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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. What's SPAN? Is it free or inexpensive? I like the idea and functionality of this tool a lot. I picked it up months ago, but I haven't tried it yet. In my case, I am not very knowledgeable on mixing and rely on Izotope and Sonible's AI analysis and recommendations when mixing and mastering. So, I'm completely open to any suggestions you have.
  2. @Bruno de Souza Lino, I had the same question as Sergio at one point. Actually, the landing page in your screenshot provides the answer: "Audiolens can be used on its own to compare and collect references, but when paired with Ozone 10 or Neutron 4 it unlocks the capability to easily match your chosen references. " @Sergio There's your answer. You can use Audio Lens without other Izotope plugins (or in my case, with earlier versions of Ozone and Neutron which don't integrate). Of course, that means missing out on the integration possibilities, but that's no surprise-- it can't integrate with software that isn't on your computer -- but it still works and it seems like a very cool tool, IMO.
  3. Thanks for the recommendation! I'm checking it out and will try the demo, but what do you like it best on (e.g. electric guitar, electric piano, acoustic guitar, synth, etc.)? It seems like a great deal, buy I have around a dozen reverbs and trying to see what makes this one different.
  4. AIR are pros at delays, like delaying updates on their plugins. Nope. I really don't have a lot of confidence in AIR after my past experiences with their plugins and their not fixing known serious, show stopping problems for a ridiculously long period of time (me and many other folks had to do things like Windows rollbacks, and their support acknowledged the problem for at least several months before releasing a fix; the posts are probably still up on their subforum at KVR). Here's a link to the thread. I would advise anyone to check it out before purchasing from this company to understand what you may be getting yourself into. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=550083
  5. If you're a regular at this subforum, the odds are great that you have too many plugins. You, me, and everyone reading this. And still, here we are, reading and posting at the Deals subforum...
  6. "Get mom a plugin for Mother's Day," hmmm.... Is anyone here actually doing that? And let's completely ignore the obvious double entendre aspect of this.
  7. Thanks for sharing your insights, I always find it helpful when users here give their insights. I do like the demos A LOT. It actually reminds me of a cross between a Wurly and a Hohner Electra-Piano -- and I think that's great. It has zero to do with the sound, but I wish the developer gave the library a more exciting name! I think a lot of sample buyers might not give this library a second look due to the name, thinking it's just some mediocre home electric piano, when it sounds really good to my ears and the sound design patches alone make me interested. Sheesh, and I've been doing good avoiding more sample library purchases this year and then this sale and your testimonial draws me in. I'm still listening to the demos and the piano sounds really good on all of them.
  8. Although I have Izotope's equivalent, based on my satisfaction with Sonible's plugins I've been using to date, I'm strongly considering buying their Metering Bundle. I'd welcome opinions from users and those knowledgeable on mixing. Here's a link to a review from Mix Magazine in case anyone else is considering the Bundle: https://www.mixonline.com/technology/reviews/plug-ins/sonible-metering-bundle-a-real-world-review
  9. Wow, great prices! Hopefully Sonible will have deals for loyal customers. But even if they don't, those prices are really appealing. Sonible has quickly become my favorite mixing plugin developer with Izotope in second place.
  10. Excellent developer. Every library I have from them is superb.
  11. I love Production Voices piano libraries. I know I've heard them in the past, but I'll recheck the Bechstein and Pearl. I'm also eager for the Rosewood Grand update. I did fall in love with a Yamaha grand piano as a kid and even preferred its bright tone over a Steinway (I took piano and organ lessons and my mother was a music teacher and played professionally and her studio also sold pianos and organs, so I was able to play on them from time to time), so I'm eager for that Rosewood update. Candidly, I don't know how to make a great piano preset, so presets for piano libraries are pretty significant to me. That's one of the great bonuses with the Famous E (electric piano for those who don't know), it has more excellent presets than probably any other piano or electric piano library I own. While this piano freebie from Sterzov sounds good, there's only one preset and I really wish there was more (my mindset is that the developer is or works with people with expert skills for making presets; I'm happy to rely on their skills and focus on playing and arranging songs).
  12. I love the Embertone Walker 1955 Concert D too (okay, I have the lite version, but it's so good, I'm not compelled to upgrade it; but if you have a compelling reason to offer why I should, I'm certainly open to it), but I still find NI's Noire, made by Galaxy, is my absolute favorite piano library and the piano library I find most inspiring of all. I have pretty bad tendinitis and can't play very well as a result of that and many years of not practicing, but when I play Noire, I feel I am playing better than on any other library because I'm so inspired.
  13. Office software deals? When are you going to start posting deals on Hawaii vacations, @cclarry? That's the deal I want most!
  14. Sounds nice for a freebie. But there's nothing really special about it, IMO. Just a related thought. One of the giant differences from the pre-digital world. I grew up with one acoustic piano and one electric piano (a Wurlitzer) and that seemed awesome. Okay, then I went and played a Steinway D and a Yamaha Grand and was envious, but overall, stil very grateful to have a piano and electric piano (and lots of other physical instruments). But in the current digital era, I have more than three dozen detailed sample piano libraries and still have several on my wish list. It never ends and my collection is modest compared to some others here.
  15. Cool! A very Waves-like sale price and offer wise, but without the Waves-like practices and WUP. Sure, it would be even better if we could use vouchers, but it's still a very good sale.
  16. Kudos to generous people giving away their work at no cost.
  17. Thanks. Radiohead is one of my all time favorite bands. Funny though, this has never been one of my favorite Radiohead songs. I largely covered it because my wife loves it and thought she might appreciate it. I did a cover of a Radiohead song I love that I'm soon going to remix, "Optomistic." It's a lot of fun to re-arrange Radiohead songs. Their original versions are, of course, incredibly creative and interesting, which I find is an inspiring starting point. It also influences me to be more experimental in how I approach my version; like how I did the final chorus in this cover. I wanted it to have an eerie quality to it to play off of the lyrics.
  18. Oops, you're completely right! And I even know one of that developer's founders (around a decade ago James Thompson called me for some marketing/branding advice. He and his business partner are super talented developers with roots that go way back -- they worked for Yamaha, I believe back in the 90s and were responsible for patches I'm sure a bunch of us used). I admit, because it was called "Broken Wurli," I never even listened to the demos until someone at this forum mentioned it and then I checked it out and realized it sounded excellent. I'll edit my earlier post and add it!
  19. I like it, but it's not completely convincing as a Wurly emulation. For hardcore Wurly aficionados, I think the best of the best are: - Skybox Hammer + Waves two Wurly sample libraries - AcousticSamples Wurlie and VReeds - SonicCouture Broken Wurli - e-Instruments W
  20. Me too, but I have yet to try it. This thread has served as my reminder to finally try it! Like a lot of us, I've collected a bunch of plugins over the years and never even tried some of the ones I've gotten free (as opposed to the ones I've purchased out a need for a certain effect or purpose).
  21. While we have different opinions regarding Waves, you're absolutely entitled to your opinion and deserve respect when sharing your opinion. When it comes to technical issues, clearly there's been a lot more technical problems on the Apple side of things than Windows. But I always consider that if Windows has an update that causes problems, I'd have to pay up for WUP just to be able get back into some old, unfinished projects or finished ones where I wanted to do a remix. Of course, things would be even worse if Waves once again decides to move to a subscription only model and only offer the ability to update and use those plugins if I paid a monthly fee -- as they recently announced they were doing and then, after an outcry, decided to pull back, at least for now. That experience taught me an important lesson regarding trusting the company: don't (that is, don't trust them). I don't like their current business practices with regard to WUP and I don't trust them not to repeat another overnight move to subscription only and think it's unwise to trust them. But I don't disrespect those who understand all of this and choose to continue buying Waves plugins. It's their money and if they're aware of Waves practices and history and want to take the risk, that's their choice. I realize that someone may like a plugin enough where they're willing to accept the risk that their plugins need paid updates at some point and that Waves may again choose to only permit that if you pay a monthly subscription fee at some point. I'm going to keep using my Abbey Road plugins knowing those risks, because (1) I am a former working musician who only makes music as a hobby these days (if I was a pro, I wouldn't have this same mindset) and (2) I fully realizing that someday I might have to stop using them or will have to replace them on past projects, because they don't work anymore and the latest version is subscription only, but considering that I'm merely a hobbyist and not a pro, and only handling my own productions, it's not a giant deal to replace on plugin with a similar one from a different developer if I have to do so; I'm not a pro engineer with a client with certain expectations.
  22. I would add my voice to the folks who've never had a technical issue with Waves plugins. I'm on Windows 10, and, judging by posts, that clearly seems to be the platform where there are the least problems. So, my objection to Waves isn't related to any technical issues I've had. My issues with Waves has always been with their marketing of Waves and not disclosing it clearly enough up front and how I see it as Waves attempt to create the kind of steady revenue stream that a subscription service provides a company. I just (1) don't like how they go about disclosing WUP to prospective customers, (2) I just don't like the whole concept of WUP. and (3) I think it's foolish to trust a company that engages in the kind of marketing practices Waves engages in. Waves subscription fiasco was a dumb move from the start. I posted that and I recall someone here telling me I didn't know what I was talking about when the research and real-time examples make clear that businesses and IT departments tend to see SaaS subscriptions positively overall while consumers see them very differently. I find Waves marketing with regards to WUP for new plugin customers is less than as clear then I believe it should be, even more so if you're buying through a retail partner and their subscription fiasco was a very clear sign that this isn't a company that it's wise to trust. As they say, fool me once, shame on Waves, fool me twice -- well, you'll only have yourself to blame. I think there is a good degree of risk of buying a Waves plugin that the company will again decide to do the same kind of quick switch to a subscription only model in the future. Maybe they won't, but the odds are definitely not with favor of Waves absolutely never pulling that again. I'd put those odds as a deal breaker for me. With that experience in my mind combined with WUP, it's easy to "just say no" to Waves for me. But I would probably WUP my Abbey Road plugins if Waves still offers WUP when they stop working. That is the only time I would ever pay to WUP anything. But I won't be buying additional Waves plugins because I'm not a fan of the WUP concept and vote with my dollars. That said, I'm sharing my personal views and don't need anyone else to agree with me and we shouldn't demand conformity of people who think otherwise. If batsbew is cool with Waves, that's his right. I'm all for stating our opinions with passion, but I think we need to steer clear of pressuring others into conforming with popular opinions. It's totally cool to think different. I often do. In this case, I tend to be in agreement with the majority, but that's certainly not always going to be the case.
  23. I don't have enough mixing knowledge to know if this guy really knows his stuff or not, but he comes off as knowledgeable and seems to make some fairly well reasoned recommendations. So I'll add this to the Waves alternatives video mix. Feel free to critique his recommendations, I certainly won't take offense and I might even learn something (anything is possible, right?). ButI do believe in the idea of voting with our dollars (or whatever the currency is in the country where you live).
  24. It struck me in a big way that it was 40 years ago I was wearing out the grooves on the vinyl on this track. I suppose I'm going to have to attempt to cover this song at some point this year.
  25. I went back to a song I covered last year, Radiohead's "Creep" and did a remix. I still don't know what I'm doing when it comes to mixing or mastering, but I think I'm getting better and everyone's input here has been very helpful. Most of my motivation to record covers is about doing my own arrangements, which I find really enjoyable. So this is my own spin on the song. Because I've covered a bunch of Beatles stuff, I often get compared with their style and often told my voice has a Lennon quality (I formerly played drums professionally and don't have much of a singing voice, so I am, of course, complimented at the comparison), so I am interested in learning what folks here think. All of the instruments you here were sample libraries played via MIDI controllers.
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