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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. I slightly prefer the IK version, but this one is very good. Pretty much a matter of individual taste.
  2. Yeah, so far my three targeted upgrades for BF, Studio One Prof. 4-5; Melodyne Studio 4-5; and MPS 3-4 are not coming through at prices I’m willing to buy at. Maybe that’ll change. OTOH, none of those updates are game changers in my view, and it will just free me up to use my $$ for other things.
  3. This is clearly beckoning me, but I’ve always gotten AAS stuff on the cheap by upgrading Sessions editions.....and I have so many synths. Aargh!!!!?
  4. True dat. No Studio update for me if that’s the best Celemony can do.
  5. Any take Reid, on which of those freebie HOF reverbs are the best? I have a few of them, but not any of those.
  6. Does this goodie bag work in the Reason Lite freebie that seems to be rather ubiquitous these days?
  7. I still have this freebie UVI Cowbell from a few years back that sounds great, but takes up, as I recall, at least a gig! No more cowbell!?
  8. Still cheapest...and still too much:)
  9. You can activate on 2 machines, as well.
  10. I may come around on these things, but as of now I’m a little reluctant to jump in. Between “smoothers”, the loudness wars, and other such production techniques, it seems like it’s very easy to suck out the emotion and life from music. I’m constantly amazed at how live music (with all of its imperfections) is frequently much more emotionally involving than recordings of the same.
  11. I worked for about 2 years in the record dept. at the Coop. Possibly the most fun job I ever had:)
  12. Ahh....and just down the street a bit ...from that GC, until a few years ago, was the iconic EU Wurlitzer. Best musical instrument store I’ve been in before or since.(allowing ,of course, for my adolescent and teenage nostalgia:)
  13. Yeah, I miss Tower Records a lot. Guitar Center? My guess is that they’ll successfully ....err....restructure their debt (again) under Chapter 11 and rise again like Phoenix from the ashes to continue offering their ubiquitous 15 per cent off MAP holiday “deals”.
  14. Magnetics is good too. I actually like their Pultec more than the IK one.
  15. Nothing so pressing for me that I can’t wait 16 days, or otherwise make due, to possibly save $75 from what they are currently offering me.
  16. Mine still shows $150. And by the way, Celemony’s update policies are nothing short of shameful. For the same changes that they provided to Essentials owners...free!... they are charging their best customers (Studio owners)....$150.
  17. Actually I agree that 3gb is not all that much. If anything, it surprises me that what is claimed for VIR, and for every Ampltube cab, could be only 3gb.
  18. So that 3gb includes the full new VIR pack for all cabs, regardless of which ones I own?
  19. .....hoping the 4-5 upgrade goes on BF sale...
  20. 50% of the time install is glitchy for me. Have decided not to even do these updates until a new Cakewalk version is released.
  21. There was a recent update on the Portal for Nectar 3. Does anyone know if that update already gave us “Nectar 3 Plus”?
  22. Got enough amps and effects already to last me several lifetimes. Also no problem with the current GUI. Routing improvements are always nice. But clearly, for me at least, the key issue is the level of sound improvement available. And whether I’m willing to wager $70 ( GE preorder price after jam points) on that hope. I’m not there. YMMV
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