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Everything posted by husker

  1. Ethera - best Kontakt bang for da buck in da biz!
  2. Steinberg can't win. They get excoriated for years over the E-Licenser, then they get guff when they get rid of it.
  3. husker

    Free Serials

    Melodyne Essential - 2297-73FN-5HD5-63N5-K3FT UA Polymax - W0LM-MQPD-KMRC-R9H0
  4. Very happy you are taking the opportunity to travel.
  5. I absolutely love that music. TimeCop and FM-84 are two of my favorites.
  6. What is wrong with the Musio installation? I've found it to be very smooth for installation, updates, and new library downloads. Same for the folder structure - what is wrong with that?
  7. I always wished they would have made a module version of that.
  8. So should I pick this one up or the Lowend one?
  9. Go for Gold 2.5 Ethera are probably the best bang for the buck Kontakt libraries around.
  10. As Larry said, Midi is unparalleled. I also think that Cubase has the best support for external hardware of any DAW.
  11. Existing Cubase users also gets the feebies. Log into your Steinberg account and look under vouchers....
  12. I really should look at this. I could upgrade my Humble Bundle edition for $30.....
  13. Falcon is MUCH more than a rompler or sampler. It is one of the most full featured synths out there.
  14. Everytime I see bagpipes, I can't help but think of this.
  15. Really? I thought they were just really old. I have the Blue Tubes bundle (maybe when I bought Sonar for "Life"), but I can't remember. I've looked at the Integral Pack before, but kind of thought it was abandonware. I should look again.
  16. I depends on what you consider a "current version." What @ALC said is correct. "Major" version (V2 to V3, V3 to V4) etc are not included. However, the rest of the synths can be upgraded to the latest minor version of what is included in that specific version of V Collection. I'm a big V Collection (and Aruria in general) fan. I normally wait on versions of the V Collection until they drop to $99, so I've been through this a few times.
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