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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. People are always going to have different opinions on which effects developers are the best, but IK makes excellent quality effects that are used by many top engineers. They've been in this business a long time. I think I made my first IK purchase in either in the very early 00s or the late 90s.
  2. Yeah, I don't like that. Is there anyway to delete them without causing problems?
  3. Currently at 244 participants, 6 away from the next level (3 for 1). https://www.ikmultimedia.com/pickandmix2023/
  4. I can confirm that people have a sense of humor over various sections of this forum. But most importantly, Kevin H's response to you above was lighthearted and in no way disrespectful, But if you're not a native English speaker it may not have been easy to figure out the nuances, that he was just conveying that Audio Bro makes great libraries using a bit of humor to let you know that you might like their libraries enough that you end up spending a lot of money there. A LOT of us -- me included -- are very well meaning and use humor regularly here and wouldn't have it any other way. But come on, if your user name is "The Devil," you must have a sense of humor too! So Kevin H actually deserves thanks for being helpful. His reply was actually really friendly and answered your question, albeit in a humorous way. In any event, we're all good. Humor is a great thing. I have a thread over in another part of the Coffee House that is just about really awful covers of songs. it's all about humor. I just keep worrying that someone is going to post one of my covers (ouch!). Now that I've written that, it's just a matter of time. cclarry's original posts may be all business, but it doesn't take much to bring out his sense of humor either!
  5. If we go back a decade or more, these guys seemed to be one of the most respected names in orchestral / cinematic libraries. They were gods over at VI-CONTROL before Spitfire became what it is today.
  6. I really like their plugins. Good stuff. And that's a great deal. The caveat is that their plugins are still not VST3.
  7. Legally, there are regulations that are intended to stop those kind of pricing practices (in the US the regulatory body that handles that area is the FTC, whereas in Germany, where the dev operates, there are two bodies and they're commonly a lot more strict that US FTC regulations; I am less familiar with the regulations in Israel where Waves engages in an always on sales pricing strategy which violates FTC regulations, but I'm not familiar with Israel's practices in that area; I used to write on marketing strategy and covered these kinds of areas as part of the larger conversation on pricing and promotional strategies). Plain and simple, it's bad ethics and deceptive practice -- just done to deceive customers that they're getting a much better deal than they're actually getting. I've bought from Rigid Audio before, and no one in their right mind would find any of their libraries anywhere near their fictitious list prices.
  8. Sure, if it weren't for the fact that their list prices are a complete fiction only used to claim massive discounts.
  9. I know that feeling well as do a lot of others here! There's only one Larry.
  10. @Fleer, you have Nordic Cello, right? It's been a while since I researched it. As I recall it sounded really nice, but it really wasn't the kind of acoustic solo cello one would use if they were looking for a standard solo cello to accompany piano or acoustic guitar, but is more suited for when you're more looking for a more unusual sound. Would you say that's accurate or not?
  11. Absolutely. And if this reverb is as good as it appears to be, we definitely should give the dev our votes on KVR and, for those who can afford it, a donation.
  12. Haha! Yeah, I just saw Spice3d's first post (and missed his second one) and mistakenly thought he was the dev and wanted to thank him. I only realized after my post went live that he made a second post where it's obvious he isn't the developer and quickly edited my post. Hey, I'm perusing threads on my phone while watching a ballgame and was on Facebook where someone posted about this reverb and a bunch of people commented that they loved it and came here and found a bunch of people saying they loved it and I just thought I'd say thanks to the dev and let him know how appreciated his work is. Clearly that didn't go as planned! Still, I'm looking forward to checking this out.
  13. Wow, the reaction to this reverb here and on Facebook (in a deals group) is incredibly positive. Thanks for weighing in everyone. I'll be sure to check this out. And thanks to the dev for their generosity,
  14. Okay then, a public shaming is in order. I kid, I kid. Most of us have done it from time to time.
  15. I didn't even realize that Steven's drum plugin had an expansion with Chris Lord-Alge and I know Steven. I have to check that out later.
  16. And the effects plugin world has changed a lot in the past several years in terms of pricing and sales. My instincts also make me think that maybe IK has penetrated their target market pretty well and this offer may be less appealing to them than it was a year ago. Hopefully, there's still enough capacity and growth in the market to make this a success (so I can get every possible the freebie!). But I'm just really surprised that a player as big as IK could be at only 104 sign-ups at this point where a small sample developer like Orange Tree Samples easily hits 1,000 in roughly the same time period. I think if IK had more new products in the GB, it would probably see much higher numbers. Anyhow, hopefully this slow start doesn't mean the GB won't hit the highest levels. Plus, I expect if the GB stalls too long, IK will add new incentives to get it moving like additional sales to motivate people to buy and join in.
  17. I own plenty of IK software and some hardware, but I hadn't participated in an IK group buy before. This one seems to be off to a slow start. For those who have been in past IK group buys, is being at around 100 participants at this point a bit slower than past IK group buys or is it fairly similar to past IK group buys? I expected, because of IK's size and reach, they'd be at least at or past 1,000 participants by this point. But maybe the past ones started slow too?
  18. Between Bapu's potential available offer and other forum members, I think you have a very good chance of this working out and I bet that some generous soul will come along before the next week passes, dubdisciple. But now that we're all invested in the story, when you get that voucher, if it happens via PM, you have to update the thread and let us know.
  19. Oh man, I was going through a bunch of videos that came up on a YouTube search and watched that entire video (okay, listened while I was multi-tasking and never realized that us actually the Arturia's Mellotron)! Of course, if any Arturia plugin was 20 bucks, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I'll fix my post above. Thanks for catching that.
  20. There's a 10 day trial version at AIR's site. https://www.airmusictech.com/virtual-instruments/mellotron.html
  21. Okay, someone talk me down or tell me that AIR's Mellotron plugin is fantastic. Like many AIR users, I had some really bad experiences (I had to roll back Windows on a machine) with AIR synths a couple of years ago with problems AIR knew about but didn't fix for several months. Consequently, I do look at InMusic plugins as a less than great choice since then (plus, I've read forum posts from BFD3 owners and all the problems that has had over a ridiculously long period of time). Even so, my brain is now pushing that terrible experience, common sense and logic aside because -- I am a sucker for all things Tron (including Chamberlin) and this is only twenty bucks (USD, that is). I have a number of of Tron plugins, including M-Tron Pro (which is excellent), Mello (UVI), SampleTron (version 1) and a lot of Tron sample libraries. I'd love to hear the opinions of anyone here who owns AIR's Mellotron and what they think are its strengths and weaknesses.
  22. Thanks. I thought the demos sounded really good, so with your recommendation, I'm going to make that my first selection from the list. After that, I have one more plugin to choose. Do you use or have you demoed the X stuff (AmpliTube X-Space, X-Vibe, etc)? That seems interesting. Especially when it comes to amp sims, I rely heavily on factory presets (I really dont know how to match up component pieces well, so I just tend to tweak presets or swap out effects), so I'm always a bit cautious with stuff better suited for people who tend to be good at creating their own effects chains. That's part of why I bought MixBox. It contains a bunch of presets with effects chains already set up. I'm hoping it will serve as a good tool for me to learn hoe effects chains are set up (as opposed to say, EZmix, where I merely choose a preset for a certain application without looking at the effects chain).
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