me old bean. I'm just awestruck at how massive yours is.
  7. So say youse all. Pfft... Reputation points matter not to Straummy. It's the percentage of points/posts that really matter. Straummy = 1,008 / 1,308 = 77% Bapsi = 2,356 / 89,477 = 2.6% Check, and I believe, mate ?
  8. Some of us can only dream of 5 to 6 inches Or should that be centimetres
  9. I can't advise on the car, but I do have the exact recipe for hovering: + + +
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