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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Yeah, it’s odd. The v2 stuff is working properly and the “Synthetic” presets in V1 are working. But when I click on a preset from the “Devices” pack in V1, the Programs 86 Waves V12 Plugins window pops open. Gonna have to give them a call, I guess.
  2. Thanks Lars. There are 2 sets of IRs in this pack . For some reason, and despite following the different directions for each, I’m getting the second set to show up, but not the first. I can even get the preset names to show in the browser for the first set, but the click through doesn’t work. Is it possible this set is not designed to go with this version of the plugin?
  3. Thanks Fleer. He fixed me right up!
  4. Yeah tried different emails, different spam filters, you name it ....nada.
  5. I’m waiting on a few hours at this point?
  6. I can’t seem to get the confirmation email on this. Oh well....
  7. Yeah....maybe the previous no. was a mistake?
  8. Couldn’t manage to post (aargh!), but looks like Time & Space has it for $42.08.
  9. Thx. That means 1 to me. Soundtoys, for example, allows you to leave installations (on one license) on 2 computers at the same time.
  10. Do you get to run on one computer or 2?
  11. I concur that this just continues the trend of many in the industry in giving their best customers the worst deals. I’m sure they do it because they cynically believe those who are in the habit of spending, will probably continue to do so. And it will continue until we realize that a lot of these updates are not as earthshaking as these companies would have us believe.....and we can actually continue to make good music without updating at all.
  12. This apparently continues the trend among many vendors to offer the worse deals to the best customers, and for upgrades that offer little in the way of added value. I’m a little tired of it all.
  13. I was hoping IK was going to add an Upright to MODO Bass. Still waiting ....
  14. I know that VladG works for TDR now. Is this compressor the same as, or an updated version of, his old Molot compressor? Always kind of dug that compressor.
  15. All this makes the upgrade “deal” price to the next MPS seem even less attractive than it already was. Unless they cut in half for BF, I’m a definite “no”.
  16. Steering clear of all of this until the smoke clears.
  17. If only major Waves Central updates were this smooth?
  18. Updates had been working smoothly for me on this in 2020. Not this one. Tried updating on app. No go. Tried deleting, reinstalling new version, and appeared to work. But then wouldn’t re-open.? Glad Studio One is my main DAW these days.
  19. Is there a new Cakewalk update with this too?
  20. Concur with bitflipper on Melodyne, but I don’t feel silly about holding out for a sale at all. It’s not just Melodyne. When you consider the number of companies these days expecting substantial bucks for really minimal changes to their products, it really adds up. PS: My view may be substantially affected, of course, by the fact that I do love sushi.?
  21. I’ve downloaded the freebies over the years, and there are number of them I really like. Nevertheless, I’ve resisted going down the full rabbit hole, and will probably continue to resist. For me, it is really creatively liberating that I don’t have to worry about CPU issues with my current setup. To reintroduce some of those problems is just not worth it for me.
  22. This has been my favorite FM style synth for quite awhile now. Just a tremendous freebie.
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