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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Are you using a sine within a instrument? The great thing about Automation is it copies with your file. Just create the first two beats and use the shortcut Ctrl+D to speed things up. Remember to do this in the automation lanes. You can also highlight all the nodes > hold down CTRL and drag-copy to the next beat.
  2. Use automation on your sine. This eliminate the use of plugins.
  3. It is actually really stable now. Suits certain tracks really well.
  4. This was because of your new Machine ID which iLok do not recognised. iLok have been a pain the past two weeks. Licenses have mysteriously moved from my dongle to the cloud at one point. It took their servers 5 hours to be restored last week Tuesday. Anyway - your issue might have been related to a server issue on their end.
  5. There are DAWs that compensate for this - much like 0dB center balance control with panning in Cakewalk. The same goes for when you do a send. It adds the same 3dB as collapsing the L&R channels together.
  6. Is it necessary to reset a stuck note? I normally just hit the same NOTE again to get it to stop.
  7. All you need to do is just overwrite the current preset. All my plugins Default presets have been overwritten for me to start off with a "Clean/Empty" preset everytime I load it.
  8. You dont have to bounce to tracks with your effects on. It gives you the option to choose that, but even when you do or dont - it still doesnt degrade the sound.
  9. No. Neither does Bounce to Track - should that be your next question.
  10. In the Track View, locate the Tracks Tab next to the Options tab and select BOUNCE TO TRACK You can also set this up as a shortcut in preferences.
  11. Check your spam folder two in your email too.
  12. Wishing everyone all the best in their endeavours for 2024. Happy New Year.!
  13. If you are routing the track output to the bus, it should work with no issues. If you're sending the audio track to a bus as an effect, it will act as a send effect.
  14. After you have tweaked some workspaces, it is important to click on "Apply to workspace on project load" and make sure to save it. If im correct (havent done it in years) you need to tweak a custom workspace from one of the available ones seen in your screenshot for the New and Save options to become visible.
  15. This is true. I even figured out that if I dont have the 3.5 redist NET. Framework.
  16. ? Aint she a beauty. It literally was this physical copy back then that got me hooked instantly in 2009! ?So sorry for the JOKE! ?
  17. Press the letter "B" on your keyboard to open the Browser pane and locate the instrument TAP (the little piano button) all your instruments will be under that TAB in with in the browser pane. You could also navigate to your sample libraries from there by going to the your computer drives and folders it has been saves too.
  18. To some degree i guess. Personally for me its what punch the mic can take. All 3 mics I have mentioned above can take a punch with a choir. I also own the M-Audio Nova which is great for backing vocals and leads on RnB and Pop. The At2035 is a perfect mic on acoustic music. My approach on mics: I buy mics according to where it fits the best. I can take anyone of them and record my own voice and will sound great, but like I've said above, the NT1 is an all rounder!
  19. Nothing wrong with the old faithful that broke all doors with home studios - Samson CO1 or the CO3. I still have both and do use them often, but the RodeNT1 is my favorite.
  20. So far it is only NEXT thats in BETA mode that i know of. I'm scanning the forum and Cakewalk.com far and low for the Sonar release everyday almost. Nothing so far. Really hope it would be a BLACK FRIDAY release, but nara. Its saturday already. Anyway, anyday now . . .
  21. If it sounds right - it probably is. Certain leads need two takes stacked on top one another. Never overthink your work. If your vocals sounds right with the drums alone - take a wild guess what could be your problem . . . Compare you vocals against each instrument. If you bring a riff in that throws your lead out, that riff dont belong there. Same goes for every other track. Best practice would be to find the instrument in the project that compliment your vocals. Sometimes you just need to replace the kick, snare, synth or keys with another of the same. Most times its the balance of the song too. So if it doesnt fit on track, but fits while you sing to it check these points.
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