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DeeringAmps last won the day on April 10

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  1. Had a 414 it was ok. I’ve settled on a TLM 103. Works as good as any of the dozens of mics I’ve bought and sold over the years. t
  2. I would be remiss if I did not say “some fine pickin’ there @mark skinner t
  3. In a word, Spectacular! t how did I miss this? We’ll it has been “hit and miss” for me this year…
  4. Like and comments over at YouTube. t
  5. Missed the earlier mixes. Love this! 👍’s 👏 t
  6. @Jesse Screedthanks for the links. I tried to embed some of his Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys yesterday, but that was “blocked”. Ride Em Jewboy and They Don’t Make Jews Like Jesus Anymore are a couple of my favs… t
  7. Forgive me for not paying close attention here. BUT, it’s a Dell. Not, IMHO, a “top candidate” for a DAW. However there is a forum member, @Jack Stonerwho is active on the Dell support forum. Perhaps Jack will drop by and give some advice. Looks like he hasn’t posted in quite some time, but according to his profile he stopped by on Monday. 🤞, how ‘bout it FireBerd? Can you help our man out? t
  8. DeeringAmps

    Summer tune

    Definitely that rhythm guitar! White beaches, crystal clear blue water, a little ganga with a tall rum back; paradise no? t
  9. Here is a link to the John Sayers website. John passed a few years ago and the website went "dark". An archive has been reconstructed. There's a lot of good info there. Glenn was quite active there and knows his stuff. Best of luck with the new build. t
  10. So far we’ve talked about the move, and that’s great; welcome to the PacNW! (interestingly enough, I just left the great NW, after 45 years and returned home to the Golden West, but that’s another story…) What we haven’t discussed is your new studio. Are you looking for design help, or design and build help? There is a forum member, @Glenn Stanton, that was very involved on the the old John Sayers design site, you should at least have a conversation with. best wishes for your new home, t
  11. So is this the no-brainer “buy it” price for those that have none of the UJam bases? t
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