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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. so some more testing - a project with 26 mostly active tracks, 25% of them with effects like EQ or compression. 16 busses - all with EQ, 5 w/ compression, 5 w/ reverbs and delays. Dell 3521 A16, W10 20H2 19042.746, Intel Core i5-3437U 1.90GHz, 8GB, 2x SSD, Q802USB, CbB 2021.01 build 098 pretty much running @ 35-45% CPU, very even, no dropouts etc. running ASIO4ALL 2048 samples running @ 512 samples (10.7ms) roughly 10% more CPU than previous same project - using WASAPI Exclusive 2044 samples (11.4ms) going down to WASAPI 557 samples - a lot of crunching and drop outs - CPU were up 75-80% using WDM/KS it's similar results to the ASIO4ALL. in essence for this project (a bit heavy) going up to 2K plus samples on WDM or ASIO4ALL - smooth as silk. WASAPI lower samples - not so much especially shared mode.
  2. i'm only 4 core i5 CPU but i would say it's all stable and performing well - the performance meters on a project that was probably 30% is down a bit using the same plugins. i'll run some more definitive tests tomorrow.
  3. yeah, the Kontakt settings are all good, i just like to limit the number of instruments per instance because i'm set in my ways ?
  4. i can say that the 5-6 times i've tried TTS-1 i was underwhelmed by the UI and usefulness. i much prefer individual instances of SF and sample players, the exception may be Kontakt which i'll limit to no more than 4 instruments per instance. could be the low horsepower PC i've had, but i like individual intuitive direct players for soundfonts and wav files.
  5. Glenn Stanton

    is it normal?

    depends on the sample rate and bit depth. Audio Bit Rate and File Size Calculator (theaudioarchive.com) http://www.theaudioarchive.com/TAA_Resources_File_Size.htm
  6. thanks! i was trying to create a chill country vibe and kind of wanted to just introduce the instruments so it kind of crept up. thus a bit of contrast. cheers!
  7. similar here for defaults - very few effects on instruments - some Pultec EQ on Kick and Bass, side-chain compression on Bass, and some ambience (delays and reverbs) busses. then later if needed some saturation (in Pro Channel) or guitar effects, Leslie on Organ, etc. everything in Pro Channel (and Pro Channel FX chain) makes it one place to go for all track and buss effects. all instrument busses are PC EQ high-passed except Kick and Bass. Vocals are the exception - compression, de-esser, compression, ADT. backing vox has none of the vox stuff to start and just the Vocal Doubler. Melodyne for those times when, ahem, my vocals are pitchy or need other tweakings... ?
  8. it's 132 BPM, the original is 160 BPM. so definitely slower. my pro band many years ago covered it and we did the reduced tempo - more danceable and we could extend the guitar solo a bit.
  9. oops - Mr Cook got here already... using the "MIDI..." on the list of track automation, the "Modulation" is the first item in the list. NOTE i find setting it to "wheel" the list is empty... maybe it's dependent on the synth? or perhaps you draw/record it into the MIDI note section (i think that's how i've done it in the past)
  10. it's been that way for years (at least in my installation) - you can see all the kits and play demos on the ones you don't own. and if you're sneaky, there is one close enough to what you need and you can sample and loop it ?
  11. it's an opportunity to leverage/increase your beat-box skills into your phone voicemail before ever approaching a computer... ? who knows? the lo-tech might make it even better as a sample loop ?
  12. i added a couple of extras things to help. ? AD2 for drums, Combo F (it's the real deal ? ) + SpinBag (VST leslie). GS-2 Strum (acoustic) + Saturation (plugin). SI-Bass, Lounge Lizard EP (vocal). AAS Ultra Analog Session (synth vox @ outro). I'm A Believer-MASTER.mp3
  13. yes, and we'll still end up using one of "those" 10 mics because a) they work, b) we have them in our mic cabinet ?
  14. i found foobar had too many things going on on my systems, surprising given all the accolades. so i uninstalled everything single thing i could find related to foobar, and the system is happier for it... ymmv
  15. right-click on a PC set of modules you like and then "Save Modules as Default for Tracks" ? as a note: save the modules as a preset as well - i find version updates sometimes wipe out basic default settings and i quickly go in and reset them.. like console strip width reset to wide, etc ?
  16. maybe as a workaround there are things like Waves Tune / Pitch, VVocal (ahem...), etc which might have automate-able controls for pitch?
  17. wait until you try the blue light jewel. not only sounds better, but your playing improves as well ?
  18. similar issue with syntronik. after an hour or so i gave up and disabled it in CbB and removed the icons. the synths show up in sampletank 4 and that's enough for me.
  19. if it's a single recording - import into the first audio track. then split it so you have a second or two before and after each performance. drag the song parts to new tracks (keep it aligned with original performance may be desired). then copy all the in-between stuff - appluase, talking to the crowd etc into another track to you can adjust it later (for example you might like to tweak the applause and speaking bits with reverb, levels, eq, etc so it seems like the entire original set). now bounce each track to clip. this trims them and also create separate audio files. close the project. now you can use your favorite audio editor to reduce noise, clicks, pops, etc etc. depending on the tool, you could adjust from individual levels (master rebalance - Izotope). i recently used RX7 and Ozone 9 on my "work" band gig (6 piece band) at stationary bike event which had a lot of reverberation and noise going on in the room and it cleaned it up pretty well. ymmv. once done - re-open the project and do what you like to each track. i would create some busses like "acoustic" "electric" "audience" etc to feed overall levels and shaping depending on the content. finally you can export the individual tracks as desired or "create an album" track - trimming audience bits etc to get a good flow if there isn't one already.
  20. mine shows up as "Cakewalk Core" - i think this is the path to the caller app
  21. [thoughtfully crunching on the popcorn] carry on ?
  22. i had the same sndfile issue - it was locked by the Waves Local Server process - once i killed that process, it installed fine. as a note, i ran the NX headphone virtualized room plugin and that seems to kick off the local server.
  23. a bit of sunshine. or not. Don't Worry About Tomorrow © Glenn Stanton in seven days in seven doors i'll tell you now they hide down below they lock the rotten ed up to your head in about an hour baby you'd be better off dead they be bad to me they be bad to you disavowed baby i don't what to do same old lyin' lied tweedle dee no hide can i get a handle randy some friend of mine are there a pair of devil hearts hangin' on the end of my line? oh, don't have to worry about tomorrow, no 'cause tomorrow might not ever come get down baby get down low get a handle baby we got ways to go get down on the right down on the left oh, right up the middle baby head 'til you're dead because hatred pays no mind are there a pair of devil hearts hangin' on the end of my line? oh, don't have to worry about tomorrow, no 'cause tomorrow might not ever come
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