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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Glad to hear that Mike - onwards and upwards from here hopefully! Don't overdo it just yet though mate, I'd limit it to just two marathons a month for the time being ☺️
  2. Oi! We've spoken about this before: STOP STEALING MY ARTWORK ? Or at least credit ol' Straummy when you do ? Thankee.
  3. Now I feel quite dreadful ?
  4. Photoshop's Edges Now Incredibly Smooth
  5. I'm guessing it was all the dick pics he sent her .... I'll get me coat ? That took me ages by the way ☺️ ,.,.,
  6. Pfft ... Sick indeed is the mind of the person who (deliberately) misread that ? I did too ? .
  7. Ah yes, the abridged version ? Craig (ITIYRN), please could you pad this out a bit to include: A lengthy explanation of why Bapsi's post count can never be a prime number An exhaustive list of every aside, put down and justified criticism ever levelled at the concept and embodiment of Forum Hosts by yer old mate Strummy A comprehensive dissertation on the CH's discovery of the mythical Am note How, in the year 2010, Jonbouy earned more in impromptu fees, taxes and expenses than the combined GDP of several medium-sized Latin American countries Daveny5 ..... why? A none-too-brief and thoroughly 'well done' thesis on the assumed contents of that folder
  8. It was originally HERE before Bandlab acquired what was left of Cakewalk.
  9. Didn't you used to be an astronaut? Enquiring minds need to know ?
  10. If I remember correctly - and I do - it was you who first spotted the offensive item in his screenshot ? And then thought, "I know, I'll tell Strummy about this - he'll get in trouble 'cause I know he'll screenshot the bejasus out of that and post it all over the internet" ? No wonder CakeAlexS showed me no lurve whatsoever but though you was the best thing since sliced Guinness.
  11. I am both humbled and gladdened by your lengthy and highly evocative acceptance of my apologia ?
  12. .... that I once though it was justifiable or appropriate to post this image in an online forum: Can you ever forgive lil' Straummy?
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