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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. It is nice that so many people are not forgetting Terry. Of course, I keep checking hoping to see Terry has posted. If he does, let's all agree we need to figure out a way to celebrate.
  2. cclarry I'm very confident that I can count on you! Thanks and have a great day.
  3. Yeah, I know I'll eventually do it (I only realized after your post that I have SD2 and they're on SD3). I do love the sound of it over any other drum vst. I just wish they offered long time customers better update pricing, as I'm not going to update until I see you posting a great deal on it in the forum.
  4. @cclarryI think I read that you used to use Addictive Drums 2 but aren't to happy with their lack of updates, I own AD2 and all but around 4 AdPacks. I own the first versions of Superior Drummer and ezDrummer, which to my ears, are my favorite drum kits of all, but Superior Drummer 2 is so expensive compared to AD2 or even what I can upgrade to the latest version of BFD for, I haven't updated to SD2 or EZ2. What are your and others thoughts? I actually like the simplicity of ezDrummer and the detailed sampling of SD, but while I really like having both, it's a lot of money to have to upgrade both. Honestly, it's just my opinion, but while I think that Toontrack makes great drum VSTs and libraries, they're not very good to loyal customers in terms of update pricing and incentives. They really should offer loyal customers better deals than they do.
  5. I do the same thing. Right now I have a couple of $6USD KLANG libraries in my wish list ready to go in case I want the next freebie. I didn't pick up the current one. Do you really like it @Starship Krupa? I'd be game to give it a second look if I hear good things about it. I like the dev (AudioThing).
  6. I still have one of my two Atari ST music computers somewhere in my crawl space. Yeah, I think it's time to let that go. I haven't turned that on since the early 90s!
  7. Is this kind of like where if you don't believe in Tinkerbell she doesn't exist, like if there isn't a sale when Larry checks his email, social media, etc then Larry doesn't exist and maybe this whole forum doesn't exist? Terrifying!!!
  8. I travelled to the gig with the lead singer -- the owner of the band name -- offered our road crew like $150 to leave me stranded at the gig. But they refused the money. Even more, even we were on the way back the lead singer's van was caught off the highway in a ditch and I swear I pleaded with our road crew to pull over to see if he needed help and they refused. Fortunately, he and my band mates were okay. But man, I really learned how much our road crew despised the guy and fortunately liked me even though they always complained when I got carried away jamming with the guitarist during sound checks.
  9. I have some of this developer's KONTAKT libraries, but I'm not a fan of their leaving KONTAKT behind to make their own custom VST. If they were moving from say KONTAKT to SFZ, I would be okay with it, but not another custom VST. Beyond my already having invested in the KONTAKT ecosystem and taken the time to learn KONTAKT, from my perspective, the developer transitioning to their own proprietary VST means that I have the hassle of having to deal with learning and installing and dealing with any issues and maintenance for yet another VST -- and small devs making their own VST haven't had a great history, as if they go out of business, you're stuck with the last version of an abandoned VST that eventually is likely to have issues that will never be fixed and be completely useless. So, unfortunately, while I like this small developer and have some of their KONTAKT libraries, their switch away from KONTAKT over to their proprietary VSTs is a deal breaker. I write this not merely to publicly air a gripe but because I feel a little bummed because I was about to buy one of their libraries -- I think it's called Slow -- when I read the dev's blog post that he's leaving KONTAKT behind for his own proprietary VSTs and it stopped me from buying the library, because future support matters to me. I'd be interested in how other Frozen Plain customers and any sample users feel. I realize some folks are going to agree and others are going to disagree, I'm just curious to see others' perspectives. What do you think?
  10. I actually don't even remember what the job was. I'm pretty sure it was something in marketing or advertising, which did become my career. I just recall the guy asking me all sorts of questions that showed that he didn't take me as a job candidate but was kind of fascinated with me as a musician asking me questions about drug use (nope), groupies, tattoos, earings, etc. I quickly realized there was no way to get the guy out of the rabbit hole we went down no matter how hard I tried, so I was friendly and polite and realized I had no shot and quickly did receive a rejection letter. It's okay, everything worked out just fine once I took musician off my resume. Truth be told, that experience was the reason I never got a tattoo or earring even though I really wanted an earring, I suspected that getting one would cause prospective day job hiring managers to make all sorts of negative assumptions about me (mainly, drug use based on the prevalent stereotypes of the day of musicians).
  11. There's one patch in the Rigid Audio Grainstates KONTAKT synth library demo that sounds really good to me. But that's all that really grabs me, so I keep going back and playing it and trying to decide. Has anyone bought it, played it and want to share their thoughts? The patch occurs at around 4:23 and it's really wild, and I love it. But the rest of the patches really don't do anything for me. $7 USD for a single patch when I already have more patches than I'm ever going to get around to using. I'm such a sucker for a cool sound. But hey, it's not like you guys are any better than me! https://audioplugin.deals/deal-2/
  12. I lived for playing in front of audiences. My last gig with my most popular band I played with was at a big college in the Midwest and unannounced to me, the leader of the band surprised me with having a completely pre-recorded show. He told me that if he would have told me before the gig I wouldn't have agreed to it, so I found out when I got there. My last gig with my most popular band. What was the point if we weren't actually playing live and lip syncing. We weren't on television. We were playing at a college. But yeah, I totally miss live performance.
  13. I stopped playing publicly in the 90s due to severe tendinitis -- it was a deal killer when you're a drummer. I still continued to write music, as I did since I was like 4 years old, but after my DAW PC's main hard drive took a dive around a decade ago and I lost a ton of music I never backed up, I stopped. I figured, what's the point. I don't play out anymore. My tendinitis stops me from playing drums or keyboards well anymore -- I'd sometimes play for a few minutes, have excruciating pain and then stop completely. Then last year, my teenage son asked me for a gaming PC for Christmas and he said he wanted to learn to play keyboards. So I started showing him how to play Beatles, Coldplay, etc. and realized that I could play keyboards for up to an hour without pain and now I'm awaiting a friend building me a custom PC for my next DAW so I can go back to recording music that nobody really cares to hear, with musical chops gone after decades of no practice, and yet I can't stop my desire to keep making music. I take it that it is common among this group, but then I hear some of the music people are sharing -- like maybe it was you, Bapu who recently shared a Steely Dan cover with amusing forum-related lyrics and it was really good. I think my reality is that my playing skills are now very pedestrian, where I was once a talented musician and I'm nowhere near my hypercritical standards, and yet I still am compelled to record anyway! Maybe I'm my worst critic, but I'm not wrong.
  14. I swear, this group is like an AA meeting where everyone brings alcohol to the meetings.
  15. So what did you end up doing for a living and when did you stop live performing or do you still perform live (okay, except for the last year when no one plays live anymore)? I opted for a suit and the business world. I'll never forget when I was young on an interview, I told the hiring manager that I was a rock musician, and he was fascinated but no longer took me serious as a job candidate. Consequently, I took those references off my resume and never spoke of my being a musician again during a job interview.
  16. Well, this friend of mine is actually a brilliant sample developer himself. I was telling him about AnyDayLong's libraries and my suspicion that he's the person who did the drum libraries for Past to Future Reverbs and my friend then tells me he absolutely loves them, so I believe we have a new AnyDayLong fan. Then he asks me if I know of any drum sample libraries that really capture that Alex Van Halen tom sound, no doubt wondering if there are libraries that really nail the sound like AnyDayLong is able to do. So I know he'd love that. Of course, AnyDayLong, this mysterious sample developer, is great at this stuff. I was wasn't putting in a request though. And heck, if I had a request, I might ask for something I want! I bet we could do a poll and crowdsource what drum libraries people most want from future AnyDayLong libraries. Although every drum sample library developer seems to try for a John Bonham library, I don't think many have nailed that iconic "When the Levee Breaks" sound. That would be my first vote. I might also wish for anything Jon Brion-ish. Yes, he totally goes for a Beatle-esque Ringo tone, but the snare is a bit different. I am an old former working drummer, so I love the tone of drums and love what AnyDayLong has done so far, as I have previously made clear. I'm also a huge Radiohead, Beatles and Zeppelin fan, so AnyDayLong has already covered two out of three. I admit, I am intrigued by figuring out the identity of AnyDayLong and I suspect I have figured it out, but since this person seems to prefer to remain shrouded in mystery, I'll leave it be and just express my gratitude. So thank you very much.
  17. I had some fame in the business world, but as a musician, I was playing the Midwest with a band night clubs, colleges and fests that achieved success in the local media and on the college circuit and was recruited by a local Chicago band, Veruca Salt, that was just signed to a major record deal. The lead singer knew me from the main band I played with and told me that I just needed to come meet the band, play with them and move to LA with them. I forget which label they were signed with, maybe RCA. She explained to me the need was urgent as their original drummer, the other singer's brother, had been kicked out of the band for a serious drug addiction. However, I was a very devout Christian and found some of the lyrics they had were a problem for me. Louis Post, she was dating Dave Grohl around the time, was the singer who was so persistent. My other claim to fame was I took the lead singer and keyboardist of the same band I previously referred to to see one of my favorite local drummers, Jimmy Chamberlain, now famous for drumming with the Smashing Pumpkins and in front of my two band mates he walks up to me and tells me that he's a big fan of my drumming and has seen me play in two bands. Of course, I loved that moment. Jimmy walks away and the lead singer in my band says, "Not a fan. That guy overplays like mad," completely ruining the moment. But I do think our keyboardist was impressed. If only that wasn't the 90's, I would have whipped out my cell phone and asked Billy to repeat that in a video I would be sharing with all my friends in my old age! Yes, sad. But that's the best I got!
  18. Thanks @cclarry, I might pick this one up. I really see you as the modern day ice cream man from my childhood. Your threads are like the ice cream truck music playing in the distance and your posts are like the ice cream truck, but instead of eating all of the ice cream bars, I keep accumulating more and more ice cream bars beyond what I can consume and before you know it my house is jam packed with freezers filled with ice cream bars and I'm morbidly obese and being featured on multiple cable reality shows like Hoarders and The 1,000 lb. Man. So, yeah, thanks, Larry. Thanks a lot.
  19. Hey this is a call out to anyone, I have a friend that is looking for an Alex Van Halen sounding drum kit sample library with one sided toms like the one featured in this video. Can anyone recommend a drum sample library that captures that sound?
  20. @Lemar Sain I immediately made the same connection when I became aware of these great freebies from AnyDayLong. On AnyDayLong's page they write that they (he?) had formerly coded a lot of drum libraries for another KONTAKT sample developer before going off on their own. Based on the vibe and the vocals on the demos, it seems extremely likely that the person behind AnyDayLong was formerly with Past to Future Reverbs. In any event, I appreciate them both and think AnyDayLong has been really generous and doing a great job with the KONTAKT libraries -- really nailing the sounds they are trying to recreate, and how can we not appreciate that they are giving them away free. Very cool. I'm a fan.
  21. Are you the person making these libraries and giving them away free? If so, I just wanted to say thanks and I have been really impressed on how well you nail these sounds. If you're not the person making them, thanks for spreading the word about this cool find.
  22. So we know that Terry is still with us? I'm just excited by what I hope is the news that he's still with us. Is that correct @cclarry? Of course, this would be great news (if you confirm that Terry is still with us, please have as much fun as you like poking fun at my cautiousness).
  23. Where has Francis been lately? We used to be connected on Facebook and had some really nice chats but he got off Facebook a few years ago and I haven't heard from him since. I really like him and every time I see his company mentioned I wonder how he's doing. Our story is pretty hilarious. We used to have these epic debates on VI-Control regarding how developers could best address piracy. We have or had very different perspectives on how to combat piracy and my perspective has always been that developers shouldn't damage the user experience in their efforts to combat piracy. I also loathe piracy and totally empathize with developers about it, but as a paying user of software and sample libraries, I don't believe my user experience should suffer in order to reduce theivery. Anyhow, we eventually came to really like one another and I bet no one who witnessed those threads would have ever guessed that! So if anyone knows how Francis is doing or his wife sees this, I hope he's doing well and tell him that Peter AKA eDrummist says hi!
  24. I should never have posted that. Sometimes I just can't resist.
  25. Back in the day it was rare to see a dongle thread go by without some idiot making a stupid double entendre joke. I guess those days are over, especially as some of you are about to lose your dongle. And I agree that this is a welcome move.
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