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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Strummy Hood is the foremost officer redistributing Britain's revenue as insolvency needs solutions. Good work, 10/10. I wish I could acronym that well .... Jealously - a persuasion Strummy exudes. Yes, envy.
  2. He especially likes mooting expansive theories. That's what always tickles my interest - noteworthy, genuine education. Paulo, reach inside Craig's knowledgebase.
  3. If you need money - Strummy Hood is your man. I need rich people to steal from. To give to the poor Bapu.
  4. Monetary yield awareness revokes Strummy's excitation. Craig often cites knowledge, we often mention brief learning experiences.
  5. I look good in green. And with hair. And with a massive weapon. ..
  6. So....... that's a yes then? Maybe ?
  7. Good song ^^^^ Now have some Slade My Town
  8. He's been disappointing ladies for decades. ??
  9. CraigB (ITIYRN). No. Or as I once said to dear old PistolPete, "No". ?
  10. Pfft .... Not only is my muff biggerer than your muff. It has many more knobs. And buttons. These statements are true.
  11. Some classic Damned ... Machine Gun Etiquette
  12. What a cracking bit of tunage, and only a few years old. The Damned - Standing On The Edge Of Tomorrow
  13. Note to Wibbs: No. We don't want you to post that song. ?
  14. The Sensible Gray Cells - What's the point Of Andrew?
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